Weekly Wednesday Check in - Oct 1st

jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
Here we go again folks....... I have stayed the same which is ok by me........a new month today so let's all keep going and have a great week and a great month....



  • marise1113
    marise1113 Posts: 82 Member
    Staying the same is good, better than gaining, hooray for you !

    Yes it is a new month, don't you just love new beginnings :heart:
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member

    Wow another month already!

    On Saturday I got a walking boot for my cast and ....silly me.....thought I would be able to start walking. Not! I can put my foot down enough to balance myself but will need crutches for at least 2 more weeks. Still this is so much easier than the first week. :smile:

    I could not get on the scales for the first week but can manage to weigh myself now with my cast. I definitely have not gained any weight and, as far as I can tell, am within my 3# goal range. I am determined not to let THIS injury be an excuse to eat more. :noway:

    I am now using a couple of videos for upper body workout. Thanks Wooken for pointing me in that direction.

    Have a good week all.

    Wanda smileys-dancing-354201.gif
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Wanda, Marise, and Jean, I am awed by looking at the three of you! All at or within 6 pounds of goal! You keep the rest of us going, you know.

    I lost 2 pounds last week. At 164. Still have 49 pounds to goal. No where near you, three. Yesterday was a bad day choice wise. Went to Uno's with son and grandkids and had two slices of prima pepperoni deep dish pizza. Those two slices alone are OVER my 1200 calories a day limit. It wasn't on the scale this a.m., but it will be. I can't go that far over without it becoming apparent. Heck the salt alone will show.

    Wanda, too bad about Akron. Yeah, not right around the corner. Be careful while traveling of your foot!

    Hope everyone else has a great week!

  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I am reporting and then I am walking :tongue: Which means I will be back later to talk!

    Wed == 10/1 == 237.8 == -3.4 == -10.6
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    I've struggled lately (I did post a blog about it yesterday if you are interested), but am happy to say that the hurdle has been passed - at least temporarily. I'm at the lake, so will round the scale reading up on my unofficial scale and report that another two pounds has gone into the ether.

    During the past week, I made it to Onederland, and can honestly say that I'm nowhere near as excited about it as I expected. That's ok, though - I'm focusing on the next round of weight to lose.

    So great to see our successes - maintenance as well as loss is a win!
  • debneeds2beskinny
    debneeds2beskinny Posts: 227 Member
    This week was a good week - lost the lbs I put on during a "girls" weekend last week and an additional lb. whoot whoot. congrats to everyone, looks like a good week was had by many.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend
  • cloeyeddie
    cloeyeddie Posts: 30 Member
    It's amazing how fast the days go - Wednesday again and the 1st of another month!. Sounds like everyone is up beat and on progress - congratulations to all.
    I'll join the crowd and report a 2 lbs. loss for the week - have a great upcoming week.

    Deb, noticed the picture of the motorcycle in your tag - do you ride?
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Happy Wednesday from Santa Fe New Mexico. I will be enjoying the fall colors for another week as well as all the northern New Mexico foods.

    I'm trying to make good choices but so far am exceeding the limits almost daily. My friends have a dog who is already ready for a walk, so that is my exercise program. That and trying to breath at 7,200 feet!!

    Have a great week everyone!!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Ker, I am so excited for you! That is a huge milestone! I bought a bathing suit when I hit Onederland! You need to enjoy the victory more! Do something nice for yourself! Yea!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi to everyone!!

    Ker, I totally agree with Charlie - that is a wonderful accomplishment!! Please do something special just for you!!
    I have not been keeping up - are you home yet?

    It is fall harvest and wheat planting time on the farm in Kansas. Needless to say, it is a very busy time. And the seed company we work for has their big sales push right now also. So, "my men" are coming and going which keeps me guessing!!

    I have really missed "talking" to all of you!
    I hope my time will be more conducive to talking on a daily basis again!!

    Everyone have a great day/evening!
  • Claud1313
    Claud1313 Posts: 123 Member
    Hello again. Already a new week and a new month. Congratulations to all you losers. Wonderful.

    Yes, Marise, I love new beginnings.

    Wanda, BIG Kudos to you for doing so much with your broken foot. How wonderful that you are so close to goal. You are really incredible with your work-outs. It can't be easy with any discomfort, yet you forge ahead. That is a WOW!

    Wooken, Enjoy the Autumn beauty that surrounds you. Having lived there, you know you are in very pretty surroundings. (Even if the air is a little thin.)

    Ker, One of my favorite sayings is "Take my advice, I'm not using it." So when the reality sets in, celebrate YOU and acknowledge your terrific achievement. You have reached a milestone. Do something super nice for yourself. Even if it's an extra week-end at the Lake. Plus new clothes, the rewards can be endless. You have had so much anguish to contend with but you stuck to your plan. Time to do your Happy Dance.

    Reba, do what you must. We will be here when things settle down.

    Charlie, as always, you are an inspiration. We look to you for inspiration (No pressure, right? LOL!) Your determination and consistency is definitely a driving force for this team. Your exercise regimen is astounding.

    I'm still hanging in here. I've increased my exercise, do much more strength training. Staying within my daily calorie goal and sad but true, have cut back a lot on my beloved wine. Actually, I don't miss it that much.

    Leaving for Albuquerque, NM tomorrow for the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. Also to visit my daughter, her husband and my sweet little grandson. When he was a toddler I started calling him my happiness, hence I became grandma happiness.

    I wish you all a continued successful week.

    Happy Trails,

  • ustillcan
    Can't believe its October!

    Last week was tough with a business trip, limited exercise and too many events surrounded by food. Gained two pounds. Very disappointing for sure. Back on track this week but it hasn't come off yet!

    The cooler weather and lack of morning daylight has pushed me inside to the dreaded treadmill.

    But I am determined and will stay on the path to good health.

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week
  • Aug312014
    Aug312014 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am happy to say that I've lost 8 lb.s my first month here. I have used my tread mill nearly every single day -a new
    accomplishment for me.

    In 30 days I hope that my size 16 jeans will be too loose to wear even around the house. That's my goal! :wink:

    Wishing everyone health and happiness. See you here next Wed.!
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Hi All,

    I am a bit late checking in this week...I was on a plane all morning on Wednesday and in meetings for the next two days, fianlly getting home late last night...

    I am happy that I was able to maintain through Wednesday no loss, no gain, but am a bit concerned about getting on the scale again after 3 days of sitting on my butt in meeting for 12 -16 hours a day...
