Meet and Greet



  • wish2bsmall
    wish2bsmall Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, I'm Liz, I'm new to posting in this group. Like all of you I want to lose weight.
    I weigh 168 pounds, and since I'm only 5'2" that puts me in the category of obese.
    I'm 24 years old, Canadian, and work in the information tech field, that means
    a lot of the time I sit on my butt working on computers.
    and food-wise, my workplace isn't a friendly place for weight loss either.
    My family is supportive but I eat because of stress, and because of my lazy and
    reclusive nature I don't exercise often. I battle to change this every day.
    I'm currently in a relationship with an amazing handsome man and I want to lose
    the weight and get healthy not only for me, but him as well. Basically I want to go
    back to the way I was when I met him (145 lbs and probably much less than that
    as I keep going) He is quite slender, 145 at 5'10 and I would like to have similar
    proportions such as 113 at 5'2 instead of my CW. so he won't struggle lifting me.
    My inspirations are Emily Browning and Ellen Page.
    I want to look similar to them one day :)

    what I've been doing is running :) It's helped me lose 3 lbs since Sept 3rd. (from 171)
    I run 20 to 30 minutes every day at a jogging pace.
    when I need a rest day to let my muscles heal, I take it.
    I have been shooting for 1200 calories a day when I don't exercise.
    And on days when I do, I shoot for 1300 to 1400 instead.
    I found out on the fitwatch weight loss calculator than my
    projected weight loss for december 23rd is 18 lbs.
    This is based on a 1690 daily calorie intake.
    I have 18 pounds to lose to take me from 168 to 150.
    which will put me at 20 pounds lost!!!
    I also cut out ALL junk. such as chips, soda, juices, donuts, cookies, chocolate, and other sweets.
    I can't remember the last time I ate any of those!!! go me~ ^___^
  • klyn05
    klyn05 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi guys, I lost 30+ lbs over the past year and gained back about half of it over the last several months, I know, terrible... :sad: BUT I am determined to change that by the end of the year and lose 15-20lbs, hopefully the latter. After that I should have about 10+ to my first ultimate goal.

    Lets do this!! Feel free to add me if you want to be serious about this & motivate one another!!! :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • caitlinmichelle33
    Hey ya'll! So I'm a bit late to the group... mom was in town so I've been eating out all week..definitely ready to get back to normal! Anyway, I'm 27 years old, not married & no kids (besides my kitty) and live in California. I've been on my fitness pal prior but never really kept up with logging food, and definitely didn't post in the community forums! So now I'm doing all I can to drop the 20 lbs I gained when I quit smoking. It's such blessing and a curse but I know I can do this! Anyway, great meeting all ya'll!
  • shooting_star27
    shooting_star27 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I'm Sasha. I'm 24 years old and studying psychology in college. I'm trying to prepare myself for the Navy. I haven't been in my ideal weight range since high school, but I have always been active. I love sports and play on a local women's rugby team. I also enjoy swimming and lifting weights. I go to my school gym a lot and work with a trainer there. For food, I count calories using MFP. If I could lose 20 by the end of the year, I would be very happy because I'll be about halfway to my ultimate goal! :)
  • g1g1getsfit
    g1g1getsfit Posts: 5 Member
    Hey folks! I'm a 25 year old trying to get off those last 20 or so stubborn pounds. Over the past 2 years I ballooned to my highest weight of nearly 230 pounds and finally decided to get healthy and shed the pounds. I started around mid January 2014 (this year) and have lost 78 pounds so far. These past 8 months have been a complete overhaul of diet and fitness; I am now a vegetarian and a runner--two things that I wouldn't have thought I'd be when I was stuffing my face with cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, and Ben & Jerry's. I have 22 pounds to go and I can't wait to see the scale at my goal weight and hopefully that will be by December 25th!
  • nokorie
    nokorie Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I'm 26 years old and I struggle to keep weight off. I'm one of those that got to my ideal weight a couple of years ago then got comfortable and put it all back again! I am determined to get back on track. My biggest problem is the weekends. I find that I'm really good during the week but on Saturday and Sunday I get lazy and tend to pig out quite a bit :( It's great to be part of this group - it's all about support!
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    Hi Everyone! I"m excited about this group! I am 37 and have been diagnosed with hypothyrodism and gained 70 pounds in a short period of time when I bottomed out because of it. I know have it under control and it's time to lose that weight! I know this is a slow process but 20 pounds by Christmas I believe is doable with dedication and MFP pals' motivational support! I am here to participate and motivate and get motivated! We can do this!
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am 35 years old, a wife and mom of 1, and very busy!! I work a full time job plus have a part-time business, I am a Girl Scout troop leader, and I go to college part-time online. I was doing really well on my weight loss journey for about a year, but then I "fell off the wagon" at the beginning of the summer and am now getting back on! I work out in the mornings before work, so sometimes it is a struggle to get out of bed - that is probably my biggest challenge! I gained 20 pounds back of the 28 I had lost, so I really need to keep my motivation up. My goal is to lose 33 pounds in total, and I think 20 by Christmas is a good short-term goal to have. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you over the next couple of months!
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    Hey guys!

    Im Elena, 22 living in the UK and just started my Masters in Architecture as part of my seven-year-long degree (currently on my 5th year).

    I have already lost 30 lbs and would like to lose the last 20lbs! I do appreciate the fact that it wont be easy but there is no harm in trying :)

    I am 9lbs away from my 'thinnest' but not necessarily my healthiest! During the last 2 years I have learned to love running and I have started dancing again (I am a retired dancer) and I am trying to get fit as well as lose weight.

    I am mostly motivated when I am by myself, as I get easily sidetracked by other people. My boyfriend lives in Scotland so I currently live alone and this is my chance to do it!

    I also run a fitness blog and regularly post pictures of what I eat and my workouts.
  • damiend1985
    damiend1985 Posts: 20 Member
    Throwing myself in the ring here - feel free to add, thanks and good luck all! and an early happy christmas!
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 285 Member
    A little late

    But Hi Im Autumn. Im a single mother of 3 boys, 13, 6 & 10 months. Ive lost all my baby weight from my lil man but I was 32 pds overweight before I had him. Ive lost 12 pounds so far and have 20 more to go. Im not sure I can lose 20 by Christmas with being so busy with my kids but Im here to try. Good luck ladies, feel free to add me :smile:
  • gotxjones
    gotxjones Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone my name is Shelby and i just joined this group yesterday. I'm 22 and I'm a nursing student. I lost 23 lbs last spring/ summer and am looking for some motivation to get back on track! I'm 5'3" and weigh between 201-205 lbs, ideally i would like to get down to 140 but I'm taking this nice and slow since I've been overweight/ obese my entire life. Hopefully this will keep me accountable!
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    Hi All. Thanks for the invite/add to the group. My name is Annie, 31, married, and mom of 4. In 2009-2011 I lost over 109lbs. and was the most successful time in my life with weight loss, and I did it with the help/support of MFP. However, I moved across the country and packed on some serious weight again. About 30lbs. I lost a lot in 2013 (I'm about 96lbs. down now). I weigh 153, and hoping to be in the 130's by Christmas-time. I know it's really cutting it close, but I think it's do-able...if not very close. Would love some new friends and support here. Long term goal is 118lbs.
  • jancie84
    jancie84 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi! I'm Jancie...30 year old nurse practitioner. I pilled on weight during graduate school and I'm ready to lose it and some more! I want to get fit for personal reasons in addition to my patients.
  • kimmy5280
    kimmy5280 Posts: 367 Member
    Hey All, I'm Kim and I want to lose 20 pounds before Christmas. The name of this group matches my goal perfectly. This is my first "group" and first "post". I look forward to being 20 pounds lighter.
  • miyas12
    miyas12 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm Mia. This is my first MFP challenge! Starting late, hoping to get close to losing 20 pounds by Christmas. Lost weight for our wedding in 2012, but now trying to lose weight to start a family!