Day 14: Monday, 10-6-14

lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
Hello everyone,

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Day 14 is Monday - what do you have going on day 14?

What are your goals, and what will help you achieve them?


  • balancedwalker
    balancedwalker Posts: 686 Member
    My goals for Day 14 are to walk at least 60 minutes and stay within my calories limit. Day 13 goals were achieved.

    Being busy at work will provide the needed distraction from carvings and temptation while my weekday routine of walking to work, walking during lunch break and walking after work will help achieve my walking goal. The biggest driving factor as always is to get healthy. I will be kidding myself if I procrastinate on this b/c I know that it is not healthy to carry extra 77 lbs all the time.
  • danelutza19
    danelutza19 Posts: 2,025 Member
    Hello everyone hope you're all doing great.
    Sunday was awesome for me, ended up doing a 6 mile hike and nutrition wise I'm great.
    For Monday I really hope to get in the gym later and just lift some heavy stuff, I miss it so much!!!
  • Stipyna
    Stipyna Posts: 40
    Beautiful day for me today...after a great relaxing weekend, today my aim is beginning to avoid the food during my job...I can only eat when I'm at home or, if I am able to, I cam bring sone food from home and eating it...
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,256 Member
    I had a great weekend, and even managed to saty under my calories both days :-)
    Today I am concentrating on my water intake and will try to distribute it evenly over the day (and not realizing in the evening that there is still one liter missing, and gulping it down in a short time...)
    And staying under calories, and logging everything.
  • dlphnldy89
    It's a normal Manic Monday. I didn't get up this morning to do T25 since my legs cramped up all night. I will go for my 4 mile walk and my eating patterns are under control. Ran a 5k on Saturday for the first time since my TIAs, which was amazing but yesterday I was on my feet all day and I think that did me in. Didn't give my legs time to recover so couldn't really get the engine going. Back at it tomorrow for sure!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,417 Member
    Here's my plan...

    Exercise 5-6 days a week
    pack my lunch the night before
    stay within calorie allotment
    no trigger/junk foods
    to be at least 132.0 by the time my MOTB dress comes in for final fitting ... Working on it

    Eat only what I fixed for lunch and snack. Gym tonight w/DD. Walk immediately when I get home from work for 4 miles.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend.

  • jennalor
    jennalor Posts: 84 Member
    Yesterdays goals met! Today its getting in an hour at the gym, stay within my calorie range and have all my food prepared for the next 2 night shifts so there won't be any reason to wander to the vending machine in the wee hours of the morning.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Had a great, but busy weekend.

    Goals for today:
    1. stay within calorie goal (always)
    2. 10,000 steps (always)
    3. Yoga and strength training
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,421 Member
    Good morning and hope everyone had a great weekend!

    I hurt my back a bit yesterday as I think I did too much on Saturday. We were putting the yard to bed for the winter so lots of bending and twisting. I already have a bad back so I just need to take it easy for a few days until the muscles release and the stiffness goes away!

    So for today goals are:

    Stay within calorie goal
    Baby my back with ice, heat and advil!

    That's about it for today!!
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    Since my only goal for yesterday was to not go crazy eating my emotions, I managed.
    I thought I got in more steps then I seemed to have.

    Today 10000 steps
    triple 100 challenge
    stay under calories goal
    water water water
    week 2 day 3 c25k

    good luck everyone
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Met all goals yesterday but one, did not do the dvd but did go on a 10k walk so I'm good with that.
    Today my plan is to:
    weigh, measure and log everything
    DVD - done
    evening walk
    stay under calorie goal
  • EmilyStopFlying
    EmilyStopFlying Posts: 124 Member
    Today I met my goals; I didn't overeat, I ate enough protein, I bought proper running shoes (finally) AND I went 7.15km jogging/walking in one hour!!!!!!!!! 8 weeks ago that wouldn't have been even remotely possible.
  • alcsdc
    alcsdc Posts: 9 Member
    Happy Monday! Going to get my steps in and headed to yoga!
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    Happy Monday! Today's goals are:
    1. Have a smoothie for breakfast
    2. Get my exercise in this afternoon as I overslept this morning.
    3. Watch what I eat at lunch today.
    4. Remember to complete my food diary today. Been a little lax in that these last few days.
  • DevSanchez
    DevSanchez Posts: 314 Member
    My goal is to get back on track. I had a horrible weekend......emotionally, mentally, physically and all around health wise.

    I am going to run 3 miles today
    Eat 100% Paleo

    But my biggest goal today is to gently forgive myself for my weekend mishaps because after all this is an ongoing journey and I am my #1 ally.
  • 2CABetterMe
    2CABetterMe Posts: 119 Member
    Happy Monday! Today's goals are:
    1. Have a smoothie for breakfast
    2. Get my exercise in this afternoon as I overslept this morning.
    3. Watch what I eat at lunch today.
    4. Remember to complete my food diary today. Been a little lax in that these last few days.
  • laf0026
    laf0026 Posts: 32 Member
    This weekend was difficult. I was/am dealing with a sick child, so I was not as active and I hoped to be. But Today is a new day!

    My goals for today:

    Stay within my calories
    Drink plenty of water while at work.
  • kari_kerry
    kari_kerry Posts: 30 Member
    My goal is to get back on track. I had a horrible weekend......emotionally, mentally, physically and all around health wise.

    I am going to run 3 miles today
    Eat 100% Paleo

    But my biggest goal today is to gently forgive myself for my weekend mishaps because after all this is an ongoing journey and I am my #1 ally.

    I am right there with weekend was terrible as well. We just gotta keep pushing along! We got this!
  • krisfitmfp
    krisfitmfp Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a late addition to the group and the spreadsheet log.

    Anyone one here who wants to "friend" me on MFP, I would appreciate it as having people to keep me accountable for exercise/what i put in my body is a huge motivator for me (i.e. previously lost 10 lbs on MFP, but when my friend stopped using the app I lost accountability, eventually stopped my diary, and gained 20 pounds).

    Since I am about 2 weeks late, I will try to make up for it with 14 goals (it is my day off from work and I have nothing to do, so why not):
    1. Run 2 miles
    2. 10 squats
    3. 15 modified pushups
    4. 20 tricep dips
    5. Take stairs instead of elevators
    6. Drink 8 glasses of water
    7. Set up and play one game on my wii-fit
    8. Hold a plank for at least 45 seconds
    9. Take my puppy on a hike/long walk
    10. Try the Comcast on-demand yoga class
    11. No more chocolate (caved earlier today and had a muffin for breakfast)
    12. Steps goal (10,000 on my jawbone up)
    13. Have a non-fat yogurt (yuck, but necessary if I am ever going to like them)
    14. Have an apple (yuck, but necessary if I am ever going to like them)
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Happy Monday!!!

    Saturday was great.. I only misssed one goal and that was to track all meals. I went out and my phone died then I forgot to track once I got in .

    Sunday was horrible. I was recovering from Saturday night antics, slept in, and I had to do my daughters hair. ( take out braids, wash, dry and redo) so that was like a 4 hour ordeal. So I didnt workout, didnt get many steps in .

    But today is a new day!

    Drink 80-96 ounces of water
    Take my probiotic & fiber pills
    Lunch time walk
    Workout after work
    Get my 10,000 plus steps in
    track all meals & close diary stay in the green

    I hope everyone is doing well with their goals. :-)