Sick twice in one month... coincidence?

fluffyasacat Posts: 242 Member

I've been on 500 calories on my DD and roughly 2000 - 2200 on my UD since August 13 2014.

About 2 weeks ago I got really sick with a virus. I couldn't get out of bed and had a fever for about 48 hours.

I don't get sick that often, maybe once a year.

On Thursday (DD) I had a day of eating nothing followed by dinner out at a Japanese restaurant. I've been there plenty of times and shared some gyoza and a sashimi platter with my husband.

By 9pm Thursday night I was feeling nauseous and cold, so I had a hot shower to try to warm up. By the time I got out I was feeling quite sick. The following 24 hours were highly unpleasant with intense vomiting and the runs... I will spare you the grisly details.

I can't tell you if the sickness I'm just recovering from was a virus or food poisoning but my husband was 100% fine and we shared every dish. But if it was gastroenteritis I'd have thought someone else in my family or at work would have come down with it too, as it's highly contagious.

So here's the question: did your instances of getting sick increase when you started JUDDD? I can't help feeling like my immune level is pretty low to get sick twice in such quick succession.

Any advice gratefully received! My diary is open - please ignore the last couple of days as I've been too sick to eat normally.


  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    I've been doing the Every Other Day Diet since April and haven't been sick much at all. I've had what started to feel like a cold or allergy related issues a few times, but I've started taking raw local honey and cinnamon the minute I feel anything like that coming on and it really seems to be keeping it at bay.

    There is always the chance you ate something that was contaminated that your husband didn't, even if eating the same meal. I noticed a small child in your pic... Are you around a small child/children, especially any that go to school or daycare? I have a 3 year old and I was sick more in a 2 year period than I can ever remember. Most of it was viruses that caused stomach/digestive issues. I was sick far more than my husband too... likely because I spent more time in close proximity to my daughter (hugs, snuggling, etc.) Also, depending on what it is, it can take time for symptoms to develop. Someone at work could have had it or got it after you, you never know. And I'm sure you come in contact with others in the outside world. You may also not have totally been over the initial illness... some of those viruses can wreck havic in the intestines for a week or more.
    Also, illness effect everyone differently... sometimes it's just hard to say.

    I've read recently that they are finding that fasting for 2 days can actually boost your immune system. I'm hoping for similar benefits from the EOD if on a smaller scale.

    Regardless, make sure you're getting the nutrients you need.

    Hope you're feeling much better!