What is your primary motivation?

Hiya! first of all, I love seeing everyone's progress and enthusiasm. And thank you for helping me feel encouraged!!
I'd love to hear what your motivation is for getting healthy - Paul's book is a great incentive - but what ELSE is driving you?


  • Feeling better, of course and I'd like to say that's my primary motivator - but really it's feeling like a troll and not fitting into my clothes.
  • JameeThompsonVO
    JameeThompsonVO Posts: 1 Member
    Mine is pretty much the same as Martha - I feel like a troll. LOL:drinker:
  • jodimuse
    jodimuse Posts: 2
    Yeah ... Martha's right on the nose there. lol I've been eating more healthy for a few years now - trying to avoid dairy as much as possible, only eating fish and no other meat, not eating excessive amounts of bread and pasta. And for the most part, it's been working well. But I'm still gaining - and that's frustrating to me. So I'm working on things. :)
  • One day I had a Hardees ultimate omelet biscuit for breakfast with the cinnamon raisin biscuit and a tea(mmmm, I can almost taste it!), and then for lunch I had Cici's Pizza buffet, and by mid afternoon I felt so terrible that I realized I needed to make a change.plus I didn't like the way I looked in the mirror anymore. so now I'm trying to eat healthy and lose some weight to get back that killer hot bod I had in high school, ha ha ha.
  • lilfran1
    lilfran1 Posts: 4 Member
    I feel like a sausage busting out of it's casing when wearing the majority of my clothes...lol! Thankfully, my cholesterol, sugar, blood pressure, etc all look good despite the fact that I'm overweight, but I still feel like crap most of the time (sluggish and tired, I get winded really easily, yadda yadda yadda). I'm hoping to stick with a clean eating way of life (80/20 at least) and I definitely need to exercise to increase stamina and just feel better overall.
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member
    I wannna be *more* hotttt for my hubby! LOL

    I've had a lifelong battle with the bulge, as have all the women in my family. Not one of us -- my three sisters, mom, grandmom, aunts, is not in the obese range. So there is a component that is hereditary. But there's also lifestyle and by improving my wellness I plan to decrease my weight and increase my fitness.

    About 6 months ago I stopped eating white food -- bread, pasta, crackers, cookies, cakes, sugar, etc.. I don't eat processed foods at all. Only real food made from real ingredients -- lots of proteins, veggies, some fruit, nuts, etc. About once per week I "cheat" and have something like pork tacos for a meal.

    Despite this, I've gained about 5 pounds since the new year. I'm sure it's probably too many calories overall, plus that wonderful period of life we women experience who are around my age ;) When the pounds are sooooo resistent!

    So now I'm back to tracking my food and exercise, and hope that with the help of my 30byfaffers that I can make progress! Cheers!
  • Hey gang - I've just joined the group - used the name FafferB because... are you ready.... Faffer was taken. Hmmm. Who'd a thunk! My motivation is a repeat of all of the above basically, but I'm also looking into the hormonal factor as to why my weight is rising regardless of what I do. I'll let you know how that goes - still going through testing. But I must say the biggest factor is my daughter. She is a cancer survivor (at the ripe old age of 30) and she was given 3-4 months to live. DIET DIET DIET is what helped her through it as well as all the traditional medical stuff like chemo radiation etc.

    SUGAR AND DAIRY (drat) are the two worst things you can put in your body and they are my two favourite food groups. Sugar's a food group right ? LOL..

    I am doing this to prevent all the things I am at risk for. I want to stick around for a while. I like my life right now. Looking forward to giving as much support as I can to this group.

    We are not LOSING weight, because when we lose things, we always seem to find them eventually. We are DROPPING weight and the pounds are shattering like glass.

    Eat well, stay well. Bev.
  • lilfran1
    lilfran1 Posts: 4 Member
    I love that...dropping weight (cause I definitely don't want it back!) :D
  • carsonheim
    carsonheim Posts: 79 Member

    SUGAR AND DAIRY (drat) are the two worst things you can put in your body and they are my two favourite food groups. Sugar's a food group right ? LOL..

    Bev, Not sure if you've seen this before but it REALLY changed my perspective, and my behavior.
