December 2019 - 100 mile club
Join me in walking 100 miles in the month of December!
March 2019- 100 mile Monthly Walking Challenge
Restarting the challenges if anyone is interested. 3.4 miles a day is doable. That is two 1.7 mile walks or three 1.23 mile walks per day. I'm up for the challenge. Is anybody with me?
August 2017 - 100 Mile Monthly Walking Challenge
Come on in, and let's start walking the Monthly Walk Challenge together. I know that I say this each month but I am truly grateful for each and every one of you, who continue to inspire and motivate mile by mile, and step by step, each month. So now... let us lace up those walking shoes and remember to get our water...…
December 2017 - 100 Mile Monthly Walking Challenge
So many challenges in December. How will you deal with them? Work, parties, family gatherings, shopping for presents. Even if you don't celebrate, there are still the challenges of "winter in the Northern hemisphere ". Let 's not hibernate.i am going to focus on getting my exercise and spending time with my family. How…
November 2017 - 100 Mile Monthly Walking Challenge
It is November! How are we going to stay out of hibernation? I really like to walk outside, so now there are no bugs ;) . But the cold is creeping in. So out with the mini trampoline.... I have a lot of sitting work to do this month, so getting my miles in this month is really going to be a challenge. Curling starts next…
October 2017 - 100 Mile Monthly Walking Challenge
Here we go! Fall is here, the leaves are falling, gardens are being harvested. Time to put the yard work to bed. October is such a pretty month. The challenge will be all the Fall suppers ..... control!!
September 2017 - 100 Mile Monthly Walking Challenge
Grab your tennies...get into something comfortable and head out the door. Walk for your health. That is what this challenge is about. Along the way, set other goals to compliment your love of getting out there and moving. What do you want to look back at with a sense of accomplishment when September comes to a close? Make…
July 2017 - 100 Mile Monthly Walking Challenge
Summer is such a busy time, with vacations and yard and garden work. Don't forget to take time to pamper yourself. Have a great month everyone
June 2017 - Monthly Walking Challenge
Welcome to June, come on in and join us for a walk. Set your goals, lace up your shoes, grab your water and let's head out. I like June. My garden is planted, spring yard work is done and I can now focus more on my exercise. What are you going to do this month?
May 2017 - 100 Mile Monthly Walking Challenge
WELCOME everyone!! Wow, I think it is finally spring here. So....what will your challenge be this month? Are you going to walk outside, or are you going to find some walking DVD's and walk inside? Will you make your miles on a bicycle? a treadmill? May has so much to offer for the outdoors, for me ... I love to garden. Sit…