Tuesday 9/30 goals

Where did september go? I cant believe tomorrow starts october! Its a rainy day here so I am hoping it clears up enough to head to the resuce later. Normally this little rain wouldnt stop me but I have finally admitted that allergies acting up and what could have been the start of a cold is actually a sinus infection :( Which I should realize the signs since I am prone to them. So no running/walking in the rain till I get rid of this.

Todays goals
1. get to bed early tonight
2. drink plently of water
3. no junk food
4. resuce only if its not raining


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Drizzling and kind of cold here too--our week or so of beautiful days came to an end with a temperature drop yesterday evening. Just normal fall weather, though, nothing awful. It is shocking that tomorrow is October, and also shocking that it's already getting dark before 7.

    My goals:

    1. Run my final 2.5 miles, so I have 100 running miles for the month.
    2. Get my body fat tested and some other fitness assessments done (this is more a plan than a goal, but I suppose I could get nervous at the last minute and cancel it, so it counts).
    3. Go to bed early and a good night's sleep.
    4. Begin today including some meditation in my day (I was doing this during my first three months really consistently, along with some journaling, and then fell out of the habit as I got more active and I think while exercise helps this is important for stress-related and other reasons).
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    1) Wake up workout routine - check
    2) Drink only tea, coffee, and water
    3) No processed carbs
    4) 2.5 mile run this evening w/pup