Whole 30 October 2014

I started a group for people who would like to join me in the While 30 starting October 1.

Learn more about the Whole30:

I do not in any way profit from anything on that website, you can google Whole30 and get a ton of information about clean eating. I simply am making a group for those doing the Whole 30 to offer support to each other.

Link to group:


  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Good luck with the Whole 30! I know a lot of people have had success with it... especially for finding out what foods they are sensitive to. I am in the process of reading "It Starts With Food" and I'm currently doing the 21 Day Sugar Detox (similar to the Whole 30, just more variety with veggies and nuts).

    I'm all for programs that helps someone to step away from processed foods, even for a short time. Even though I had eliminated most grains and have been eating somewhat Paleo for a couple of months, I was still eating quite a few foods/snacks that contained sugar. And it's been amazing the difference I've felt since getting rid of the sugars. Definitely something I will consider when the 21 Days are up!
  • I was looking into the Whole30 last night. I'm debating on doing it myself. My whole thing is that I am worried I am going to become a HUGE pain to my family while getting rid of the sugars. It's not necessarily the sugars themselves. It's more the fact that I wouldn't be having coffee because I don't like black coffee and LOVE my non-dairy creamer and my stevia!!

    What made you decide to go with the Whole30? Did you do some research on other programs and decide that this was the best for you?
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I am considering this too. I have done one before for about 43 days and my last one lasted 27 days. I go on holiday for a few days on the 27th though so it might only be a whole 27 for me, we have very little cooking facilities in our caravan so eat out a lot, I have fibromyalgia and the symptoms are creeping back and I need to nip it in the bud now.
  • RachelX04
    RachelX04 Posts: 1,123 Member
    today is my last day of Whole30 and I would highly recommend it to anyone. I feel more energized, i sleep better, I have not had any migraines since I started. The heatlth benefits are so worth it. once you get comforable with what you can eat, cooking and grocery shopping are easy. I plan to continue with this way of eating adding in a cheat meal here and there. I will do another whole30 in November. If your on the fence I say do it.. its so worth it
  • zlacasse
    zlacasse Posts: 5 Member
    I started the Whole30 on September 29, so I am on day 10 today. Typically I struggle with food, but so far I have done really well. The exception being the evening of day 8, I completely fell off the wagon and ate anything and everything, but instead of calling myself a failure and quitting, I started fresh on day 9.
  • dlcoaching
    dlcoaching Posts: 218 Member
    I went on the site and I was wondering what kind of protein can you eat ?