hypo and weight loss success



  • Janette3x4
    Good job scoobydoo! What is yur daily calorie goal? I have lost another pound eating at 1250 net.
  • 44scoobydoo
    44scoobydoo Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Janette3X4. Congrats on your weight loss! I am eating 1360 per day. I haven't started exercising yet since I am recovering from a strained groin and lower back. I am almost 100% and will start exercising this weekend. I am really excited about starting a workout program. I think I am losing a lot because I weigh a lot. Lol.
  • giantkoko
    giantkoko Posts: 3 Member
    edited October 2014
    I've lost about 6 lbs since starting levothyroxine 50mcg a few weeks ago, and 10 lbs total since I changed my diet. I don't think it's so much the meds so far as it is me starting to go to the gym around the same time period.. and i also changed my diet a bit when I found out about my diagnosis (3 or 4 weeks prior to starting levo). i'm avoiding carbs and trying to get more protein, and stopped consuming soy products.
  • countrygirl336
    countrygirl336 Posts: 15 Member
    edited October 2014
    I was diagnosed with Graves 3 years ago, had RAI 2 years ago, and am now having a plethora of hypo symptoms. Even though my labs show mild hypo results, my doctors (I've seen 3 in 4 months) will not give me ANY medication :(

    BUT.....I prayed about it, and I think it's just something I don't need to be on for some reason or another. I think God is wanting me to cure this disease NATURALLY. The one best thing that I started doing a month ago was using IODIZED SALT. To make a long story short, the U.S. has stopped using iodized salt in most food products. We NEED IODINE to have a healthy thyroid. So, seeing as though millions of people have thyroid issues here in the U.S., why wouldn't the government PUT IODINE BACK INTO OUR FOODS? A month ago, I bought iodized salt and coincidently, I've lost 2 pounds without exercising regularly OR using medication.

  • bakerface64
    Hi new to group. Wondering if anybody out there who is hypo and just turned 50 or started to notice weight gain at 45 been battling rapid weight gain? My bloodwork is "normal"according to my dr but I know when I am not feeling normal and gaining 8 pounds in one month is not normal for a clean eater. I was going to the gym 4 to 5 days a week doing these intense, extremely difficult boot camp style workouts, some days thought I wasn't going to make it the entire 45 min and although I got strong and buff, I didn't get thin, I got bigger!!! I have gained 20 pounds this year and in 2 bouts of rapid weight gain. In over the last 5 years I have gained a total of 30 pounds, I am only 5/3 and now weigh a whopping 170 lbs! I am so angry, depressed and feel disgusting. I don't like to go out in public, I worked really hard to get back down to 148 and then second week into jan of this year, boom gained 8 pounds in a week, battled getting it off at the gym and clean diet.........boom 5 more pounds........then up and down with that 5 pounds and then boom 8 more overnight..........I can't handle gaining anymore, it will send me into a major depression. I dont' feel sexy, I wont go out on a date, i wont have sex, i feel gross. My Dr says nothing wrong with me, yes I still have periods no menopause, and I am trying to find a endocrinologist who will take my insurance.............i am doing 1200 cal a day now on here and cut back on my exercise to enjoyable exercise and not stressful exercise and no luck..............HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Surfingbodi
    Surfingbodi Posts: 161 Member
    hi bakerface64, i am right there with you almost exactly, weight, when, age, height. i am so frustrated i could scream and i don't even want to talk about the fact that NONE of my clothes fit, including the 'fat' ones I finally bought at the beginning of the summer. I am going to send you a friend request hoping that together you and I might find some things on here to help each other. ugghh!

    don't give up!

  • LadyLots2Lose
    LadyLots2Lose Posts: 110 Member
    I have congenital hypothyroidism so, I've had regular tests for most of my life. I've been "chubby" for most of my life and suffered from the assumptions that my size was a result of junk food and laziness.
    I've found that my TSH levels need to be slightly higher than the top end of the accepted bracket to feel 'normal' and keeping the weight down is much easier as a result. Even a small variance seems to make life a hundred times harder to do. This is my second successful attempt at losing weight. Unfortunately I gained the weight back with interest after my first attempt (due to a combination of mismanaged thyroid meds, poor food choices, lack of self esteem and little exercise).
    Getting to a healthy weight is possible but, it definitely has some extra challenges. The best advice I've got is..
    • find a good doctor that listens to you. I've seen many GPs that are only interested in getting the numbers to match their little scale without regard for the effect it has on my ability to function.
    • Focus on eating well most of the time (90% healthy, 10% treats seems to work for me). The more you deprive yourself the less likely you'll succeed
    • Get active. Start with small goals and gradually increase the amount of exercise you do. Pushing yourself too far can lead to injury, frustration and de-motivation
      Hope it helps
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Hello all,

    I am new to the group. Diagnosed with Hypo about 8 years ago during pregnancy but then doc said it returned to normal so never really had it checked again after I delivered but recently got a new doc and guess what? That's right along with my PCOS, anemia, I am Hypo again. My TSH is 3.3 which isn't off the charts high but high enough for my doc to put me on 3/4 grain westhroid pure. I don't know if its working yet- am losing-- but very very slowly. Like 1-2 lbs per week despite cal deficit. I am doing 1600 calories which should create a good calorie deficit but my frustration is to find out what CAN or Should I be eating?

    Have done some recent research on foods I should eat-- fish- ok done, nuts- ok done, but now grains-- ok so doc says I should avoid grains because of the PCOS and insulin resistance, milk- another one doc wants me to avoid because of pcos and insulin resistance. But I am on Iron for the anemia which now I am reading could be blocking my absorption of the westhroid? I take them at different times in the day but its still concerns me.
    Also have read to avoid cruciferous veggies- broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower.

    So my question to those of you who are successful is- what/how do you eat? Clean? Paleo? etc

    Have you stopped sugar consumption completely? Has this helped?

    I have minimized my sugar consumption dramatically but should I eliminate it?

    I don't know what to eat to benefit both my thyroid condition and the insulin resistance with the PCOS?? HELP!!!!!!!
  • mrsnelson16
    mrsnelson16 Posts: 19 Member
    Blukitten Paleo is the only thing that has seemed to work for me. I've cut out the grains and sugar and have seen dramatic results in a very shot time. Give it a try.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Thank you MrsNelson- I think I may have to go that route. Havent yet but I have a paleo book already so may have to do that. Have been avoiding it because I am having a hard enough time just sticking to the low carb thing but I think I may just have to commit to the paleo road.