High Ketone levels?

Do you any of you register High ketone levels? Last night my Ketosticks registered large 80. From what I'm reading it's not healthy but only for diabetics (That's all I'm finding). Is there anything I can do to bring the levels down? I usually register between small/moderate levels.

I don't know if it's related but I don't feel good at all. I'm to my stomach and tired. I just feel crummy. I took a dose of Magnesium and drinking water waiting to test ketones again. My symptoms got worse after breakfast.

I may have to make a call to my doctor but I though I'd check with you guys first. This may not be a big deal.


  • RockLobster4
    RockLobster4 Posts: 18 Member
    I have had high levels on the stick since I started keto, but I feel fine and I'm losing weight, so I'm not too worried about it. Everything I've read says that ketosticks are not very reliable. I'm curious to see what others have to say, though.
  • aeb09
    aeb09 Posts: 424 Member
    Are you drinking plenty of water? Dehydration usually registers high levels on Ketostix which are, as I hope you know, fairly unreliable. Did you recently eat carbs and are you going through keto flu again?
  • @ Rocklobster
    Yeah...I've heard Ketostix aren't the most accurate since scale is based on aproximating ranges vs actuals from other types of tests. Good to hear someone with high levels is doing great in ketosis. BTW...I love your name (and the song from B52s) :)

    I was thinking the same on the dehydration bit even though I drink 14 glasses of water most days. I've drank about 8 glasses this morning (10:45am here) and I think it helped. I'm not eating a lot a carbs or anything out of the ordinary. I just got over shark week which felt like the keto flu so maybe this is the tail end of it--pardon the pun.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I get high readings on the urine Ketostix all the time. It can be because I had something with coconut oil. That increases the ketones in the urine. It could be because I didn't get enough water. It's the blood value that matters because what comes in your breath (Ketonix) and urine (Ketostix) are waste products. The ketone that really matters is the beta hydroxybutarate, which you can measure with the expensive ketone blood monitor. I wouldn't be too concerned about the urine sticks. In fact, as you stay with ketosis, you might not even have a reading on the urine sticks even though you are in full nutritional ketosis.
  • @Booksandbeaches
    As of a day ago I was hoping I was passed ketostix phase because I wasn't registering however it was just my cycle playing tricks on me again.

    I'd like to get the ketone breathelizer (msp) by Ketonix but the Sport version seems to be sold out. It measures acetone (ketones secreted during extended ketosis). The Sport in particular is more accurate than the other model based on reviews I've read.

    You're correct--The blood test is the most accurate but the strips that go with it aren't, plus their very pricy ($5 bucks a strip). I guess if push came to shove I'd get them if I can't get the breath reader. Or, I can assume ketosis based on the way I feel like a lot of people do. It's something to think about.

  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    i get my blood ketone strips on eBay dirt cheap. About .85 a strip, including the 20.00 shipping from AUS. Here is a link if you are interested.


    I have the precision Xtra meter so i can do both glucose and ketone...these strips are for the freestyle optimum, but they are the same strip...same part number. etc.

    I also get my glucose strips on ebay or amazon. I ran out the other day while on travel and had to get some at CVS to the tune of 89 bucks. I was peeved.
  • I don't use keto sticks. Keto sticks only measure the ketones in your urine but not the ketone level in your blood. If you just started a ketogenic diet your body will get rid of excess ketones. If one is adapted to using ketones as fuel there may be no reading using keto sticks at all. The blood ketone level will rise however to around 0.8 to 1 and sometimes to 3 if you do exercise for a longer time.
    I did experience as soon I had adapted to ketosis I didn't get keto breath anymore and i had no reading on keto sticks at all. Keto sticks are great if you start the diet and want to see if you burn body fat but as longer one is in keto as lower the readings will be.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    BansheeCat wrote: »
    As of a day ago I was hoping I was passed ketostix phase because I wasn't registering however it was just my cycle playing tricks on me again.

    I'd like to get the ketone breathelizer (msp) by Ketonix but the Sport version seems to be sold out. It measures acetone (ketones secreted during extended ketosis). The Sport in particular is more accurate than the other model based on reviews I've read.

    You're correct--The blood test is the most accurate but the strips that go with it aren't, plus their very pricy ($5 bucks a strip). I guess if push came to shove I'd get them if I can't get the breath reader. Or, I can assume ketosis based on the way I feel like a lot of people do. It's something to think about.



    When I first went online for the Ketonix, they were out. I ordered it anyway. It only took about two weeks to get it. They have a FaceBook page that tells when the next batches are made and if there are any holdups. Check it out...

    Dan the Man from Pork Rind Land
  • That's good to know Dan. Does it work? Since readin up on it recently, I hear the breathilizer may pose similar issues as ketostix. They only register early phases of ketosis.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    <I hear the breathilizer may pose similar issues as ketostix.>

    Well, I don't know, I haven't heard that. It does work. When I am keeping carbs low, it is in the suggested range. When I water fast, it goes high (red). As soon as I eat again, it goes in the suggested range.

    I think, if a person wanted to skip the cost of the meter, just stay below 25G of carbs a day and no more than 100g of protein (just like all the "old-timers" have been saying on this list over and over.)

    PatchEFog is the expert. Drop her a note.

    Dan the Man from Pork Rinds Land (Michigan)
  • SierraSun628
    SierraSun628 Posts: 2
    edited October 2014
    I just got my Ketonix sport on Tuesday - didn't even take two weeks ordering on Amazon. I'm still pretty new to keto - and it's been a slow process. The first time I used the Ketonix I had green with five flashes - when I tested by blood with the Xtra, it was at 0.8mmol. Yesterday I hit my highest ketonix score - yellow with 8 flashes, but when I checked with the Xtra - only at 0.9mmol. Today I'm back in green with seven flashes. Didn't check the blood. It will be interesting to see how it continues. I'm looking forward to red - and hopefully getting past 1.0 soon. If you are thinking about getting one - the Sport is the way to go.

  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    Just a thought... If you weren't registering in the ketostix at all a few days ago, maybe you weren't in ketosis. Now, that you're registering really high, maybe you're back in ketosis and therefore going through the ketoflu again?

    Is three weeks long enough to not register on the sticks anymore? Because I've been doing this for two months, drink 4 liters of water a day and still register on varying degrees on the urine sticks, depending on how hydrated I am.
  • crisb2 wrote: »
    Just a thought... If you weren't registering in the ketostix at all a few days ago, maybe you weren't in ketosis. Now, that you're registering really high, maybe you're back in ketosis and therefore going through the ketoflu again?

    Is three weeks long enough to not register on the sticks anymore? Because I've been doing this for two months, drink 4 liters of water a day and still register on varying degrees on the urine sticks, depending on how hydrated I am.

    Keto-adaption can happen anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks. The sticks test for waste of a type of ketone that dimmishes after becoming adapted. Other signs are letting me know I've transistioned such as sleeping better, more clarity, smaller appetite, better mood, etc.

    Ketostyx aren't meant for keto dieters really (although they're helpful in the beginning stages). They're created to warn diabetics the onset ketoacidosis. They don't measure low levels of ketones since there's no danger. That's why you can be in ketosis or adapted and register "None" on the sticks. It's also why I got concerned when I registered very high (Large).
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    I've read a bunch of stuff that doesn't quite fall inline with what you're saying, including stuff from my keto doctor, but I'm NO expert.

    I also read yesterday a bunch of stuff on why the ketostix don't mean anything, here are the links in case you want to read them:
    There are others on reddit on this issue, but this seemed the most legit.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    I heard that when a person drinks a lot of water, it dilutes the pee/ketones to where the sticks don't measure right or you get low readings.

    Dan the Man
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    edited October 2014
    DittoDan wrote: »
    I heard that when a person drinks a lot of water, it dilutes the pee/ketones to where the sticks don't measure right or you get low readings.

    Dan the Man

    Crisb's post is pretty much spot on (IMO).

    The "dilution" issue is but one of a myriad of reasons that the styx are (again, IMO), basically a useless waste of money and provide, at BEST, unreliable results.

    It's actually worse than just "unreliable", in many instances the results have been shown to be flat out wrong, prompting the users to make unnecessary and oft times counterproductive changes in their diets.

    Ketosis, as you know is not an "on/off" switch and while the styx purport to place the test results on a "scale" (by color), even the "in (or out of) keto" results are wrong as often as they are correct.

    It's a generalization but for "most" people, maintaining a LCHF (<20/day) diet for a period of time will almost guarantee that ketone levels will begin to rise (slowly).

    How long the process takes appears to be most closely tied to the level of carbs ingested daily and the specifics of one's diet for the period leading up to the beginning of LCHF (for someone changing overnight to 20/day when they had been ingesting 250/day prior to starting it will take a lot longer than someone moving from 40 to 20.

    In fact, almost anyone who skips breakfast after awakening from a night's sleep will see mildly elevated ketone levels (although likely not detectable with the styx) - simply as a result of the body's natural reaction to the depletion of glycogen stores.

    While some MAY see levels rise and approach "adapted" levels in a matter of days, most DO NOT. It just doesn't happen that quickly - weeks (or even months) for most - regardless of what the styx "say".

    For those who simply "must" know the actual numbers (which, other than those actually engaged in n1 sorts of research I can't understand the reason why) the blood test is the only, proven, practical method for home users, although it is expensive.

    The recently released breath analyzer is more economical and has shown promising results but I think the jury is still out as to accuracy.

    If I absolutely, positively, just "had to" know the actual numbers I'd probably go with the breath meter - one because I don't "do" needles and two because I'm too cheap to buy the meter and strips for the blood tests.