Calorie Killers - Chat (10/23-10/29)

Looking forward to another good show...and this time getting to watch it live finally! (And getting home before 8pm for once :) But bummed it will only be 1 hour yet again.

Commercial Challenge:

In honor of tonight's episode named the drop:

I can't remember what these are called. You bend your knees & jump in the air throwing your arms above your head. As you land back on your feet, you keep bending your knees and touch the ground with your hands and then immediately push back up with your legs to a jump with your arms overhead...and cycle.

For a harder version, when you land & bend your knees to touch the ground with your hands, instead of going straight back into a jump, you punch your legs out into a pushup, then back to your hands and then back up into the jump...and cycle.

If you have bad knees or something find an alteration like wall "squat" holds or something.


  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Wow, right off the bat, stakes are high! I would be nervous about the possibility of losing my trainer for the week.
  • lifeisspiffy
    lifeisspiffy Posts: 166 Member
    Go blue team! So excited that they kicked butt for the challenge. They definitely need their trainer. Glad white team has Jen for one workout. And I love how the read team is working together to do what needs to be done. This episode is pretty good.

    Did one set of the commercial exercises. They are tough. I'm watching with my dad so I think I'll do more of the exercises after while I'm watching my other shows.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I did the wall squats option during the commercial break.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    edited October 2014
    Very curious to see how the weigh in turns out for the red team after a week without Dolvett.
  • Baby43204
    Baby43204 Posts: 123 Member
    I am here guys just started late cause my sister in the hospital
  • Baby43204
    Baby43204 Posts: 123 Member
    I am doing my challenge durning comericals
  • Baby43204
    Baby43204 Posts: 123 Member
    I feel bad for the red team cause I think they really need there trainer for the week. I am still doing my challenge
  • 12qw34
    12qw34 Posts: 139 Member
    Liked seeing Joe from srason 14. He was a favorite. I love Gina. I am glad she can stay at Comeback Canyon. Rob has changed so much in the 7 weeks! He has a completely different attitude! Scott is very hard on himself. Blake is in onederland. The Blue team is not doing well! Happy for Matt!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Baby43204 wrote: »
    I am here guys just started late cause my sister in the hospital

    How is your sister? Hope everything is okay.
  • Baby43204
    Baby43204 Posts: 123 Member
    I feel bad for Matt but I feel like he has learned allot with Bob. I am still doing my comerical challenge but my keen is starting to hurt cause of my injured pulled muscle kneen but I am trying to keep it going
  • Baby43204
    Baby43204 Posts: 123 Member
    I cannot believe the blue team lost and they even had there trainer
  • Baby43204
    Baby43204 Posts: 123 Member
    I like the update about Matt and being able to make it up the mountain then asking his girlfriend to marry him. One of the reasons I wanted to lose weight is cause when j was out of state visiting in-laws I tried to climbing a mountain and couldn't make it to the top and I said next time I visit I will make it to the top.
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    for this week I am going to stick to my calorie budget! each day I will tell you guys if I stick to it or not! :) GO calorie Killers! :)
  • Mspmpayne
    Mspmpayne Posts: 267 Member
    I had to watch the show on demand this week. It was a great show. Lori's talking about how she wasn't there for her husband when she had her miscarriages was so sad. The red team did great, even without having Dolvett there. I LOVED the update from Matt at the end. (great proposal) and loved seeing Gina get a shot at Comeback Canyon. Previews for next weeks show looks like it is going to be a good one, but not for somebody. =(

    I did wall squats during the commercial breaks.
  • bgoodsmile
    bgoodsmile Posts: 68 Member
    I enjoyed the show this week... I hate seeing team blue (I love me some Jessie!!!) get whittled away though! Dolvett's team did awesome and I really like him as a coach. Still just NOT into Jen!!! I miss JILLIAN!!! Next week's show looks awesome --- I actually started my weight gain spiral with a trip to Vegas last March - I gained 20 pounds between March 29 & July 4th - & I can TOTALLY relate to eating & drinking out of control "when in Rome!!!"

    I did the first version of (what I think are called) burpees - can't do push-ups or planks due to a wrist injury as well as some squats!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    for saturday and Sunday I went OVER my calorie budget! :( but for monday I didn't go over.
  • MistyRose0424
    MistyRose0424 Posts: 114 Member
    Great show I'm just so sad that the blue team is just not doing well :( They will probably break up teams at this rate with the blue team having so little people left will see. I think Matts proposal to his girlfriend was sweet and glad Gina got to stay another week at comeback canyon. I also did wall squats for the challenge during commercials.
  • Baby43204
    Baby43204 Posts: 123 Member
    i wont be able to watch this Thursday show cause i am taking my son trick or treating so i will watch it at a later time and do my challenge. but i am doing allot of walking that night.
  • Cbanjo
    Cbanjo Posts: 557 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi, l finally managed to watch last episode and l did 10 burpees while watching it.

    My take on the episode 7 is that obviously it's not how hard you workout for you to lose weight. I just can't believe that one will lose only 2lbs after all that regimen of workouts and strict diet. I truly feel sorry for the blue team but then, l am happy that my team, red team, won despite not having their trainer, Dovet. Anyway, the lesson here is that we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves if and when we happen not to lose weight in a week.
  • Cbanjo
    Cbanjo Posts: 557 Member
    Is it me or what, Dolvett looks soo goood in the suit :D:D:D. Well never mind me :D:D:D
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