Binge accountability for October!

mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
Hi everyone,

I tend to do really well for 5 days of the week, but some days I just cannot control myself and I just eat all of the carbs!!
It's normally at night and I want to be able to control this, because I know that it is psychological and more of a defeatist habit than anything else.

I wanted to know if there are any others out there in this group who seem to sabotage their hard work (exercise and staying within their calorie goal) only to undo all their hard work with a couple of binge sessions.

As a way to stay accountable and try to break this cycle, I am willing to post my binges on this post.

I am hoping we can support each other and try and stick to our long term goals!

Good luck ladies!


  • MrsSchimmy
    MrsSchimmy Posts: 255 Member
    I used to have the same problem. I started following IF and had my window end before I would normally have my night binges. It has nearly stopped all the binges.

    I also downloaded a counter app to tell me how long it has been since my last binge. I'm SUPER competitive (even with myself) so this helps a ton!

    One last thing that has helped me TREMENDOUSLY, I eat a treat every day. The foods I would binge on was peanut butter and maple bar donuts. (Not at the same time, though). Now, I eat a maple bar about once a week and I eat peanut butter with my carrots.

    These 3 things combined is what has helped me to control my binges. Each one by itself did nothing for me.

    ETA: I also upped my calories. Binges are a good sign you might not be getting the calories that your body needs.
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for sharing what works for you! Some good tips. I have had much more success eating more calories 1500-1600 net per day and I am now pre logging a treat every day. Before I would try to have something else that is 'healthier' which never satisfied me and it would lead to a binge.

    I am trying lots of new things and I can feel it's getting better :)

    Happy to hear you've been successful. It gives me hope!
  • Fitmom120811
    Fitmom120811 Posts: 260 Member
    I feel like I am the same way I am on track until wednesday when i give up and try and star on monday. :( I am glad im not the only one.
  • tmcoyle
    tmcoyle Posts: 168 Member
    I just had a binge night last night. I don't know if it is the weather getting colder and I'm going into hibernation mode or what it is, but I ate way too many carbs. I was really good over the past weekend, which was VERY hard because I had a 4 day weekend on vacation riding horse with 14 other women. I staved off the sweets, bars and bad food only to cave into the carb craving last night. Now today I feel bloated and out of sorts. I know my body is craving nitrogen which comes from nuts, seeds and kale, so I ramped up on the nuts and seeds only to fail when I got home and ate crackers, homemade granola and skinny popcorn.
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    Well done for recogising your triggers and getting straight back onto your goals.
    The worst thing is when one time spirals into 2 days, a week etc.

    I have taken a step back from logging each food in the last few days after having multiple binges in a week-eating half a loaf of bread each time and multiple bowls of cereal. :'(
    I was getting really depressed.

    Over the last few days I have been writing down (in a little notebook) and estimating cals (overestimating) and then adding the calories by quick add into my food diary. I feel so much more free and less obsessive.

    I know all the calories for the foods I eat and I have become pretty good at estimating serving size so I think I will be on track. I just feel for me, at this time, it will help with the binging as I think I was binging because I was fussing over every gram of lettuce etc. It wasn't healthy.

    I am going to see how this goes for a couple of weeks and see if my binging is better and if I'm feeling better (mental health wise).

    Good luck and get straight back on to your way of eating.
    Don't try and make up for the binge by over exercising or eating less. It just causes more binges in the long run.
    You probably ended up binging because you restricted yourself so much when you were with your friends (I do that too!).
    Good luck!
  • fit_crow
    fit_crow Posts: 17 Member
    It's awesome that you could recognize how being obsessive was affecting you! I used to have that problem a few years ago. Now tracking things has actually been really helpful for my binges, but I am very conscious about not getting too obsessive about it. I hear people talking about food scales all the time on here now and I can't even imagine. That would definitely mess with my head.

    My binging has actually gotten way better than it used to be but since I started tracking, every single week I've ended up with a "binge" day. Every weekend for a day I some how stop being in control and just go into binge mode. I'm glad it's only been once a week but it's still really stressful and disheartening. It often happens on grocery day though, and today I've avoided it so maybe I can make it through the rest of the weekend now! I am hopeful.
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    Good luck for the rest of the weekend! Could you change your grocery day to a week day where you are probably more in routine with your eating habits and maybe less likely to make 'bad' choices. Shopping on a weekend, in my brain because its the weekend, seems to psychologically mess with your head and leads to a binge. Like "I've been good for x number of _____ won't matter"- next minute I have eaten enough for 2-3 days worth of calories....oops.
  • fit_crow
    fit_crow Posts: 17 Member
    Ugh, I was doing so well and then tonight just turned into a late night stream of snack binging and it has not been good. I kind of forgot about this forum, maybe the accountability would have stopped me. Oh well. I'm actually still kind of in that mindset right now and trying to snap out of it. I tend to get launched into binges when someone else offers me food that I wouldn't normally eat and I think "oh i'll just have some, it's fine." Like I've been eating mostly vegan lately for my skin and because I feel better when I do, but tonight a friend brought us a very non-vegan apple pie and all of that just left my head. That was followed by a bunch of binging.

    But it will be ok and I will be back on track for the rest of the week! Starting tomorrow I think I will try to go one whole month without binging. I could do it if I was really focused, I think. It's just hard. But I am actually going home for a vacation this coming weekend. If I can make it through the airport and not buying my own groceries for five days, then it will be a big confidence boost!
  • Jessieqaz
    I am just like many of you here! I think I actually really enjoying binge eating, just stuffing my face and of course only to regret later. I don't even remember when this habit started (do you?) and it seems sometimes I set myself for it, and compensate with fasting after for 24 or longer hours. I would like to have a buddy or a group to check in daily to motivate me not to start non stop eating, I find I tend to binge around once or twice a week.
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    I visit this site every day so we can check in daily @Jessieqaz?
    I remember I always liked to eat but since actually trying to lose weight and restricting for so long (no takeaway, no dessert etc.) then it all came crashing down. I normally binge 1-2 times per week but when it gets bad it can be every second day.
    I have been very good for 2 days now...and I am feeling strong :)
  • sarah817
    I have been a member of MFP since the beginning of September and I was at my peak when I started. I tried to follow a strict diet, but I am just too hungry - then I binge, and I feel horrible when I do it. I binge at least once a week, then I too, try the 24-hour fast to "make up" for the massive amount of intake I did.. :(
    - I also cut out bread/chips which was something of my daily intake prior to starting up MFP!
  • tbs178
    tbs178 Posts: 6 Member
    I have struggled with binge-eating myself. I did seek professional help several years ago but I don't think it was the right fit for me, but I've considered going back to a different person. I find that I binge more when I'm feeling down on myself or if I am just bored. My goal is to find new hobbies that excite me and keep me busy. I think I will be checking this post often for additional motivation.

    Also several of you mentioned an app that tracks your binge days. What is the name of that app?
  • mckaytobe
    mckaytobe Posts: 56 Member
    Grr... I had a binge last night. I had a great day and was feeling satisfied after dinner. But I had some cals to spare and started snacking on grapes...then it all turned bad and probably ate about 1000 extra calories. I am so mad because I don't have a huge deficit, every time this happens I blow like a whole week. But all I can do is head up and start again today. Good luck ladies.
    Just want to mention that they say that fasting or trying to make up for a binge often leads to another binge more quickly so be careful about trying to fix the binge xx