Week 1: Join the group!

HokeyPokey2 Posts: 91 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
My goal is to lose 10 lbs by Thanksgiving. Since today is Friday, I will weigh in every Friday and post here. Feel free to add yours as you join the group. I'm currently in the 4th week of my 3rd round of Insanity.

10/24: 156 lbs (this past week I've been hanging around 160. When I started Insanity I weighed 150 lbs. I'm thinking the added weight is water. We shall see!)
10/31: Looking forward to a great week!


  • tiwiti
    tiwiti Posts: 3
    Great job. No set work out for me yet. Just starting mfp this week. Logged in day 3. Tomorrow I start T 25 but for now Im logging in what I eat and drink and my current weight everyday. Got a zumba instructor that is willing to help me on a shoe string budget but I'm positive. My goal to lose 13 by my b day month Dec. Goodluck on your journey! :#
  • nliette
    nliette Posts: 12 Member
    164 which means I stayed the same this week. Actually, not bad considering I didn't log most of the week. Hoping this weekly check in helps me to be accountable. 25lbs till goal. Breaking up in small chunks. 5 lbs by Nov 7th.
  • iamworthy14
    iamworthy14 Posts: 413 Member
    My goal is to lose 10 lbs by thanksgiving! I will weigh in tomorrow!
  • thiswillhappen
    thiswillhappen Posts: 634 Member
    I'm Canadian so my Thanksgiving is already over, but I'm excited to join this challenge anyway! I'm hovering in the 178-179 pound range these days and I would like to be in the low-170s high-160s by November 27. I'm really really determined to break through my plateau and continue with the next phase of my weight loss plan. I've just finished the 30DS and I'm going to continue with my c25k training (3x/week) as well as integrate Jillian Michaels' banish fat boost metabolism (2 x / week) videos with weekly yoga (1 / week). That's 6 days of exercise. On my rest days I usually go for leisurely walks. So that's my exercise routine!

    In terms of eating, I'm trying to eat clean with a focus on fruits, vegetables, and protein from fish, chicken, eggs, tofu, dairy and nuts/seed/oils/avocado. I don't eat much gluten or refined sugar, and I don't eat much red meat. My biggest food challenges are: 1) not drinking too much alcohol while socializing (I'm kind of a reformed party girl) and 2) not binging late at night after an otherwise healthy day (probably my toughest battle).

    My diary is open to my friends so feel free to add me, I'm always looking for support and for people to support! :D Also looking for binge-support friends. As I said, my biggest struggle is late night snacking. I think I need to start thinking of my day differently: instead of the biggest challenge being to conquer the day, I need to focus a lot of energy on reaching my goals between the hours of 9 pm - 12 am. That's my new "go" time!

    Thanks for reading! Looking forward to this.
  • arhoney
    arhoney Posts: 27 Member
    My goal is 15lbs by Thanksgiving! I know I can do it since i've incorporating running in my weekly exercises. This should be a great motivation for me as well as accountability.

    CW: 259.2
    GW: 245.2

    Please feel free to friend me.
  • Hi everyone! My name is Lucinda. My goal is to lose 10 lbs by Thanksgiving.

    Looking forward to being a part of this group
  • fatpug14
    fatpug14 Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is 8 pounds by November 30th. I have always been intimidated by the weight section at the gym so 3 weeks ago to step it up I challenged myself and started exercising by doing beginner crossfit 2 times a week and a tabata class 2 times a week with walking everyday during lunch. During that time I was disappointed to lose only 3 pounds but when I remeasured I lost 7.5 inches overall. : ) I weigh in every other week because weight fluctuates so much and it is easy for me to fall into the trap of "I am depressed I didn't lose as much as I wanted so let me eat that bag of chips in my sons room!" Over the last 2.5 years I have lost 70 pounds and have kept it off...looking to lose my final 40 over the next year. This is great because extra accountability over the holidays is always good!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I would like to lose 3lb by thanksgiving.

    24/10 - 148.8
  • jrdeal
    jrdeal Posts: 17 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Julie and my goal is to lose 10 lbs. by Thanksgiving. I have lost 30 lbs. since July but I have spent the last month at the same weight and not really working at it very diligently. I'm ready to get back on track and begin to lose some more weight, especially with the holidays approaching.

    Start Weight: 179 lbs.
    Current Weight: 148 lbs.
    Goal Weight: 138 lbs.

    I currently do Yoga twice a week and Zumba twice a week and I add in bike riding, elliptical training or walking on the off days.

    Looking forward to losing weight with all of you!
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    SW: 313.2
    CW: 253.4
    GW: 243 - by Thanksgiving!

  • tiwiti
    tiwiti Posts: 3
    tiwiti wrote: »
    Great job. No set work out for me yet. Just starting mfp this week. Logged in day 3. Tomorrow I start T 25 but for now Im logging in what I eat and drink and my current weight everyday. Got a zumba instructor that is willing to help me on a shoe string budget but I'm positive. My goal to lose 13 by my b day month Dec. Goodluck on your journey! :#

    Check In as of today I'm 154.8 need 14.8 pounds gone by December
  • KrissRodgers
    KrissRodgers Posts: 15 Member
    Hi everyone, My name is Kriss and I am also looking to lose 10 pounds by Thanksgiving. I have currently lost 12 lbs so far with logging my meals, running 4-5 times a week and doing Krav Maga 2x/wk. I started out at 178 lbs and my goal is 145 lbs. I think joining a group will help keep me motivated as that seems to be my biggest problem. Good luck everyone. I look forward to reading all of your updates and sharing my updates with you!
  • dclem2012
    dclem2012 Posts: 60 Member
    My goal is 10 pounds by Thanksgiving. I want to start the holidays ahead of the ball, and in control of myself so that I can make better choices while still indulging in the occassional treat.

    SW 214 (Oct 6)
    CW 202.2 (Oct 25)
    TGW 192 (by Tgiving. I will be very thankful...as I have not seen that weight since I was pregnant with my baby. She just turned 20yo this summer)
    GW 160

    Presently committed to Clean, Paleo, Whole30 (8/2) until Thanksgiving. So, far it is working. I keep telling myself "This is not hard". The choice is easy, but do I want the goal bad enough.
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    My goal is also 10lbs by Thanksgiving. I am also challenging myself to workout 3x a week. I weigh on Thursdays. Good luck to us all.
    SW: 210

  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    edited October 2014
    dclem2012 wrote: »
    My goal is 10 pounds by Thanksgiving. I want to start the holidays ahead of the ball, and in control of myself so that I can make better choices while still indulging in the occassional treat.

    SW 214 (Oct 6)
    CW 202.2 (Oct 25)
    TGW 192 (by Tgiving. I will be very thankful...as I have not seen that weight since I was pregnant with my baby. She just turned 20yo this summer)
    GW 160

    Presently committed to Clean, Paleo, Whole30 (8/2) until Thanksgiving. So, far it is working. I keep telling myself "This is not hard". The choice is easy, but do I want the goal bad enough.

    We have very similar goals. My final is also 160. I made my Thanksgiving goal 10lbs but am praying for 11 that will put me in onderland
  • raindancer
    raindancer Posts: 993 Member
    edited October 2014
    Oh, I forgot I am a 59 year old who has been a yo-yo dieter for 40 years. My highest weight was 306 in 2004. I have taken a long time but I am slowly getting to my goal
  • dclem2012
    dclem2012 Posts: 60 Member
    edited October 2014
    Glad to see so many here supporting one another.

    I keep thinking to myself....every "unhealthy" choice I put off now, means that I will start the holiday season at a lower weight.

    1) I will make healthier choices most of the time, as I will be motivated.
    2) Once I have my appetite and mind under control, my 'controlled cheats' will not be like a starving animal eating every treat in sight!
    3) Knowing that I am mostly "clean" eating has allowed me to easily say is "no" to most cheats. The choice is not so much..."is the calories worth it", but is it "healthy". I have known this all along. BUT it is finally sinking in.

    However, with all that said, I have always been a pretty healthy eater...just too much of a good thing.

    AND I hate to say it, BUT nixing the dairy is probably a major help. Cheese, not chocolate is my favorite indulgance.

    My official weigh ins are Sunday and Wed, so I am reposting to get me on track.

    SW 214 (Oct 6)
    W 202.2 (Oct 25)
    CW 201.9 (Oct 26)
    TGW 192 (by Tgiving. I will be very thankful...as I have not seen that weight since I was pregnant with my baby. She just turned 20yo this summer)
    GW 160

    You cannot know how motivated I am to stay on track this week! I have not weighed under 200 since I delivered my daughter. I started my pregnancy with her at 196. I did First Place program at church while pregnant, so only gained a few pounds. Delivered her at 208 (summer of '94), but never lost any weight after that.

    Cheating myself can wait. I want this. AND it is not too hard!!!!
  • iamworthy14
    iamworthy14 Posts: 413 Member
    SW 157
    Thanksgiving goal: 147
    GW 142
  • HokeyPokey2
    HokeyPokey2 Posts: 91 Member
    Hey, guys!!! I created this goup thinking that a few people might join but I never thought it would take off so well! I was so ECSTATIC to check the group and see so many new members!!! I planned on commenting each of you but there are so many of you! Ha, ha, ha. How great it is to have so much support! I am looking forward to seeing all of you achieve your goals! :D
  • GrammyPeachy
    GrammyPeachy Posts: 1,723 Member
    Thanks HokeyPokey2, I like this little group. I am in a Halloween group that's going to end Friday. This seems like the perfect replacement!