Heavy lifting and meal plan

cherriegh Posts: 196 Member
i'm new on this forum, can someone share a typical days meal plan, breakfast, lunch, supper...I do heavy lifting 3xweekly mostly target at lower body and 2days spinning


  • leicesteralex
    leicesteralex Posts: 33
    edited October 2014
    Posting in this group I assume you want to do heavy lifting on keto.
    I do more running and some kettlebell exercise and sometimes some weight training. I don't know how long you have been doing keto but for me it hasn't been a problem after the adaptation what took me only 3 weeks because I have an active job and do running i suppose.
    Don't confuse being in ketosis with being keto adapted. Both is not the same but is often confused by some. Being in ketosis only means that the you are burning primarily fat as fuel but still need some glycogen for anaerobic exercise like heavy lifting or sprinting. A keto adapted metabolism has a glycogen sparing effect and your muscles burn mostly fat and ketones and there is no need to eat more carbs even for heavy lifting. The adaptation takes between 2 weeks for very active individuals to up to 6 weeks for some. However if you prefer and don't care about being in ketosis all the time (keto-adapted) there are 3 things you could do and are done by some bodybuilders. 1. is called a targeted ketogenic diet where you eat a relative large amount of carbs straight after your training like 50g or a bit more. 2. some carb up at dinner in the evening or have carb-day once or twice a week. This would be a cyclical ketogenic diet.
    You can google for carb-nite if you are interested.
  • cherriegh
    cherriegh Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks, I've been doing it for 3weeks now, im no longer tired and crampy i feel i have more energy and energetic, i'm lifting heavier with little rest between sets...I havent done a carb reload until i'm sure i cant binge on them. I've lost 5.4kg's since started but i want to firm up my body and butt dnt really care about the scale...

    i wanted to get a typical meal plan from other people, i'm usuallu not hungry so i eat little and try to add cream and butter to up fat intake
  • leicesteralex
    If you are interested in ketogenic diet and performance and the science behind it I have posted a link hier.
  • BansheeCat
    Hi cherrigh. I sent you a friend request so you can view my dairy. I weight lift twice a week and spin although I've held that off because intense cardio stalls my weightloss(that's not a concern for you I read).

    A few tips....
    Try your best to get most of your calories come from fat. Eating more protein than fat will kick you out of ketosis.

    Drink plenty of water (like 12 a day at first at least).

    Up you're electrolytes. Get some broth for sodium. You're quite low even for someone not on this diet. The recommendation for sodium intake is around 5g (5000mg)...I try to maintain 3g at least. You might want to get magnesium and potassium tablets as these get low as well. Magnesium helps muscle cramps and I'm assuming an active person using their muscles a lot is all the more reason to supplement.

    I used to weight lift 3 times a week one day of spin but I slowed down because my body doesn't seem to handle all the changes yet. Everybody is different and get on this diet for different reasons as well. I'd look into lecestesteralex links. It sound like he's done his research.

    Good luck!
  • JerryHowell88
    I do a HIT routine three morning a week. I had to wait about a month til I was adapted.
    I do not take in extra carbs, but then my workouts are high intensity and only last 30 minutes. I do take in extra fat though. If I am going to have to go over because I am hungery, then I am eating! Keeps me on a LCHF meal plan and not craving sweets or carbs.
    I also swim, hard, twice a week. I walk allot in my work day, corrections, so that is about it.
    I also take in large amounts of salt in my cooking and in broths. And a daily vitamin.
    I have done this same routine while on Weigh Watchers and other higher carb diets and I have noticed I am not as weak on a LCHF meal plan and I recover quicker. Soreness in less as well.
    Oh, and add a gallon to gallon and a half of water daily too!