Hi all

I just attended my first online meeting on http://oa12step4coes.org/meetings.html
It took forever to find it!!! Before finding the online chat I found the 12 Step workbook and downloaded it, then did nothing! :-P

I definitely need the strength of a group to get me started.

I will be incorporating OA into my days because it is what I need most in my life right now. I have started an exercise routine and also a diet plan. I know that support from others is a very powerful motivator and uplifter, and it will really help "shape" me into the person I need to be to be proud of myself.


  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    edited October 2014
    That's great MadameMaverick!! There's also podcasts to tune In to for some awesome speakers. Glad your taking the steps in addressing your recovery, there's so much support in OA!
  • MichelleOnWheels
    MichelleOnWheels Posts: 114 Member
    There are also over 150 phone meetings every week. My favorites are on 712.432.5200 code 4285115# They start at about 4pm Pacific time and go on for at least 6 hours every night. A new meeting, with a new focus starts at the top of every hour. You don't have to share, you can just listen. I like the phone meetings, because they are in real time and people leave their phone numbers for outreach.
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    Michelle, I used to tune in to that specific group regularly and it was some really good shares! I'll have to check them out again.
  • MadameMaverick
    MadameMaverick Posts: 24 Member
    Wow Michelle that does sound great. Grok, How do I find the podcasts?
  • GrokRockStar
    GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
    The podcasts are here:


    Just click on a speaker, kick back, and have a listen!