Post-op feeding

Hi All,

I was thinking about the eating post-op, and I thought it might be good for me to make a bunch of stuff pre-op and have portioned out and frozen prior to the operation, particularly for the puree and minced food stages. I was wondering if anyone else did any prep pre-op and what they did, or if you didn't, was there something you wished you did?


  • DiamondRidge
    DiamondRidge Posts: 62 Member
    I would not recommend it. Your tastes are bound to change after surgery (weird, I know, but it happens) and you won't be able to eat a substantial amount of food anyway - not worth the time and effort ahead of surgery (plus, the frustration post-op of ending up throwing away all that food).
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    You don't have to. I portion and freeze as I go:

    Post-op, it is going to be a lot of protein shakes for you. Then really small amounts of mushy foods. When I got to the mushy stage, I just took a small amount of whatever protein I made for my family and pureed it in a little blender cup that I bought, with some chicken stock or even just plain water. Then portion and freeze the leftovers, if you have any.

    One thing you may notice is that you have a lot more leftovers than usual. This was the case for me. So, I would portion appropriate leftovers into baggies and freeze, especially once I got to solid foods. We do a lot of ground chicken dishes - tacos etc. I would measure 1/3 cup portions of cooked leftover ground chicken, and bring for lunch throughout the week.

    I would say invest in a small blender. Shakes taste better when blended, skim milk froths amazingly, and purees are a snap. This is the one I bought from Amazon:

    I really like it. The blender cup is a travel mug. So I make a protein shake in the morning with skim milk, coffee, and protein powder, blend for a few seconds, and go.
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    I wouldn't pre-cook before surgery. I would suggest getting some sample packs of protein drinks and powders. And a blender is a good idea. And make sure you have a food scale. I am 2 months post-op and on the soft food stage. i am still adjusting to buying and cooking the appropriate amount of food for me and my kids. I've thrown a lot of groceries away over the last few weeks and I have a freezer full of leftovers. If you have a family, just cook for them and take a small portion for yourself.
  • Decsaw
    Decsaw Posts: 20
    Thanks for the feedback, you all make good points, I am just really eager to do everything I can pre-op that would give me a leg up post-op.

    ATXHeather you mention getting protein sample packs, I am sure I can find some but do you have any suggestions? where did you go to get the sample packs?

    I have a blender and a food scale and already use it religiously along with my measuring cups and spoons.

    I have also started to be really thoughtful about my eating, taking my time, chewing much more sipping water rather than the guzzling I am used too.

    I do have a family, (wife and 2 young kids) so the buying and cooking of food will be an issue we will have to overcome and adjust too. however, we have made some significant changes as a family and I find with all the healthy food in the house, no junk, and having a pretty well laid out meal plan for the week, we don't have much food waste compared to before. But with me being the biggest food consumer in the house at present, I am sure we have to adapt and not cook as much as we are. Right now I intentionally cook extra chicken, rice or quinoa and veggies at dinner to make leftover lunches for the week, the wife doesn't often eat the left-overs so I will need to cut back on that as I wont need as much.
  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    I think I got sample packs from About Time, Syntrax Nectar and Unjury. There is a also called vitalady that sells samples.
  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Syntrax has a sample pack where they will send you single serve packets of 15 of their flavors for around $15. Nashua Nutrition will sell samples of a ton of different proteins, you pick what you want.

  • SibylDiane
    SibylDiane Posts: 177 Member
    Chike and Jay Robb also sell sample packs. Just Google Chike sample pack or Jay Robb whey protein samples.
    I got tons of samples from Nashua Nutrition and Vitalady. My favorite brands ended up being Chike, Unjury, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard, Syntrax Nectar Sweets, Syntrax Matrix, and Jay Robb. Oh and the high protein hot chocolate and cappuccino (HealthSmart brand) are both really good -- I got those at Nashua Nutrition, though they don't sell samples of those.
    Good luck!