Day 11: Friday, 10-3-14



  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    My biggest struggle is drinking 64 oz of water in a day. that is my goal for the next 10 days is to make sure i drink more water.
  • stephbroadbelt
    stephbroadbelt Posts: 9 Member
    Goals for yesterday:
    Log everything - check!
    Stay under calories - check!
    Not go over carb macro - No. Microwave pasta put me over for lunch.
    More water, less coffee - check! trying 1 squeeze of MiO energy for every liter. Should keep me alive ;)
    Didn't get to run, but was moving around and walking while coaching for a few hours last night.

    Weigh in went great last night! Usually I weigh when I wake up in the morning, but even after the whole day I still lost 1.5 lbs from last time. On my way!

    Goals for today:
    Log everything, stay under calories
    Drink 2 liters of water at work instead of snacking all day
    Date night tonight - try to eat at home and go see a movie.
    Get the boyfriend out of the house! A walk or jog.

    Starting C25K tomorrow!
  • phelan999
    phelan999 Posts: 37 Member
    I did well yesterday. I participated in a Help the Homeless walk at lunchtime, and they gave us a free Chik-fil-a sandwich upon finishing. I gave mine to a friend and ate the salad I brought instead :) We had a celebration at work with all kinds of coookies/pastries and I didn't have any. I tracked my food, and completed Jillian Michals' No More Trouble Zones, and I went to bed a smidge earlier.

    Today's goals:
    - track all food and exercise
    - C25K tonight
    - take my measurements so I can see progress in inches as well as pounds
  • laf0026
    laf0026 Posts: 32 Member
    Yesterday I did not reach 10000 steps. We had a storms at the end of the school day, so I had to pull students back into the school and watch them until the storm passed or their parents came to pick them up. All of this prevented me from going to the gym because I only have 60 minutes between work and the time I have to pick up the kids from daycare.

    Goals for Day 11

    Walk 10000 steps (5000 while at work)
    Drink plenty of water
    Workout at the gym
    Stay within my calories
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    Yesterday I didn't achieve my goal of not eating after 7:30pm as I had a Mystery Shop for dinner last night and got home late. However I did have grilled fish and fed the french fries to my puppies.

    My goals today are:
    1. Clean my house
    2. Get my water in
    3. Stay within my calorie range
  • everydamnday
    everydamnday Posts: 42 Member
    Congrats on the group- 310 lbs lost! That's amazing!

    My goals for today:

    Pre log my meals for the weekend.
    YOGA today.
    Strength training this evening.
    8 tall glasses of water.

    Have a great weekend everyone :-)
  • knmurray02
    knmurray02 Posts: 32 Member
    Met all of my goals for yesterday and I am not going to stress over how busy I am going to be over the next few days. I am just going to plan as much as I can and hope that I can stay on track.

    Goals for today:

    Stay under calorie limit
    Eat balanced meals (this has been the hardest goal to meet)
    10,700 steps
    drink plenty of water
  • AlyM725
    AlyM725 Posts: 158 Member
    Rough week.

    Today's goals:

    Stay under my calories
    Day 2 of 30 Day Shred
    Stop sneaking extra chocolates!
  • KatrinaG2012
    KatrinaG2012 Posts: 359 Member
    Met goals for yesterday except for the freaking water thing again. I won't be traveling so much through Monday so I am saying here and now that I WILL meet that challenge going forward at least through Monday. Tuesday I will be back on the road.

    Day 11 Goals:

    Activity 60 minutes minimum: Met 65 trx, kettlebell, and tabata style workout. My triceps and biceps are on FIRE!
    Log & Calories under 1500:
    Water, water, water:
    Me time 60 minutes minimum: Plan is to make it to my pottery studio this afternoon. It is pouring rain here today and I am nearing completion on work so I really don't have an excuse not to at this point.

    Sending vibes of successful goals to all:flowerforyou:
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Dang TOM!!! oh well at least it was some sort of a lost.

    Met my goals yesterday. I can say .. writing out your goals kinda make you have to be accountable. and some how more so in this group than if I were just typing on my MFP Feed... announcing these goals.

    Drink 80-96 ounces of water
    Take Fiber & Probiotic pill
    Stay away all lf my TOM cravings
    60 minutes Zumba Class
    10, 000 steps on my fitbit
    Complete Diary and stay in my calories
  • annangelich
    annangelich Posts: 402 Member
    Day 10 goals went well and were reasonably set for me.

    Day 11: Today is going to be a challenge, It is our beer and pizza night.
    So my goals are
    1) to get in a killer workout and burn at least 500 calories
    2) get the front yard picked up and raked and pull the dying plants from my garden to ready it for the winter crop. (this over the next 3 days)
    3) Only eat the allotted amount of calories and not go over on sodium
    4)Try my hardest to stay away from the beer.
    5) If I feel l like I want a beer I will be drinking a cleanse drink.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,394 Member
    5.5 mile run / 2.2 mile walk
    Calories w/Fitbit 1151 / Calories 1557
    (Two times : 50 wall push, 50 squats 50 sit ups, 50 tricep kick backs). 100 lunges / 70 sec plank
    10 Push-Ups – Wall Done
    10 Triceps Dips – Done
    10 Incline Push-Ups - Done
    10 Burpees - modified - Done
  • libbeth_6212
    libbeth_6212 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all! I'm drowning right now. I have been in a conference all week - I have tried to keep my food log updated via mobile but I'm not able to access the forums and these check-ins that way. (Someone at MFP needs to fix that!) I'm finally back in front of a computer today and added my info to our log for the 10% check in. I LOVE that the spreadsheet tells us what % towards our short term goal we are - It felt great to be 14% of the way to my goal in the first 10% of our time. Thanks, balancedwalker, for putting together that great tracker.

    The next 10 days will be hard for both food and exercise - we have guests in from Germany. It's their first time in the US, so we're trying to maximize their experience in Washington DC. We have a bunch of social events planned (food, food and more food) and I won't have my normal exercise time to myself. Our next weight check-in is right after they leave so in spite of the changes to my food and exercise routine I want to stay on track during their visit.

    A huge part of staying on track is having this challenge and this great group of people. I love reading - when I can access the posts - about everyone's goals and progress.

    Goals for today:
    Do not overeat at tonight's Mexican food celebration (it's hard to get good Mexican/Tex-mex in Germany so we're having a big dinner party with a ton of food)
    Get 10K steps, even if it means a walk after everyone has gone to bed

    Happy Friday!!
  • Shirotora88
    Goals for the day is to walk, I haven't walked in 4 days due to surgery.. So today I am going to slowly incorporate walking into my day

    I'm a little upset because Today I will be going over my sodium by over 1400 but tomorrow is a new day
  • LadyNiteOwl
    LadyNiteOwl Posts: 61 Member
    Day 10 goals were met. I am up to 80 oz. of water a day.

    Goals for today:

    Stay under my calorie count
    Drink 80-90 oz. of water
    Keep carbs under 100 grams
  • dlphnldy89
    Started my day with T25 Lower Focus. Not too bad but felt good. Staying within my calorie range and should be doing two more workouts tonight. My normal 4.5 mile walk with a short 20 min HIIT. Nothing like mountain climbers/burpees....two of my most hated exercises!

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • laf0026
    laf0026 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey libbeth_6212

    I was just thinking you can access through your web browser on your phone and not use the app. That way you can see this group and be able to post to the forums throughout the week even if you do not have a computer.
  • justdebbie1
    justdebbie1 Posts: 214 Member
    Day 10 goals met. Took a 3 mile walk. And then had a goal of 15,000 steps. I did it but............. It was very hard. Have a blister on the side of my foot that will make walking pretty hard. So my goal for today is only 10,000 steps. Try to eat a little bit more as after all my exercise my net calories was under 900 calories.Just finding that some days I am having a hard time getting enough calories in. Drink my water too.
  • nnylacire13
    nnylacire13 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm absolutely overwhelmed with my workload right now. That will be the case until late November, so I'm going to have to find a way to cope with it. In the meantime, I want to try to find a way to work in exercise at least three days a week. I'm viewing this challenge in blocks, since we are set up that way. My goal for this new block of 10 days is to carve time into my weekends for exercise, since I cant figure out how to do that M-Th right now. Also, I've been going really well with calories and logging, but want to improve the quality of my diet.

    Goals for today:
    1. Get some exercise
    2. Stay out of the kitchen (I'm working from home so it'll be tempting to graze)
    3. Keep up my logging, caloric goals, and water intake
    4. Make dent on the work I need to do, rather than procrastinating, so that I don't increase my stress level...which invariably leads to excess calories intake for me
  • kikontx
    kikontx Posts: 92 Member
    Yesterday was a challenge on meeting the goals and thus fell short. We had really bad storms come through last night that threw all evening activities off. But I did go ahead and get strength training even though it wasn't a goal (and I missed it the prior day anyway).

    Goals for Day 11

    - Drink 80-90 oz of water
    - Stay under calorie goal
    - Go for 3 mile walk this evening

    Let's keep pushing through this challenge!!