Do you stay within your calorie allowance at the weekend?

essexlamb Posts: 18 Member
I struggle at the weekend to stay within my allowance, any ideas to what I can do to stay on track.


  • kwiatrtdy
    kwiatrtdy Posts: 383 Member
    Usually I find it very easy to stay within my calorie limits on the weekends. I think that's mainly because I have lay-ins and am not as active so I don't feel hungry. If I go out on a Friday or Saturday night I find it incredibly hard/ nigh on impossible. I drink my entire day's allowance of calories in the space of a few hours and then wake up hungover and devour a Domino's pizza with sides to recover.
  • essexlamb
    essexlamb Posts: 18 Member
    That's so funny, I suppose we have to cut loose sometime:laugh:
  • kayjosh2422
    kayjosh2422 Posts: 864 Member
    I really try and plan my meals and I also think about everything I eat as to how much exercise I will need to burn it off. I also drink lots of water when I feel the urge to eat something I really don't need.
  • essexlamb
    essexlamb Posts: 18 Member
    I think that's the solution I'll increase my exercise on Sundays, as I have an English breakfast and a roast on Sundays with the family which I don't want to miss out on it took me over my calories by 700. Hopefully I'll still have weight loss today as I have been under on a few days, I'll find out later:indifferent:
  • afrodizzia
    afrodizzia Posts: 56 Member
    I also struggle on weekends purely because we eat out a lot. It is difficult, not only to find good food but to then try and estimate the calories when logging on MFP.

    Here are some changes I have made to ensure that I have some control over what I eat on weekends and so far its been working a treat.

    - I stick to ordering a nicoise salad/ salmon salad in most places or a proper steak with vege or salad no mash/ chips/ rice/ pasta
    - No dessert.
    - I also changed to only drinking vodka and diet coke instead of cocktails and other sugary drinks.
    - Have committed to doing some form of exercise sothat I have more calories to play with
  • essexlamb
    essexlamb Posts: 18 Member
    I wish I had enough will power to order salad, I don't mind if I'm out for lunch but for dinner I think i'd really struggle. I could manage with steak with salad though if I have something hot on my plate I'm OK.
  • jenafer22
    jenafer22 Posts: 26 Member

    I struggle with what calories to track. I like my treadmill calories burned!! lol Between my Fitbit, MFP and some exercise RXNet; it seems like they are so far off from each other.

    I go with my Fitbit calories burned unless I am on my treadmill then I use that.
  • essexlamb
    essexlamb Posts: 18 Member
    Yes it's difficult to get an exact calorie count, I go by MFP otherwise I have a tendency to go with the one that gives me the highest burn :smile: Yes I like to kid myself so that helps me to be consistent sticking with one reading.
  • I normally manage to stay within my calories at the weekends, however I find if I go out drinking this is when I go over my calories by a lot!

    I used to go out every weekend still when dieting I would just try and make sure I had a meal first so I wasn't tempted to get fast food, I would also try and save some calories in the week to allow for more calories at the weekend.
  • I'm usually better on the weekends than on the weekdays because I'm at home and can control what I eat much easier.
  • On the weekends I just eat less, because I normally have two meals (brunch after practice/sunday brunch and then dinner). So if I don't go out, there's no problem. Weekend nights when I do go out however, which I don't track for personal reasons slash inability to measure, are a whole 'nother can of worms.

    Basically I know that I workout a lot more on the weekends, since I'm doing my normal workouts plus drumming, and I just try to make sure I do something before I go out at night. I also, although I failed this week, try to stay a bit under my calorie goal earlier in the week so if I go overboard on a weekend my average is still the same.
  • My first three weekends so was able to stay in my goal. Then last weekend I got all off suggestion I would make is fit in more exercise on the weekend to make up for the extra calories you will want to eat.
  • JojoW8183
    JojoW8183 Posts: 540 Member
    I actually struggle to eat enough on the weekend. I'll usually have breakfast but then pick at trail mix or have an apple. :ohwell:
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,196 Member
    Weekends are no different than any other day for me. If I want to eat more, say, in the evening, I eat less for breakfast or even skip lunch. Its not WHEN you eat but how MUCH you eat. :)
  • Palamedes
    Palamedes Posts: 174 Member
    I normally do a lot more exercise on the weekends. If I might go 10 or 12 miles on the bike riding session during the week, I go 20 or 30 miles on the bike riding session on the weekend. With that much exercise, I sometimes have problems on the weekend eating enough.

    I'm the opposite on the exercise calorie counting. My Strava bike app comes in way less than MFP's calorie's burned measurement for bike riding. I use the lower number, so I don't have to worry too much if I eat the exercise calories back.
  • Hakers344
    Hakers344 Posts: 30 Member
    MFP and treadmills over exaggerate calories burned. I have a heart rate monitor so my calories are more accurate, but the difference did shock me at first
  • Hakers344
    Hakers344 Posts: 30 Member
    I stick within my calories unless I have trained extra sessions to gain calories to use. If u dnot watch it at the weekends that's 104 days per year out of 365 you are blowing. I have a treat etc sometimes, but not every weekend
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    Most of the time yes. If I do go over its usually wine that does it.
  • I incorporate a "treat" day into the middle of the week and then try new healthy recipes on the weekends "time permitting"...

    I get so excited about trying new recipes that never think of eating outside my calorie count...

    Hope this helps... It works for me...
  • WestLA35
    WestLA35 Posts: 10 Member
    For the weekends. I stay within my count. Usually. I try to switch up the foods to something more fun!
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    I generally stay within my calories every day, unless I have a "planned" day to be outside of my calories. Which usually happens a couple times a month.
  • frisco111
    frisco111 Posts: 44 Member
    Maybe reorganising your weekends would help? If the lifestyle change is what you going for..Its very individual how everyone spends their weekends. I try for them not to be food oriented. That said - family gatherings are always a bit of a problem - you cant expect everyone to change their habits just because you had.
    All the best
  • MelanieRBrace
    MelanieRBrace Posts: 245 Member
    I am the same - weekends are tough. Reading this string gave me some really helpful hints that I'm going to try. One that has worked for me is to do a workout - after I'm done, I don't feel like undoing all the hard work I did but going over my calorie count.
  • essexlamb
    essexlamb Posts: 18 Member
    I have planned my meals for the weekend, now I just have to stick to it !! :-) the weekend food temptation is a battle for me, but I'm determined to win!
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
    I stay within my calories. Even on the weekend. And if I burn 1k calories on the elliptical, I don't log it. I don't eat the exyra calories Ive burned. I just stick to my calorie recommendations., sans the "extra" calories. When I do log my gym time, I log it as 1 calorie.
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    I do tend to go over a lot over the weekends and it's mainly because I spend them with my boyfriend (we live in different cities 7-8 hours apart) or go out for dinner a lot with friends and feel like I need to treat myself all the time.

    It's a horrible habit and it does get out of hand for me. I never log anything I eat during the weekend cause I am always out doing stuff and I forget. I think what would work for me is to start logging what I eat during the day.


    I used to cheat a lot during the weekends but I kept losing weight because I did Insanity every Saturday and went for a run on the Sunday so that used to balance it out.
  • yogajess11
    yogajess11 Posts: 32 Member
    Ugh!! same problem. I heard something recently like if you do not watch your calories on the weekends (saturdays and sundays) then that means you are not being healthy for 104 days out of the year, or more than a quarter of the whole year. This is not new or ground breaking news, but a simple truth, but I am using this to fuel me to at least try and stay healthy for ONE day out of the weekend and only allow myself 24 hours of letting up only slightly!!! I have the same problem with going out with friends, eating big dinners with my husband, etc. And I'm really trying to take advantage of the time to amp up my exercise, too!
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    yogajess11 wrote: »
    Ugh!! same problem. I heard something recently like if you do not watch your calories on the weekends (saturdays and sundays) then that means you are not being healthy for 104 days out of the year, or more than a quarter of the whole year.

    When you put it like that it is A LOT of motivation O_O

    I might write this and put it on my wall or something, it's too good!

    Also, I was reading on Kayla Itsines' guide and she only allows 1 cheat gap which can be up to 30-45 minute window which doesn't allow for too much indulging and I think it's a pretty good way to control this. I think this is what I am going to start doing to be honest.
  • yogajess11
    yogajess11 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes, I like that!! Although I dont know if I can only have one window this weekend already!! ugh!! Ive got an event tomorrow night and date night with the hubs planned for Saturday night... ugh!! must focus!!

  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    weekends are the hardest for me, my husband and I only see each other on the weekend. He works 3 hrs away and comes home on weekends and its bad for me. Wine and snacks ( downfall) but he said last night , no more snacking it will make it much easier on me also. I do so good all week and then blow it on the weekends. MFP is such a gift for motivation and support!! Thanks everyone!