Day 7: Monday, 9/29/14



  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    day 7 goals to add 2-3 extra 20 minute workouts to my 6 days a week, to eliminate night time snacking and to get in 100 more steps every day.
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    I stayed on track with calories today, but again wasn't able to work in exercise beyond what my day brought me (lots of stairs and walking). I did get out yesterday for an hour long hike. I need to work on ideas for how to find time to exercise during the week. Any ideas?
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,419 Member
    Monday I rode the recumbent for 16.25 miles then hit the gym w/my daughter for an hour with our trainer. My daughter is getting married in December, so I'm working on getting rid of 10 pounds.

  • peaches026
    weight was UP 5 lbs, had a few bad days, plus not enough water, now down 2 of the 5. Hoping it's all water related, but I'm unsure honestly.

    Does anyone else really struggle staying motivated to food log when you don't have it... 100% correct? I tend to be very precise and mathematical with everything I do, so I kind of enjoy food logging because I can measure EXACTLY what is entering my body, and the effects of say a 1/2 of this vs 1/3, or just an extra 10 minutes of walking and how it impacts my whole day.

    But when I have days where I can't be exactly precise it throws me for a loop and I stop logging period. It's really all or nothing for me, which is in general a life lesson that I've gotten much better at overall, but not with food. Its so hard for me to stay on when I can't measure every itty bitty bit of something because it is out of my control at times. Out of my control has been happening a LOT lately since I'm pressed for time.