Hello hormones...yikes!

robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
Wow, I don't think I've been emotional so far, I wasn't even PMSy prior to pregnancy...but last night they hit me like a bus!

Let's just say hubby and I were getting cozy, and he had to make a comment about how different my nipples were...keep in mind I'm already struggling with these body changes, and accepting weight gain after losing quite a bit pre-pg...my response was, "everything on me's changing", and I just lost it. I don't really know why...but he knows how sensitive I am about my appearance and gaining again...and instead of making me feel beautiful, it made me feel gross. So, that put an end to the activity and I ended up crying in the bathroom because he's just a clueless oaf.

Now that's carried over into today, and I stuffed myself with 2 Jack In The Box tacos, 3 eggrolls, and then a cupcake back at the office after lunch. UGH! Should NOT have let it get to me that much, but it was so uncontrollable.

I realize how ridiculous it was, but felt pretty embarrassed and humiliated in the moment, and now just mad at myself...not even him so much, well maybe a little. Just trying to move on and get myself back on track.

A little venting always feels better. :) Thanks ladies! Pregnancy is fun!


  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    First of all Robynn - You are not alone! and second, Jack in box egg rolls??? I've been craving those and they don't have any in Minnesota! So jealous.

    But really, it's totally normal to feel that way (I still do and this is baby #3) and there is definitely an adjustment period during and after pregnancy. I remember thinking that I'd just be overweight after delivery, but I wasn't just overweight. I was overweight and still looked 6 months pregnant for a month or two until the pouch started shrinking. Just keep giving it time and remember that your body is AMAZING. Seriously think of everything that is simultaneously happening to prepare for your baby! Our bodies are machines!
  • robynn412
    robynn412 Posts: 97 Member
    Thank you for that...I know it is truly amazing what is happening in there! This is my 2nd, I'm almost 14wks along, but 7yrs since my daughter and I think I've just forgotten or blocked out a lot of the changes. Ha!

    So interesting the little changes I'm noticing this time around, and I have to think it has to do with where I'm at weight wise. My starting weight w/my daughter was 215...this time around it was 171, and it's pretty awesome to see/feel these tiny, gradual changes happen before my eyes.

    Hubby must have forgotten too...and if he thinks things have changed now...just wait! Although, it appears he realized pointing those things out may not be the best idea, and has decided to take a little more complimentary approach since then. I certainly appreciate the effort!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Glad he recognized a better way to approach it! LOL
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Hang in there! I'm 25 weeks with baby #2. I'm so hormonal & emotional right now, all hubby says is how glowing I am & offers me food constantly. Lol. Our daughter is 3, so me being pregnant may still be fresh on his mind. I tore into him a few times when I was pregnant with our first, I'm sure he doesn't want that kind of backlash again!