sick of doing this

Skittles2183 Posts: 1,598 Member
I am just so mad at my self, I am so close to 299, I am now 307, I was 304 but has the worst eating week and didn't work out once. I am slowing going back into my old habits and it scares the crap out of me. I can't seem to control my self. right now I am having my oatmeal and I tracked that, as well I am about go to go the gym after this and get one of my work out classes in. I just need to get back in the game.


  • smalleyez06
    smalleyez06 Posts: 132 Member
    Getting so frustrated over it won't help get you back there. Take the baby steps again to get back to where you were. Hitting the gym and lots of water, great goals for today. Tracking as well everything today. Just get back to it and don't look back. Did you track your worst week of eating? Even if it is a bad week still track, maybe that will help.
    Believe me, I know, easier said than done. But I would want someone to just give words of encouragement and guidance if I felt out of control.
    I'm great at making excuses......I Just logged what I plan on eating for today except dinner and I am not thinking, damn, 30 Day Shred might not be enough exercise to make sure I don't go over. If I do though, its not the end of the world.
    Hope the work out helps clear the head.

  • shballa
    shballa Posts: 133 Member
    The same thing happened to me as I approached the 300 mark. I am now 301, so I haven't gotten there yet. But when as I was getting down to 305-304-303, I really fell off the wagon, which I have never done before. I think there is some underlying psychological thing going on there. It seems like "If I hit 299, this is for real now. I don't want to let myself go under because I might go back over, and then I've failed." So I decided to get back on track with my eating, and not weigh myself for a month. Then I won't see myself go under 300, and potentially go over the next day.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,598 Member
    I think thats what I might do, just not weight my self for a while and just do what I know I should be doing
  • topheravila24
    There is totally something to be said about constantly weighing yourself and becoming the proverbial "slave to the scale." Take a break from weighing could do the trick, and just track food and exercise. Maybe commit to doing weigh-ins once a week, especially if it's more stress-inducing doing it any more frequently.

    Personally, I weigh myself day or night and almost everyday. I find how my weight fluctuates throughout the day fascinating, but I don't let it control my life either. Sometimes, especially if I haven't been eating and working out the way I should, I don't weigh myself for a few days. Then, when I recommit myself to doing what I know I need to do, I reweigh to see where I am at again, and then reweigh in a few more days to see if the lbs. are coming off again now that I'm doing what I've been training myself to do up to this point. Usually, I'm back to where I was give or take a couple lbs., but I know I'll get lower. Patience, for me, has totally been one of those "gifts" that I've had to come to terms with throughout this journey.

    Anyways, I hope this helps. Feel free to add me if you'd like, and message me any time if you want to chat more.