Action Cam for bike - GoPro or Garmin Virb?



  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks Mark. Yeah it was a quick down and dirty edit, but just wanted to get something out there fast.

    I'm playing about withe all the gauges, graphs etc. I's actually a very cool feature as each metric is a separate element and you can drag and drop them anywhere on the screen. Plus there are many different gauge styles to choose from or you can even design your own.

    Agree about the low speed but for me 5-7 mph at 12-20% gradients is not too bad :)

    Will check out Kinomap for sure.
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    All the gauges are pretty cool!!! It gives perspective on what you are doing. It's hard to get a feel for the incline on video so it's nice to see the gradient number on there.
  • ntnunk
    ntnunk Posts: 936 Member
    edited October 2014
    I haven't played with VirbEdit for a while. Sounds like the ability to drag and drop the data elements is a new feature. It used to be you had dashboards you could select from and what they contained, as well as how they were laid out, was what you got.

    I have some unedited video from a group ride a while back. I'll have to get the new version and play with it. Great first vid!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    actually, I've just had a play with the Virb Editor myself - even without using a Virb camera, it works fine with my iON Adventurecamera - though instead of the onboard GPS data i've used the .FIT file recorded by my Garmin 800 and, well, it "just worked"... currently rendering up a few snatches of todays ride on the 'cross bike, complete with dashboard graphics.
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Yes I saw you could do that. Makes me think it's not really necessary to get the Elite version as my Edge 500 would provide all the info. The only thing you have to do is sync the GPS which is really easy to do by picking a known spot on the route. Easy peasy. It's very simple suite of tools but most everything I need for my limited capabilities :)
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    After reading this, I pulled down the Virb Editor and was able to load a GoPro video and a FIT file from my 910xt. It worked but the sync was little off, which I assume probably wouldn't happen with the actual Virb Camera but it was still cool.
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    You can manually sync it up. Here's my second crack at a video from a great ride in the mountains.
  • gcarey3
    gcarey3 Posts: 4 Member
    edited October 2014
    Nice video, haven't been on the Blue Ridge for a while so brings back some memories from years ago. It's a shame that YouTube cuts the resolution down so much. I have a friend with a GoPro that uses Vimeo instead and the videos look great. He does pay them some money though.

    I have tried syncing up my Garmin 800 data with the videos but have had mixed success. I think the latest Virb Edit software update mentioned that they had fixed an issue with that so hopefully it's working better now. My friend with the GoPro uses the Virb Edit software and overlays his Garmin data and it works okay.

    I have the Virb Elite like you and I've been pleased with it. I like the less boxy form factor and I get at least 2 hours out of the battery and will probably buy a spare soon. I usually like to use the Virb editing software to put some overlays on and then I use Camtasia to do more extensive editing. Now that they have added titles to the Virb software I don't need to use Camtasia unless I want to do something really fancy. Here is an example of a video I shot on a training ride earlier in the season that shows off some of the tricks that Camtasia can do like clicking on things in the video, title fly in, etc. Forgive me if the streaming is a bit off as I'm using my home FIOS connection to host it.

    For some reason the speed sensor didn't kick in for several minutes, maybe it had trouble syncing with the satellite or something. I usually don't have that problem though.
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Thanks for the tip about Camtasia I'll have to check it out. Will look into using Vimeo too.