Day 11: Friday, 10-3-14

lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
Hello Challengers - I'm Alicia, and I'll be working with balancedwalker to create the daily threads every milestone period. I'll be posting the daily threads normally after 10P EST the night prior until day 20.

I hope everyone was able to check in on their first milestone - whether you met your goals or not, now's a great time to refocus and keep moving forward. If you haven't updated your information on the spreadsheet, I encourage you to do so. This next milestone period is a fresh 10 days to apply anything you've learned and reach your goals.

What are your goals, plans, and strategies for Day 11?


  • joe_hikeny
    joe_hikeny Posts: 58 Member
    Well Day 10 was awesome. I Did Isanity Pure Cardio, 40 Minutes of lifting; and Jillian Michaels week 3 ripped in 30.

    Tomorrow morning is my weigh in. I'm sure i've gained some muscle but i'd still like to see the scale go down.

    Stay motivated

  • beachykeen81
    beachykeen81 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey Guys! Congratulations to everyone on the first milestone!

    My goals for tomorrow:

    - Beat my "fit" friend at squash in our morning game (it's only happened once!)
    - Go for an evening bike ride or a class at the gym
    - Stay on track with my calories and marcos (Friday and Saturday nights are hard)

    ... and although it's not about food or exercise, I went through my closet and realized I have no winter clothes that fit so another goal for tomorrow is...

    - go shopping for some new warm clothes!
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    For Day 11, I intend to do at least 60 minutes walk and stay within my calories limit.
  • rebetha82
    rebetha82 Posts: 125 Member
    For day 11 I am planning to do some more hardcore gardening :)

    I will have to try harder to stay within my calorie limits since we are having a board game night with take out food. I will nonetheless try my best to avoid calorie traps :)

    Have a nice Friday everyone!
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Today went by just fine despite having to cut my walk short due to rain.
    As far as the next three days it will be a period of recovery getting ready for some big squats come Monday!
    I wish you all a great weekend!
    Let's make it count!
  • kmcorc
    kmcorc Posts: 30 Member
    Day 10 went well considering how many obstacles I encountered (issues with the kiddo in school, sick puppy, crazy day at work, and lots of little things that went wrong drove me crazy). Stayed well within my calories, and I got week 5, run 2 of C25K in this evening. Weigh in went well this morning too!

    Goals for Day 11:

    Don't go more than 4 hrs without eating
    Get 10,000 steps
    Get my workout video in before work
  • noodlebanana
    noodlebanana Posts: 12 Member
    I will take two 15 minute walks
    Try to do the C25K week 1 day 1 program as I go up my steep bridge after work
    Stay under my pre-walk calorie goals
    Only have 1 cocktail after work tomorrow
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    I hope to clean the house some! This place is a wreck. It's been too warm for me to want to do anything but should be better tomorrow I hope. Considering how active I typically am and how much I typically clean I have the good fortune of this counting as "increased" activity.

    I'd like to take a walk too.

    As for food I "experimented" today/Thursday with setting my goal up to 2 lb per week and (while I kept within the calorie allowance today) I think that 1200 a day is simply not sustainable or realistic for me. I'll do it some days but I just don't see it as a good regular target.

    So I changed my goal for tomorrow/Friday to 1.5 per week. We'll see how that goes. It's got me set at 1410 and that plus exercise calories may actually be sustainable at least until I go out of town in a few weeks!
  • Stipyna
    Stipyna Posts: 40
    Today I want to meet my friend and I want to stop eating at work
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,198 Member
    Yesterday went well, I met a deadline at work (yeah) and my goals, too.

    Today I want to
    -) stay under calories (not celebrating meeting yesterday's deadline!)
    -) 8x water
    -) log everything
    -) and plan the meals for the weekend - I tend to go overboard, just because it is the weekend. So planning in advance should help.
  • mora982
    mora982 Posts: 169 Member
    Day 11 and a fresh start :)

    Goals for today:
    - Stay below my calorie limits.
    - Drink a gallon of water.
    - 60 min. of exercise.
    - Searching for good strength workout.
  • joe_hikeny
    joe_hikeny Posts: 58 Member
    Today is my Weigh in Day. I'm 162 LBS. That's 2 lbs lower than i was when we started. 20% loss on my goal.

    Today i want to kill it with some cardio and another great weight training. I want that lean muscle and it's not going to come without some work.

    I'd also like to point out that even with the loss i know i still put on some muscle. not sure how much but i see and feel the changes my body is going through. I am really happy with my results so far.

    Stay Motivated

  • just_special
    just_special Posts: 99 Member
    Yesterday I met my goals, and I am proud of that. It may have involved chugging some water at the end of the day when I realized I was a few ounces short because I counted wrong. *blush*

    Today, my goal is to drink the same amount of water as yesterday (without having to chug water at the end of the day!) and to eat at more routine intervals.
  • Sairzie
    Sairzie Posts: 122 Member
    Today's goals:

    Drink plenty of water
    30 minute walk
    Stick to calorie limit
    Have my green smoothie
  • neckbonetwo
    neckbonetwo Posts: 20 Member
    My goals for today are..

    1. 10K Steps Steps
    2. Drink more water
    3. Stick to my calorie limit
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Got my new running plan started yesterday and hit a new PR for my pace! I have a family birthday party tonight, which makes things interesting.

    Goals for today:
    1) Stay within my calorie goal (already prelogged the birthday cake)
    2) 10,000 steps (my replacement fitbit is here!!)
    3) 30 minutes of cross training (this will be hard depending on when we get home from the party)
  • lujo321
    lujo321 Posts: 78 Member
    Man I totally blew yesterday. I had my first epidural in the morning. The rest of the day I was just sore and tired. I also ate out for breakfast lunch and dinner, Even had a margarita with dinner. I was way over in my calories. I need to get a better handle on that. Plus snacking. Snacks are not my friend. I totally thought today was the second so first thing this morning I weighed myself. Not good news. Then when I logged on here I realized yesterday was the second and I totally missed the weigh in. Bummer but I logged my weight anyway.

    Today's goals

    Eat better
    Walk more
    Drink more water
    Ask for help

    That last one is a big one.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,414 Member
    Yesterday went well for me - thanks to a posting by neckbonetwo I followed through and didn't have anything sweet or treaty yesterday at all! I ate dinner last night and that was ice cream, no nothing afterwards! :smile:

    Today I'm doing a partial fast - up until dinner time..on my fast days I eat 500 calories throughout the day and I've already done two this week. Today I'll just eat under 200 calories then go out to panera for a nice salad to finish off the day! Just a little bonus fasting to get the scales moving in the right direction!

    So for today:

    Stay within my calorie goal
    Walk 10,000 steps

    Tonight is a combination date night/running errands night so no extra exercise today!

    Have a great Friday everyone!!
  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    So far 300+ lbs lost by the group in 1st 10 days.

    I ???? 100-to-2015 group
  • kcmoooo
    kcmoooo Posts: 10
    Still room for improvement but I am better than the day before. Today was a day full of temptation but I was to determined to cave. I bought a exercise top yesterday, it the first time shopping since the weight gain and it was 2 sizes above my normal size. I thought it would be baggy but it was too tight. It was the slap in the face I needed.

    Nothing taste as good a healthy feels.

    I did a boxing class and 13000 steps but 200 calories over my least its better than the normal 500-1000 over my goal.