Post Baby Weight

kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
Hey all!

I have just given birth to a beautiful little girl, and I have a 21 month old son. I'm trying to eat clean and healthy as much as possible to try to kick start the baby weight loss. I can't exercise until I'm given clearance, but I'm anxious to get rid of the weight!

I've always struggled with being overweight, so this is not a new journey for me. I gained 52 lbs with my son, and while I lost over half of that after he was born, I didn't continue to be healthy and I gained it all back plus some. I managed to lose a bit of it before getting pregnant again, and this time I not only didn't gain weight while pregnant - I actually weighed in at 2 lbs lighter at her birth.

So, my goal is to lose about 50 lbs total to reach my goal weight. I am breastfeeding, so I'm hoping that will help a little bit as well. Would love some friends to help keep me motivated!


  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX Posts: 274 Member
    Hey ! My son is 7 months. When i had him I was only about 15lbs up but because I breastfed and ate everything in site i ended up 30lbs up five months after he was born :(

    I have since lost 16 and working on getting rid of the rest! Good luck!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    That sounds like me! I lost about 35 lbs after having my son, but with breastfeeding I think I ate 3x as much as I did when I was pregnant! I ended up gaining it all back, plus a few extra. Oops... :s I'm determined not to do that this time.

  • Hi. Have you heard of "". I started this about 3wks ago and have lost 2kg. I have also signed up for the november challenge to get kickstarted. Its designed for breastfeeding mothers. Has a lot of great recipes. I have a 13week old and a 23month old.
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Well, I'm 11 days post partum, and I'm down 21 lbs from my delivery weight! I didn't expect it to come off that fast, as it didn't with my son. So I'm now down to about 30 lbs from my goal weight. Here's hoping I can lost another good 10 lbs before it stalls!
  • emmalilianmorris
    emmalilianmorris Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! My little girl is 6 weeks old on Monday and I've got 11 pounds more to lose - I lost my appetite for a while after my c-section, so the first 28 pounds disappeared after 10 days! Now I need to lose the rest in a more sensible time frame (hopefully by Christmas)!

    Please feel free to add me if you're also trying to lose baby weight - it's so much easier with others! :)
  • tayortoeknee
    tayortoeknee Posts: 97 Member
    When my daughter was born, I was 13lbs up from my pre-knowing-I-was-pregnant weight, then I gained three pounds but I'm now 34lbs down. 226-192. I had a c-section, too. My body would absolutely not allow me to breastfeed, despite my little girl's perfect latch, a ridiculous amount of effort and way too many meetings with a lactation consultant - but I've been able to lose this amount in the past 11 months. I know maybe that is slow, but it's been steady and healthy and it's awesome! Counting calories really makes the difference for me as I am a killer boredom's kind of ridiculous haha.
  • Lord have mercy. I'm jealous you ladies gained so little. I gained 90 with my first, 70 with my next two pregnancies. It really didn't matter how clean I ate I just gained. It took me a year to drop each weight gained. The best thing for me was counting calories and working out. I started out slow by starting yoga, then incorporating harder cardio and strength DVDs. I breastfed and getting enough calories was crucial for me as I noticed my supply dropped if I didnt.
  • 5 more lbs to my pre-baby weight! I still have a long ways to go but every little goal helps :)
  • JennypegMarie
    JennypegMarie Posts: 133 Member
    Hiya Ladies, I'm in the same boat as Kalyrra - (Hiya hun, just found this group!) I'm 5 weeks pp and -18lb post pregnancy. I still have 15lb to be pre-preg, I just seem to be gaining 2-3lb losing 1lb then plateauing. Im not BF but have dropped my calories, I was on 1800-2000 during pregnancy and have since dropped them to 1500, and not losing! I still have to have my clearance from docs and can only do light exercises due to existing conditions. Its so frustrating - Ive been dieting for 3 years now and lost around 2.5 stones in total. I'm wanting to lose (inclu baby weight) 57lbs, it seems a long way off, but I can't be discouraged, I know you ladies will understand that sometimes it seems so hard and you feel so tired on feeling fat!
  • I gained 80lbs with my son and lost all of it but in the past 6 months Ive seemed to pack on about 30lbs....I worked so hard to loose it in the first place and cant bear the thought of starting all over again but here I am.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    I would suggest that you take a look at 5:2 (fasting [500cals] 2 days and eating maintenance cals the other days. I've done it since September and have lost 10lbs, however I'm not sure if you might be breastfeeding. It's good if you're unable to exercise (I only workout once a week very low impact).
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    Hi mums! I've also recently had a little boy (in September) and my goal was to lose the baby weight plus another stone (4 stone or 56 lb in total). So far I've lost 25 lb mostly straight after the birth but have since started up 5:2 intermittent fasting as I'm not breast feeding anymore. I'm finding this method suits my lifestyle at the moment as I barely have time to eat or exercise anyway, and when I am eating I'm usually feeding the baby at the same time so eating a meal takes about half an hour!

    I'm quite confident that I can lose the baby weight, but I'm more worried about losing the pregnancy pouch (especially as I've got quite a few stretch marks over my belly). Has anyone got any good tips on toning abs after giving birth?
  • Hi Ladies. Have any of you heard of "losebabyweight". I've lost 7.5kg in just over 2 months. Its really good especially if you are breastfeeding and their recipes are yummy.
  • Mitzimum
    Mitzimum Posts: 163 Member
    edited November 2014
    I posted about that a few days ago nikki, I'm on it too. Lost 400g after the first 4 days!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    phreekles wrote: »
    Hi mums! I've also recently had a little boy (in September) and my goal was to lose the baby weight plus another stone (4 stone or 56 lb in total). So far I've lost 25 lb mostly straight after the birth but have since started up 5:2 intermittent fasting as I'm not breast feeding anymore. I'm finding this method suits my lifestyle at the moment as I barely have time to eat or exercise anyway, and when I am eating I'm usually feeding the baby at the same time so eating a meal takes about half an hour!

    I'm doing 5:2 too! Have seen the other post on MPF...

    I had my last little one almost 2 years ago and was completely stalled, until 5:2. I have lost almost 20, with about 20 more to go.
  • phreekles
    phreekles Posts: 216 Member
    snaps27 wrote: »
    phreekles wrote: »
    Hi mums! I've also recently had a little boy (in September) and my goal was to lose the baby weight plus another stone (4 stone or 56 lb in total). So far I've lost 25 lb mostly straight after the birth but have since started up 5:2 intermittent fasting as I'm not breast feeding anymore. I'm finding this method suits my lifestyle at the moment as I barely have time to eat or exercise anyway, and when I am eating I'm usually feeding the baby at the same time so eating a meal takes about half an hour!

    I'm doing 5:2 too! Have seen the other post on MPF...

    I had my last little one almost 2 years ago and was completely stalled, until 5:2. I have lost almost 20, with about 20 more to go.

    Well done on your loss - that's amazing! I find the 5:2 diet is the only way my body will let me lose weight. I've even tried sticking just to the 1200 cals a day MFP sets you to but I didn't lose any weight with that!

    I also love the fact that on non-fast days I get full more easily and so eat smaller portions due to fasting the day before.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    phreekles wrote: »
    snaps27 wrote: »
    phreekles wrote: »
    Well done on your loss - that's amazing! I find the 5:2 diet is the only way my body will let me lose weight. I've even tried sticking just to the 1200 cals a day MFP sets you to but I didn't lose any weight with that!

    I also love the fact that on non-fast days I get full more easily and so eat smaller portions due to fasting the day before.

    5:2 is honestly a god sent! Glad it is working for you too.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    My first mini goal is to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight (202lbs). From there, I'd like to lose another 20. My newest baby is over a year old now so I think that the "I've just had a baby" excuse is out the window.