October 3, 2014



  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    This is something I need to keep in mind. I've been thinking lately that I don't know for sure if I'm improving. Am I getting faster. Am I getting stronger. I assume I am, but I'm not sure at this point. Unlike Laura i haven't really kept any statistics. I know that I feel good a lot, except when I don't... :) I've been feeling sore, stiff, and tired lately, but I've also been really pushing it when I go to my fitness classes. Even the yoga class I tend to push a bt farther than maybe I should. At the same time I wonder if I'm not pushing myself enough to improve. That I'm in a sort of mid area where I'm going enough to get sore, but not enough to get better at it. Whatever it is.

    My weight, too is hovering. I decided that I was going to lose 5 more lbs total, but do it very very slowly. Then suddenly I jumped up 3-4 lbs (ate too much) and have stayed right there, then losing a bit, eating more than I should, gaining a bit, then losing a bit, eating too much, etc. I'm staying below my original goal weight, but I think that getting 5 to 10 lbs off is probably better for my running.

    I'm going to commint to October being the stay on target month!!

    Good Morning All!! Hope your days turn out like you want them to be! Hope that everyone is feeling better!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Donna if you're sore, stiff and tired you're probably over training. It's good to push yourself, but not in every single thing you do and every time you do it. Jason builds in "recovery weeks" for me once a month or so where I still do my normal activities but at a lighter intensity level. Gives my body a chance to catch up, and the following week I'm ready to go hard again. Have you thought about investing in a heart rate monitor? I have mine in conjunction with my Garmin (because I wanted the GPS too) but a HRM would probably be a worthwhile investment for you. I don't "eat back" my calories but still I like to know what I'm burning.

    I'm having a tough day. I'm emotional and sad. I had a meltdown at the gym this morning. I actually had a great workout after that, but I just can't shake off the blues. Last night I packed a great lunch for today -- and it's still in my fridge at home -- so I'm going to have to go out and buy lunch. But I can have the salad I planned for lunch as dinner tonight anyway.
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Laura sending you special hugs..:flowerforyou:

    I understand last few weeks of thinking of selling my house sent me into a tailspin. Yesterday my boss who is half my age decided to tell the 3 of us who work hard, sell great, and keep her small shop clean and a happy place that we should be able to move as fast as she can.

    It felt unfair to me. She has a huge long list of things to do to close and fastest I can get done is by 6:25 on closing days and she wants us to get done by 6:15 because she can. Gayle is upset too, problem is her assistant Karen at 65 will just not complain and work the extra time for free....

    Gayle who got me job is Nia teacher so its not like we are slacker couch potatoes major overweighters. Gayle is in perfect shape and I am only 15 lbs over. We both can lift the heavy jugs 35 lbs at work and the heavy boxes of bottles we bottle of the infused olive oils.

    How do you tell a boss you feel she should hire 30 yr olds? She wants us to have the energy of 30 but the experience and work practices of our age.

    Okay thats MY vent for the day!

    Off to next town over for recycling and watching the new Gone Girl movie. Having rest day from exercise except running around doing errands.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi all!

    Donna, I agree, if you are feeling stiff, sore, tired--go easy on yourself
    but REALLY. That's my problem: I'd tell myself I needed to do that, but then couldn't resist the temptation of the nice weather and some time to myself (& would go run when I was supposed to be resting). But, it catches up with you. I've learned that now.

    Laura, hope you are feeling better. I get the blues sometimes. I think you have to let yourself course through it and then at just the right moment, pull yourself out of it again. I always have to remind myself that the cure is not food--sometimes I'm successful and sometimes not.

    Marla, sorry you're having to go through that. Just do the best you can, as I know you already are. She's probably just having a bad week or something.

    Well , I stayed home with the kids today and went to run a few errands in the afternoon. Lil girl is feeling a little better. I'm amazed by how much better my ankles are feeling! Rest and wearing my good running shoes when I go out has really helped. I really haven't "done" anything this week (no cardio, no walking for exercise, no gym), and yet I'm feeling much better. If I could have another week like this, my ankles might feel well enough to start doing some exercises for them (haven't so far, because BOTH hurt and you need one good one to do the exercises).

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • toeatapeach
    toeatapeach Posts: 30 Member
    Donna- ia, there's no sense in pushing yourself too far. Slow and steady etc, etc, etc.

    Laura- I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling that way, but good for you with pushing through with the workout- sometimes just keeping going is the best thing you can do. I hope you are able to feel better soon.

    Marla - I am sorry that your boss is being unreasonable, I hope you can resolve it.

    Sherry- glad to hear your ankles are felling much better!

    Our event at work today went really well, despite a few minor hitches, so I'm feeling tired but pleased. I was supposed to do some yoga right after work today, but it's, um, not a great time of the month for that?, so I think I'm just going to go for a walk and and a nice hot shower instead.

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
