November 2014 - Who's In?

kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
Hi, I'm Karen. I live in Surrey, England and am the mother of five. I've taken this challenge a number of times now and have now succeeded more times than I've failed. I'll be walking 150 miles for the first time this month with my daughter in her buggy. This is not a distance I've achieved before, but I need to push myself if I'm going to achieve my weightloss goals too.

Where are you and what's your goal?


  • nickwieler
    Hi Karen,

    I'm Nick, and I live in Canada. I walked to and from work, about half a mile one way, before I quit to go to school. I intend on walking to and from school when I can, which is 2.5 miles one way. So I imagine I will be walking around 80 miles. I don't have a car, so other day to day activities should put me close to if not over the 100 mile mark.

    Good luck!
  • Shewolfgurl
    Shewolfgurl Posts: 31
    edited October 2014
    Hi, I'm Becky. I live in the US (South Florida). I will alternate daily outdoor walks (semi rural neighborhood) with doing the Leslie Sansone 3 mile walk video from Youtube. Looking forward to the challenge. I start my new way of eating on Nov 4th (JUDDD) and this should fit right in. Best of luck to everyone!
  • Shewolfgurl
    Karen, how do I get one of those cool exercise ticker thingies? :p
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    I'm Kenda, and I live in Alberta (Canada). I would like to join to keep me motivated as it is quite dark this time of year and easy to just hit the couch. Right now its dark till 8 am and again shortly after supper, so the I need to combat the winter cozies :)
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    I'm Melanie and I live in Wisconsin. I have been slacking on exercising even though I had the best of intentions on making it part of my routine again. Weather will be difficult so I will probably be doing a majority of my walking on a treadmill. At my work I have access to a small gym for free so I have no excuses to not use my lunch and break times or take an extra 45 minutes right after work to exercise there. I'm looking forward this challenge to help me with accountability.
  • DanielleH1213
    DanielleH1213 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi I'm Danielle and I live in Maryland (US). I would love to join your group. I seem to be the most successful when I use walking as my exercise. And we just moved to a new neighborhood with lots of area to walk. Plus I need to get in the habit of walking so that when my husband and I get pregnant I will be able to minimize the amount a weight I put on.
  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    Hi, I'm Tina and I live in New Jersey (US). I would love to join your group. I have been walking consistently for the last three weeks now. I look forward to being a part of your challenge :)
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    I'm Cassie from Iowa (US) and have started dieting about a month ago, but haven't added exercise in. Hoping that this challenge will give me the motivation to move forward!
  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    Michelle from Nashville, TN. Definitely in again!! October has flown! Can't believe it's time to commit to November already. Sticking with the 100 mile goal. :) Hopefully going to make it in October and can continue into November!
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    I'm in!
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    Have a the mileage based on total for the day or taking dedicated walks for 3+ miles average per day?
  • MiliOm
    MiliOm Posts: 134 Member
    I'm Mili from Australia, I walk 8.5 km (5 miles) a day 5 days a week, we are coming into summer to its an early walk for me (5 am).
    Im in! ;) this will be perfect for motivation. Good luck guys!
  • corofinlass
    corofinlass Posts: 43 Member
    I'm from Galway, Ireland. I started on MFP under a month ago. My diet is going well so far but I need to up the exercise, so this seems like a good challenge to take part in. I have 98lbs to loose. I plan on joining a gym (if I can find one close by with good instructors!) so it will be a mix of outdoors and treadmill for me. My favourite type of walking is in the woods. I will try and take some pictures of the beautiful places there are to walk in around here.
    Hope we all kill it!
  • Longtobelean
    Longtobelean Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, my name is Laura. I am a mother of 3, soon to be 4. I have been a member of this group, but never seem to make it to the end of the month--so if you see me missing, send me a note! I live in the United States (midwest) and it is starting to get chilly. I plan to walk after work when it is the warmest while my kids have their various activities.

    I will shoot for the 100 miles! (may need to do more on Thanksgiving ;-) )
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    hi im kate I live in Scotland I will be walking near home & I have a treadmill. I have a dog & I used to record these walks but he is getting on now & hes not quite as active I promise ill check in daily good luck x
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    edited October 2014
    Kenda2427 wrote: »
    Have a the mileage based on total for the day or taking dedicated walks for 3+ miles average per day?

    I don't mean to step on the organizer's toes, but she may not see this @Kenda2427.

    I think its more of a personal goal, so whatever you feel may be a "challenge" for you. You may have a job that you are active at so it may be easy for you to hit the "100 miles" on the totals so to challenge yourself if may be 100 miles of dedicated walks, however you choose to split that up.

  • mlh37214
    mlh37214 Posts: 517 Member
    edited October 2014
    Didn't realize I'd already posted...LOL Oops!
  • kshaw5501
    kshaw5501 Posts: 390 Member
    I'm in...all the way from Maine. I use my Fitbit to track my miles and step.
  • Kenda2427
    Kenda2427 Posts: 1,592 Member
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    Kenda2427 wrote: »
    Have a the mileage based on total for the day or taking dedicated walks for 3+ miles average per day?

    I don't mean to step on the organizer's toes, but she may not see this @Kenda2427.

    I think its more of a personal goal, so whatever you feel may be a "challenge" for you. You may have a job that you are active at so it may be easy for you to hit the "100 miles" on the totals so to challenge yourself if may be 100 miles of dedicated walks, however you choose to split that up.

    Thanks for the answer! I have a desk job so most of my steps are dedicated walks. I will attempt the dedicated 100 miles :D

  • summerhaze71
    summerhaze71 Posts: 1,204 Member
    I am in Arkansas and currently only sporadically walk, so 100 miles would really amp up my routine!! Going to give it my best shot... I'm in!