Any other 40-somethings out there?

boxfish100 Posts: 172 Member
Calling all older ladies who are doing or have completed Body Revolution! What was your experience like doing this programme? Did you get the results you expected? Were you able to work through the programme without any injuries?

I managed to hurt my shoulder during Level 3 of The Shred but I am back because I cannot believe the results I got in July with that programme. The Shred is like a gateway drug. Obviously I want to avoid injury during Body Revolution. Is injury a function of doing a Jillian Michaels programme as a 40 something? I hope not! But if you've had a shoulder injury while doing Jillian Michaels DVDs how did you cope with it? Is it advisable to completely stop all upper body exercise if a shoulder is hurting (other than muscle soreness)? I am going to repeat Week 1 of BR to work on core and upper body strength and to give my shoulder a bit more of a rest but I'd love to hear from people who have more experience with this programme. And I'm really looking forward to the next 12-14 weeks....


  • karint74
    karint74 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi boxfish100,

    I'm 49 and just started my 5th(!) round of Body Revolution last week. I did my first round in the spring of 2013. I was already fit and at goal weight before I started, and had dropped 5 more pounds and improved my muscle definition, balance, and stamina by the end (See my profile pic.) Second round was an "express" round ( just did each workout once and finished in 3 weeks) before leaving town for a summer job where I had no access to weights or DVDs. On my third round (Sept-Dec 2013), I increased the weights to see how heavy I could go. Not such a great idea to use 15s and especially 20s, since my form tended to suffer and it strained my forearms too much. Did a fourth round this past spring, but have been gaining weight like a freight train from falling into old bad habits of overeating and binging for most of the past year. Let's just say I no longer look anything like my profile pic after gaining back 20 pounds. Starting over as of August 1st. So far so good.

    I love BR--it's the best workout system I've ever done. I'ts *great* for strength, stamina, and balance. I get most of my cardio from cycling while the weather's good. I've never had an injury from any of Jillian's workouts including BR, but I've heard others say they are hard on the knees. I would say if you have pain other than muscle soreness you should rest that body part so it has a chance to recover, and then take it really easy while you work your way back.

    I find that BR is only lacking in flexibility training. My muscles already tend to be tight and stiff, and they only feel more so when I do the BR program as recommended. For my fifth round of BR, I'm modifying it and doing the strength workouts only 3 days per week so I can fit in a yoga (or at least yoga-inspired) workout twice a week for balance.

    You will *love* this program!
  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
  • boxfish100
    boxfish100 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Karint74! LOVE your profile picture. We have similar goals - I want to be more fit, healthier, stronger. My longer term goal is to get back to 25% body fat; I'm at around 34% right now and last month I lost 4% body fat improving my diet and doing the Shred during July (woot!). I'm using calipers and the US Navy body fat calculator to measure the bf. I loved The Shred and couldn't believe the results in such a short time, but I found Level 3 really awkward and I think I pushed myself too hard too soon. I'm going to take it more slowly with BR and won't hesitate to modify or even substitute moves when I need to. I'm also doing the C25K programme with a neighbour for cardio, and doing a lot of walking anyway.

    Thanks for this background about your own experience with BR - I suspect that your 5th round is going to be the best yet. I'm going to take your point about doing extra flexibility work alongside, as this is something that the BR doesn't cover as well. I suppose that something has to give when the whole programme is broken into 30 minute workouts. Let me know if there is a particular yoga / flexibility DVD you recommend in particular; I've not done yoga before and take amazon reviews with a pinch of salt.
  • I'm over 40 and I finish phase 2 in two days. I love it! I'm an ex athlete with bad knees. I've lost 14 pounds and two sizes so far.
  • elisefox23
    elisefox23 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there - I just turned 43 last Thursday, and started the BR yesterday (Sunday) far I love it! I'm really hoping to lose about 20 lbs, get in shape, and all of that. I've worked out with other JM programs - as well as a few others - and really, Jillian's programs just seem to work the best for me. I'm really excited about finally doing this, and doing it right!

    Thank you all for sharing your stories - I find them VERY inspirational! I'm doing the Kickstart program this week, and while Workouts 1 and 2 are great and tough-but-manageable, I found the cardio to completely wipe me out! I guess I know where my challenge is...! Good luck to all of us!
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    I'm 45, at my goal weight, and determined not to become a stiff, weak, creaky old lady. I started Jillian back in the spring when I discovered I had put on almost ten pounds without any change of habits. I was also feeling weak, stiff, and sore from doing the littlest things. I did not want to continue down that road.

    I'd been doing lots of cardio and that was about it. (I believe the MFP term for that is 'cardio bunny.') Boring cardio and getting weaker and chubbier. It was time to change.

    I've done the 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30. I'm now starting week 4 of Body Revolution and I feel great. I am so pleased with my new strength.

    I skip anything like a side lunge. My knees will not tolerate any of that side-to-side or twisting lunging business. Other than that, I'm okay so far. We'll see what she dishes up in the next phase!
  • shangrilamama
    shangrilamama Posts: 89 Member
    Hi there. I'm 47 and just started the program this week. Whew, I'm sore but I'm determined. I WILL complete this program and be that much closer to my health and fitness goal.

    Looking forward to sharing this programs experiences with similar aged women.
  • sdkyne
    sdkyne Posts: 77 Member
    I did the Shred about 3 times last year, had excellent results, then fell back into non-motivated land after being sick and an injury. You can see my before and after picture in my photo gallery if you friend me. I looked and felt awesome!

    I have now committed to and started BR last Monday with the kick start program/diet. I am sore and a bit tired, and I lost three pounds this week. I will keep on the food plan as well as the exercise, but I do plan on Fridays as a cheat day. Meaning, I want a few glasses of wine at the end of the week. :)

    My husband has decided to join me. I think partially for support, but mostly because he saw what amazing shape I got into with 30 minutes a day. He doesn't want to get left behind this time. I have to say, he is a big baby. When he does his workout, I can hear him moaning and groaning. He stops complaining when he is too out of breath to talk anymore.

    I am going to take a picture of me and my current goal jeans. I can button them up, but they are a bit tight and I have a lovely muffin top spilling over at the waist. I hope in 30 days I can where those pants comfortably with no spillage! Stay tuned!
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    40-something update:

    I am about to go do my final day of Phase 1. I can now do (drum roll, please....) SEVEN military-style push-ups. !!!! I could barely do two lady push-ups when I started back in May.

    I can see lots of new muscle definition in my upper arms/shoulders. Happy about that.

    I take Sundays off, but will be starting Phase 2 on Monday. Wondering what Jillian has in store for me. She hints about "no more recovery breaks" and I suspect that's around the corner. I remember that Week 4 of Ripped in 30 had nothing like a break and I LOVED it. I'd never worked out so hard in my life.

    I'd love to hear how some of the rest of you are doing! :)
  • boxfish100
    boxfish100 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi all

    I love reading the updates so I'll add one too.

    Just finished week 5 and I love it, even though it is hard flippin' work. Jillian still makes me laugh with all of her Jill-itude but sometimes she creeps me out when she gets too handsy with the people on her team. She is motivating though. I can't believe I can do some of the crazy balancing dumbbell exercises (statue of liberty squats and one legged stork thing I am looking at both of you).

    Ok, actually I fall over a lot and this startles my dog. But still. Can't wait to get to Phase 3.

    Hope you all are getting great results -
  • Tvilhauer76
    Tvilhauer76 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm NOT a 40 something but I have been trying to get started into the BR program for about a year and a half. I am not anywhere near my goal weight, and I have never been one that LOVES working out. I am not an athlete, but a few years ago I was 200 pounds and needed to do something so I put my mind into running and lost 65 pounds. The only problem was that I was smaller and yet still looked disgusting. Today (5 years later) I am back up to 180 and feeling like crap again. I only just recently regained the weight. Again I have been trying to get into the BR program I can't seem to get past the first week. First problem is that I am totally alone in this. I work out in my garage and I don't know anyone or have any friends to work out with. My family who also have no interest in working out with me come out to the garage to talk to me or bug me, or get food out of the fridge while I am working out and I get frustrated and angry so I just quit. I do not know how to get motivated and stay that way.
  • 7elizamae
    7elizamae Posts: 758 Member
    Hi all

    I love reading the updates so I'll add one too.

    Just finished week 5 and I love it, even though it is hard flippin' work. Jillian still makes me laugh with all of her Jill-itude but sometimes she creeps me out when she gets too handsy with the people on her team. She is motivating though. I can't believe I can do some of the crazy balancing dumbbell exercises (statue of liberty squats and one legged stork thing I am looking at both of you).

    Ok, actually I fall over a lot and this startles my dog. But still. Can't wait to get to Phase 3.

    Hope you all are getting great results -
    I thought maybe I was the only prude one out there gasping which I watch Jillian handle her people. In one of the videos she commented about biting someone's behind. :huh: Hmmm...not my style. But I still love her as my not-so-personal trainer.
  • Hello - I'm 45 and just started ... today!! I tried P90X for about 2 months about 2 years ago and absolutely nothing changed!! So I wasn't too motivated. I think Jillian's style works better with my attitude and patience level. We'll see. I've always been skinny without trying one bit. I'm 5'9" and was around 130-135 for decades. Now I'm about at 155, and when I did P90X I was 145 and freaking out. So the age has creeped in even though friends still say I have nothing to change. Husband has let me know in no uncertain terms that my body is disgusting (OK, that's another subject...), but I'm also really upset about the gain and am sick of buying new clothes to accommodate the fat. (GROSS!!) So I'm motivated for me, I have time, I want to be healthy, and I want to keep enjoying wine and good cheese (we live in France) and still be fit. Exercise is the key! Anyway, I'm starting with a good base and know that it would be perfectly natural for me to be around 130+ so time to burn off the excess in time for a scuba trip to Asia at the holidays..... Here goes!!!
  • LBethC
    LBethC Posts: 3
    I will be 46 this month, just finished week one. Major pain behind my knee while doing donkey kicks with last workout. Determined not to quit but afraid to make it worse. Hopefully will be better with my next workout.
  • boxfish100
    boxfish100 Posts: 172 Member
    Hi LBethC - just noticed your message. You aren't alone in managing the injury avoidance! I'm finding that taking the programme a bit slower when needed is really helping, even though the results won't be as quick and dramatic. Sounds as though you have a good approach over all. Hope the upcoming weeks go well - I've just started workouts 9 & 10 and love them both. I really struggled doing workouts 5 & 6 though; go figure.