Day 8: Tuesday, 9/30/14



  • SilverStormi
    SilverStormi Posts: 626 Member
    Its a rainy day here so I am hoping it clears up enough to head to the resuce later. Normally this little rain wouldnt stop me but I have finally admitted that allergies acting up and what could have been the start of a cold is actually a sinus infection :( Which I should realize the signs since I am prone to them. So no running/walking the pups in the rain till I get rid of this.

    Todays goals
    1. get to bed early tonight
    2. drink plently of water
    3. no junk food
    4. resuce only if its not raining
  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    Goals for Day 8

    - Drink 80-90 oz of water
    - Stay under calorie goal
    - Get jogging in tonight (been doing a mixture of jogging and walking and will try to jog the whole time tonight)

    Good luck everyone!
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,428 Member
    Wow 500+ members - crazy!!! :smile:

    Today I will stay within my calorie budget
    I will walk 5 miles
    I will do something else exercise wise - depends what I feel like doing after work!

    Yesterday I didn't get my extra workout in, we lost power so couldn't go to the gym or put on a DVD. We went for a 2 mile walk instead while waiting for the power company to come fix the issue! Only took them 3 hours (duh!!)

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Rainy day here too. I was horrible with my daily goal yesterday but I knew it was going to be tough. Did good if I didn't have to count the crab soaked in butter and bday cake :( Sometimes I think my family is out to sabotage me. Today I packed breakfast and lunch to bring to work and supper is salad. Did find out that my Bronchitis still isn't over and working-out did not go over very well this morning so diet is going to have to carry me for a bit longer.

    Goal again: Under calories. I can make it today!!!
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    500 members! Awesomesauce!
    today my goal is to me more active, yesterday was a very lazy day for me. I only did the bare minimum on chores. which was only 3635 steps... lazy day indeed. I also want to stay under on my sodium today, as well as battle the bloat from my over consumption on sodium sunday and monday.
  • Still going strong and making my goals

    today is the triple 100 challenge day 9
    16 cups of water min.
    staying under calorie goal

    I needed some reason to get on track.... I found some help! Thank you.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,605 Member
    5.5 mile run / 4 mile walk Done
    Calories w/Fitbit 1271 / Calories
    (Two times : 50 wall push, 50 squats 50 sit ups, 50 tricep kick backs) 1/2 this morning 1/2 tonight

    I will do my walk tonight!
  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    I'm extremely pre-period bloated and emotional today. Not great for my weight loss goals.

    1. Yoga class on lunch
    2. 12 glasses of water
    3. No more crying in my office until at least after lunch
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Checking in kinda late for me.

    Yesterday... no workout :-( But I made the rest of my goals. So no complaints.

    Today :
    Morning Work out ( check)
    I would like to throw in a lunch time walk
    80-96 ounces of water ( 1/2 way there)
    track all meals & close diary
    take probiotic & fiber pill.
    Stay in the green with my cals

    Feel free to friend me.. just let me know you are from the group in the message.
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    Yesterday's Macaroni and Cheese threw my day off. Today more focused:

    1. Drink 9 glasses of water
    2. Exercise for 30 minutes after work today
    3. Stay within my calorie range
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    Goals met for my fast day yesterday, even the exercise. It's amazing how energized I feel after a day of fasting!

    Goals for today:

    - hardcore gardening :D
    - stay under calories
    - keep the liquids flowing
    - try cooking my first risotto today :)
    - smile and have fun!

    Good day to everyone!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 354 Member
    My goals for today are to get a minimum 90 minutes of physical activity in and to drink more water. I managed 55 minutes of Tabata Tuesday at the gym this morning so I am over half way. Have zumba tonight so I should surpass that goal with ease. The water, honestly it continues to be a problem and I LOVE water. I just get so immersed in what I am doing I look up hours later and see the bottle sitting on my desk with the same amount in it as before! So posting this already has me thinking more consciously about it so that is a good thing! Blessings to all!
  • dawnmitchell6766
    dawnmitchell6766 Posts: 370 Member
    Goals for the day:

    Steps 8500
    Day 10 of 30 DS with 5lb weights
    Stay within Calories
    8 8oz glasses of water today

    Confession, I logged yesterdays (Mondays) results for today. I got mixed up with time differences and just picked the most recent posts without reading closely. Today will be a better day, and its not raining (currently) :smile:
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Day 7 was great got all my water in. Which for me is a problem. Did 53 minutes of very active min. 25 min on the Gazelle and I walked all most a mile to and from the store. Got my 10k steps in as well. with my exercise I was just a little under on my calories.
    Day 8 Try to do the same as Monday.
  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    Ugh, I went completely off the rails this weekend. We had a big family party. But I got back on track yesterday. I haven't been able to exercise because my ankles are killing me. There was a bouncy house at the party. But it was fun and good exercise. I'm thinking about getting a trampoline to jump on now!

    Having a cheat day (or a cheat weekend, as it were) would usually make me lose interest in my weight loss, but I'm not going to let it!

    Goals for today:

    Stay in my calorie and carb limits.
    Try to take a little walk (if it ever stops raining)
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    Day 8 already? these 100 days are going to just fly by!

    It's a misty day here in Boston. I still got in my walk - 40 minutes.
    tonight I have water aerobics.

    I'm eating my salad at work and wishing it were a chocolate brownie (which I won't have - because it's not low carb)
    Instead I'll have a banana later as a mid afternoon snack and be happy.

    So - yeah, I'm still here. I'm still doing my thing. And, I'm happy.

    Day 8, huh? :)
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Y'all are motivating me..... got up this morning and did my morning workout ~ 2 miles of jogging followed by upper body workout. The last time I did my workout before heading to work was in June. Thanks for this group and kick starting me again.
  • kmcorc
    kmcorc Posts: 30 Member
    Yesterday I didn't make my steps or get my workout video in, but I did stay within my calories & get all of my water so I'll call it an overall win.

    This evening I will do week 5, day 1 of C25K, so I will have no problem getting my 10,000 steps for the days.
    I will get 5,000 steps before I leave work.
    Stay within my calories while still being healthy -- lots of mini meals!
  • princessmommy122
    princessmommy122 Posts: 135 Member
    It's rainy, and I am cold and tired. Today I am just trying to stay within calories. But look out day I come. :)
  • MLowe13
    MLowe13 Posts: 23 Member
    Yesterday I met my calorie goal, and my exercise goal. I didn't toss my candy. I decided that maybe it will be better to keep it...and make myself make the choice not to eat it. Then when I am about to give in I can say to myself that it has been ___ days that I have gone without binging on candy and today is not the day I will give up. I didn't have any, even having the tin open and smelling the chocolate lol. I also didn't buy any cookies at the store even though I was in the snack aisle and really wanted to get something sweet. So I am counting both as a win :)

    Goals for Day 8
    Stay under calories
    drink my water
    exercise after least 20 minutes