Help Help

Hi everyone!!! This is my first pregnancy and it is a roller coaster. Some days I am fine other days I am an emotional wreck. I am worried about my diet. I track everything and workout six days a week. I am hungry all the dang time now and not quite sure what to do. I don't want to blow up like a balloon and end up gaining too much weight. Not to mention I am super stressed cause of my family. Sometimes I just feel alone. My fiance is in a little bit of denial I think. Isnt this suppose to be a joyful time?? Help help!!!


  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    I can tell you that I am not in the glowing pregnancy category either. I am stressed and emotional too. I cry at the drop of a hat. There are days that I can't put enough food into my system, and I totally over eat. Other days, I do better. I haven't been able to exercise alot at all because I am just too tired. So I get it. The mantra I have is "stop worrying/stressing about the things that you can't change...and don't stress until you need to." Some days it is harder to follow. I suggest that you talk to friends if your family is stressing you out, post on here, we all support each other. Follow your body's cues. If you are hungry, eat. If you are stressing, then do whatever you do to de-stress (short of drinking some wine;)
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    Relax, its suppose to be a rollercoaster! And, if you are eating well, just listen to your body. If you are hungry, then eat. You need to reconcile yourself to the idea that you WILL gain weight. Again, you are supposed to. I completely understand not wanting to gain TOO much though, I have that same worry. But you can't let it stress you. Stress is extremely bad for the baby and has an impact on their development. Try to do anything you can to relax. If the working out is helping with the stress then good for you! Sometimes jumping on the treadmill is enough to relax me. And, most importantly, try to enjoy this time. It is a time denied to some women and it goes by oh so quickly, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time. Use the boards here as a resource, you are definitely not alone. Good luck with it all and best wishes!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Just another echo that you aren't alone! Totally normal feelings!
  • kathyk519 wrote: »
    I can tell you that I am not in the glowing pregnancy category either. I am stressed and emotional too. I cry at the drop of a hat. There are days that I can't put enough food into my system, and I totally over eat. Other days, I do better. I haven't been able to exercise alot at all because I am just too tired. So I get it. The mantra I have is "stop worrying/stressing about the things that you can't change...and don't stress until you need to." Some days it is harder to follow. I suggest that you talk to friends if your family is stressing you out, post on here, we all support each other. Follow your body's cues. If you are hungry, eat. If you are stressing, then do whatever you do to de-stress (short of drinking some wine;)
    Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks everyone!!! Its so crazy and like we all say some days are better than others.