Warriors - Chat (10/16-10/22)

writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
Busy, Busy, Bee. This evening find a way to keep as active as possible around your house. Need to change the sheets on your bed? Run in there as fast as you can change the sheets as fast as you can and run back in time to catch the show. If you need to empty the dishwasher, you might just want to do something like squat down to get the dish & up on your toes to put them away...so you don't break any dishes :) Be creative and let us know what you did during the commercials!

If you are watching the show at a gym or something. Try finding an activity to alternate to during commercials. Maybe you are on the treadmill and the commercial comes on, so you switch to the bike and go as fast as you can, then back to the treadmill during the show. Unless someone's going to steal your machine :)

Have fun watching & chatting the show here!


  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    Sounds interesting! Mine will be at home....now to decide what to do, what to do?!?!?!? :D
  • Amber__E
    Amber__E Posts: 8 Member
    I'm doing laundry. It's in my basement so I'm going up and down the stairs not once but twice between loads. Extra steps and stairs on my Fitbit.
  • katonaroof
    katonaroof Posts: 177 Member
    edited October 2014
  • katonaroof
    katonaroof Posts: 177 Member
    edited October 2014
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Good show tonight, for my challenge, I walked around the house every commercial break, instead of just sitting on the couch, or fast-forwarding commercials
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    edited October 2014
    katonaroof wrote: »

    Looks like they were trying to post on Western All Stars and clicked ours by accident. Too bad it won't allow you to cancel or delete. :\
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    edited October 2014
    Watched the show. During commercials I unloaded dishwasher, loaded dishwasher . I was also able to threw a load of laundry in!

    After the show I was so inspired, I decided to tackle the pot that I burned a few days ago. Soaking didn't work so it keeps going back into the dishwasher (knowing full well it won't clean it) until I can decide whether I'm going to try to clean it or maybe it's a lost cause and throw it out.

    So tonight scrub, scrub, scrub. Used a razor blade to chip the burnt on black gunk. Needed SOS pad-Didn't have SOS pad. Got a really good arm workout! I've NEVER burned a pot so bad in my life. I made soup and decided to add rice. It stuck to the bottom and burnt to a crisp! Obviously I wasn't there every second, got sidetracked. The burner was on medium-low so I thought it would be fine-obviously NOT! Anyway, I saved it. It's shiny stainless steel again!

    I was so proud of the Blue Team! They resisted the temptation! Even so, the Blue Team didn't make it tonight. :( My Bud, Damien, only lost 7 pounds, which is still a lot in one week, just not enough for this week!

    I really liked what Gina said when she was leaving about "There is something special about be part of a Team". That is the way I feel about all of you!

    We have a Fantastic Team! We encourage each other to do well and more importantly, lift each other up when someone is down! You are all working really, really hard at whatever is thrown at you!

    Kudos WARRIORS! Thank you for your support and all of your wonderful "Team" work! :D
  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    So mad Mike lost at Come Back Canyon! He was really awe inspiring! I'm really proud that none of the ladies gave into temptation! Although it is true that when you're eating better and eat crap it makes you sick...learned that at the bowling alley a few weeks ago when we shared some nachos with cheese.

    Didn't do a lot during commercials since I had walked 1 1/2 miles before the show but I did unload the dishwasher and switch out a load of laundry for the challenge :)

    Use the weekend to layout your game plan for the week. All athletes have game plans...so let's hit the ground running WARRIORS!!!!
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    I'm really proud that none of the ladies gave into temptation! Although it is true that when you're eating better and eat crap it makes you sick...learned that at the bowling alley a few weeks ago when we shared some nachos with cheese.

    Isn't that funny what our bodies do? Junk food that tasted good, no longer tastes good and I don't have the cravings for it either!

  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    It really is a lifestyle change! I find myself choosing better...not perfect but definitely better. Just ate a pear instead of an extra blueberry muffin...they look good but one for breakfast was plenty!
  • watersm04
    watersm04 Posts: 190 Member
    Rode my bike while watching the show, during the commercials I went up 2 gears. The last few commercials I did weights. I really enjoyed this challenge and may keep on doing this. The workout flew by!

    I think that Dolvett is getting through to Rob on the red team. I expected Dolvett to yell and scream at Rob, but I guess he figured that wouldn't work with him. He was pretty gentle on him.

    Newbeginning4: I like your idea about making a game plan for the week. I'll spend some time Sunday afternoon (while watching football) to do that. :D

    Go Warriors!!
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Hey! I almost forget about the show until I was scrolling through the PVR; I was surprised with how many didn't eat the temptations! Great to see though; during commercials I did 10 bur-pees, 10 box jumps and near the end added weights... I did miss the weigh in part for some reason it cut off so will check youtube for it!!! Excited for this week; after derailing last week; I got a game plan and I am ready to crush it!!! I have a dietbet that finishes next Sunday and I have 5 LBS to lose; determined to do it!!
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Just watched the show today, I thought that the challenge was a bit dumb because it pits one person who eats the most against their team. I bet that the guy who won the challenge (can't remember his name) was probably starting to regret doing that because no doubt his team members were constantly making comments when they were exercising.

    While the breaks were on I went for a bit of a run.
  • chuckles71
    chuckles71 Posts: 15 Member
    Made beds during commercial breaks. Sad to see Mike leave but he is kicking butt at home.
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    Here's the link to watch the show

  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Another win warriors!!! Let's get this week too!! Don't forget to weigh in and chat!!
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Ok so I have now seen the end sad to see Gina but Mike looks amazing!!!!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Hi team,

    Can I take a moment to rant a little? I've been very disappointed in myself since joining our challenge. First I became sick, and then I sprained my neck, and then I became sick for a second time! What horrible luck. I've been away from the gym this whole time and it is really starting to get me down.

    However I did hear one phrase that really struck a cord and I wanted to share it with everyone: Strive for progress, not perfection. I have a history of making unattainable goals and then giving up when I failed to meet them, regardless of any progress I had made. I don't want to be that person anymore. I am going to strive to to live by this motto. Once I finally shake off this illness *fingers crossed*, I plan to come back stronger than ever!

    /end rant

    I must say I really enjoyed this week's episode. I don't think the contestants who participated in the temptation challenge put themselves at a disadvantage. They knew exactly how many extra calories they consumed, so it would have been easy to deduct that figure from their daily calories and even the scale. (At least that is what I would have done)

    I was sad to see Mike leave Comeback Canyon. He always put up big numbers so I thought he had it in the bag. My prediction is that Gina won't be able to dethrone Matt from Comeback Canyon.
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Forgot to add!

    I did walk on the treadmill during the commercial breaks. I'm sick (see above) so I wasn't able to do anything strenuous.
  • StevieB13
    StevieB13 Posts: 16 Member
    I though they both did really well at Comeback Canyon & I woldn't be at all surprised if Mike wins the at home prize, he seems totally committed.

    Was amazed that Rob lost 11pounds, looks like he might be getting into the right mindset at last, but I wish he'd stop crying !!!

    I ran in and out doing dishes, so hope that counts. Certainly makes it more fun than scrubbing them all in one blast. Dunk, leave to soak - come back, scrub, rinse & stand - repeat - repeat !!!
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