October 2, 2014



  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Laura, that threadstarter speaks right to me. Thank you.

    Felt so good about getting two walks in yesterday and hitting 12k steps (my goal is 8K) until 9pm last night when my knee started hurting. Ugh.

    This week I’ve been doing okay on calories, certainly not great.

    Got up early this morning and made a healthy dinner so that it’ll be waiting for me when I get home.

    Have plans for a lunchtime walk with a pal.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Met my goals yesterday! My house is now almost back in order and I got most of my chores done. So hoping to get back into a workout routine soon! I also went over my daily schedule and reworked it so it should be easier to get the workouts in that I need to.

    I ended the day with a headache yesterday. I kind of expected it though, as I indulged over the weekend and my body always reactors poorly to readjustments. But since I was only indulgent for a few days I should be back to normal now.

    Laura- so glad they figured out what was wrong!

    Sherry- I know how you feel about being "grounded"! I wish I had something awesome to say to encourage you. But I know that either way it will be frustrating. But just remember your making wise choices for long term success...instead of instant gratification!

    Stay in my calories
    Get a walk in.
    Spend time with my kiddos that isn't chore or homework related!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm feeling fairly miserable today. Not sick in a "stay home in bed" kind of way but my head is still really congested and I'm tired. I went to bed just after 8:30 last night. Woke up again a few times (10:30, 11:00, midnight) but then slept through until 5:30.

    My plan to really commit to losing weight in October is off to a rocky start. When I don't feel well I'm always extra hungry, and this time isn't an exception. Plus I'm tired, which never helps.

    I have a trainer session tonight. I was planning on running as well but whether that happens depends on how I feel by the end of the day. I probably could do it, but that doesn't mean I should do it.

    Ordered a bike trainer this morning. I asked my trainer for a recommendation & he sent me a link to one from REI that was on closeout, so I got it 51% off original price. Spent about what I expected to spend but got a nicer trainer for the money. I'm considering it an early birthday present to myself.

    Funny how it works with the thread starters. I'll post some periodically that don't necessarily resonate with me, but someone else will comment on how it came at just the right time, or someone else will post one that is perfect for me that day.

    Congrats on crushing your step goal yesterday April!

    And congrats Valma on meeting your goals! Sorry to hear about the headache.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hope you get better soon Laura!

    I did the nia class yesterday, did fine until the end when we stretched by doing downward dog, I think having my head down like that after exercising was a bit much. I was fine but felt sort of weird for awhile after.

    Today I another beautiful day, I am going to walk by the river before work.

    Woke up late, one of those couldn't sleep till 4am nights. :yawn:
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi all. Rough day today. Lil girl got sick and kept us awake pretty much all night. Added up, I might've gotten 2 hours sleep total, all withinterruptions. Then, an exhausting all day location photoshoot with my son, getting home around 9pm to an exhausted husband and still-sick lil girl. I got in more steps than I expected and fewer calories than expected. Also, wore my good running shoes the whole day and ankles felt pretty good except going stairs. Hoping for sleep tonight. Tomorrow is a very well-timed school holiday, yay! Dunno when I'll get the gym. Not even gonna try on no sleep--that'd be a huge mistake.
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Hi All,

    Just a quick check in today. We've got a big event on at work tomorrow, so it was full-tilt and long hours today. Ended up going for my run at lunch (just a 6k) and it ended up being a great way to clear my head/refocus for the afternoon, so I might start doing more workouts at lunch.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Quick check in for me too. Had work, dog class, and dog class, and finally home. I've had to declare it a rest day because I'm beat!