New to Keto - concerned about under-eating

leighsnow Posts: 34 Member
I am new to the ketogenic lifestyle and though I am clear on what my requirements are to reach my goal (thanks to the keto-calculator) but my question is... what if I cannot eat my required calories & fat in a day? Will this prevent or knock me out of ketosis? What kind of leverage do most people find that they can still succeed though they have gone over/under ideal macros?
Insight much appreciated!


  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    leighsnow wrote: »
    I am new to the ketogenic lifestyle and though I am clear on what my requirements are to reach my goal (thanks to the keto-calculator) but my question is... what if I cannot eat my required calories & fat in a day? Will this prevent or knock me out of ketosis? What kind of leverage do most people find that they can still succeed though they have gone over/under ideal macros?
    Insight much appreciated!

    Not quite sure what you mean by "leverage" but as to the rest, my question would be, what is preventing you from hitting (at least "close"), your targets?

    Whatever it is, the direct answer is that probably NOBODY actually "hits" them all, every day - do your best to get as close as you can. It's not exact science to begin with, just because you set a number doesn't mean it's the "exact, right" one.

    Like horseshoes and hand grenades, "close" is often good enough.

    There is; however, one BIG difference between the traditional "calorie counters" and locarbers who actually are "in" and maintaining ketosis (defined as 0.5mml or greater ketone reading on blood or breath test).

    While most would agree that total cals is more a "weekly" number, than a "daily" one. That is to say, if you go over your number one day, then under the next by an equivalent amount it averages out and you're good.

    For the most part, the same can be said for the vast majority of low carbers who are not actually "in" (or attempting to adapt to nutritional ketosis). A one day "miss", "cheat", "splurge" (or whatever one wants to call it) isn't going to change the fact that the average, significant reduction in total carb intake is a MAJOR improvement from their prior lifestyle.

    BUT....for those truly are "in" keto (adapted), it IS entirely possible (even likely) that exceeding their upper carb limit for just ONE day, WILL "knock them out".

    For most, getting back "in" will (usually) be much quicker and easier than the initial adaption process, but it still has to be done.
  • leighsnow
    leighsnow Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you for the response...Today for example, I had to run to an appointment and knew that I would end up missing my lunch and I was still full from breakfast. Either I would make-up lunch and skip dinner or head straight into dinner which would leave me short approx 300 calories and 20 grams of fat. I can keep the carbs down but am finding getting enough fat is difficult... my goal is 108 grams and I haven't been able to hit 90 yet...
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    edited October 2014
    leighsnow wrote: »
    Thank you for the response...
    I can keep the carbs down but am finding getting enough fat is difficult... my goal is 108 grams and I haven't been able to hit 90 yet...

    If it's any consolation ("...I haven't been able to hit my fat goals") is an almost universal comment made by those new to LCHF.

    Take a look at other posters diaries (those who have opened them) for ideas on how others are doing it.

    Open your's and folks will be able to see what you are doing now and offer assistance as to how you might "up" the fat numbers.

    Over on the low carber daily forum it's an almost daily topic of discussion and many of the members are quite adept at "altering" tradition meals with the addition of fats that not only enhance taste provide those critical fats.

    See you there:

    There's also no "rule" that says you "have to" eat lunch (or any other specific "meal" - just because "everybody does and I've always had 3 squares" - if you body is telling you that it's "not hungry" just because it's noon, that's a GOOD thing. The previous meal provided your nutritional needs and the switch from carbs to fats is keeping you satiated MUCH longer than carbs are able to, just what you want.

    Many folks, after attaining nutritional ketosis, find they go many hours (even days) without "hunger pangs".

    Eat when your body tells you it's time to - not when the clock does.
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    @leighsnow wrote: »
    Thank you for the response...Today for example, I had to run to an appointment and knew that I would end up missing my lunch and I was still full from breakfast. Either I would make-up lunch and skip dinner or head straight into dinner which would leave me short approx 300 calories and 20 grams of fat. I can keep the carbs down but am finding getting enough fat is difficult... my goal is 108 grams and I haven't been able to hit 90 yet...

    Welcome! I'm glad you came!

    It was harder for me at first because I had to get over MANY years of fat-fear. I would add a tbsp of butter here, or a tbsp of butter there. NOW, i cook my bacon IN the butter and just scramble my eggs in there so they become a yummy fat filled breakfast.

    AND, I add cream cheese, butter, full fat ranch dressing, full fat sour cream and coconut oil to ONE meal, just to reach my fat goal. I think it's easier to have balanced macros on every meal rather than try to compensate at the end of the day, but I've been known to do that too, just downing two spoonfuls of coconut oil to reach my fat goal for the day. I just got used to the taste.

    In general, I try to "test out" a menu the night before, adding fat here and there until my macros are almost all perfect. I'm usually 0-5 grams off up or down, but I try to stay in that ballpark. I also don't eat 5-6 meals a day, I usually break my fast at 2pm, and have my last meal at 10pm. If you only want to have two meals a day, that's fine! Have one, if you'd like, you're probably not gonna be very hungry anyways, but do try to reach your macros.

    A couple quick bites, that you can pack with you on the run:

    - Ham rolled with cream cheese
    - Pepperoni chips
    - Bacon strips
    - Cheese crackers (keto style)
    - Fat bombs (The other day I made keto chocolate mousse in disposable shot glasses, awesome!)
    - String Cheese
    - Pork rinds (Careful with portions, it's easy to scarf down a bag, that has 5-6 portions in it).
    - Oopsie roll
    (I get most of my ideas and recipes from Pinterest, I tweak and modify)

    And if at the end of the day, you haven't reached your fat goal, just eat a bit of fat, straight up:
    - Butter
    - whipped cream (I like it frozen, but check your other macros to see if it fits)
    - cream cheese
    - coconut oil
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Leighsnow, for me, the first priority is keeping my carbs down. When I first started eating low carb, it was very difficult for me to meet my calorie target and stay below my carb limit (mine is about 20g). As time has gone on I have found that I frequently go over my calorie target, but am still losing consistently, as long as I keep my carbs down. So I don't always hit my 'macros' accurately, but if the carbs are low I do well.

    One thing, as a newbie, that I struggle with is popping in and out of ketosis. I've been doing this for about 5-6 weeks now, and for the first month every weekend I'd knock myself out of ketosis and have to wait a few days (and suffer the flu) to get back into it. This past weekend was the first one that I did not do this. I think it's because during the week I pack my lunch most days and preplan my dinners. Weekends are less structured and I either eat out or have events which take me off course! However, this weekend, even with going to the movies with my husband and then brunch (and cocktails) on Sunday, I was able to make better choices and stay in ketosis. So consistency is key. I really don't want another bout of keto flu and I want to get to the point of Keto adaption.

    BUt for us newbies, there's a lot to learn when it comes to works for us as individuals. Stick to it. That's what I tell everyone. You need to give it weeks to really figure out what works for you as an individual. So many inspiring stories and supportive people here who can help!
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    leighsnow wrote: »
    I can keep the carbs down but am finding getting enough fat is difficult... my goal is 108 grams and I haven't been able to hit 90 yet...

    Fat is an upper limit, not necessarily a goal to hit. You want to stay under your carb limit no matter what. You want to hit your protein goal in an ideal world, but as others have said, "close" is just fine. And you want to eat fat to help fill you up. But if you're full and feel just fine you don't need to force yourself to eat more fat calories to meet a number.

  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    radiii wrote: »
    leighsnow wrote: »
    I can keep the carbs down but am finding getting enough fat is difficult... my goal is 108 grams and I haven't been able to hit 90 yet...

    Fat is an upper limit, not necessarily a goal to hit. You want to stay under your carb limit no matter what. You want to hit your protein goal in an ideal world, but as others have said, "close" is just fine. And you want to eat fat to help fill you up. But if you're full and feel just fine you don't need to force yourself to eat more fat calories to meet a number.

    Maybe it's just "how" it's said, not "what" is intended to be said, BUT...

    "Fat is an upper limit, not necessarily a goal to hit" - NO
    Fat is NOT "an upper limit", it IS a goal (and possibly the MOST important goal) - in most cases "more" IS BETTER.

    "You want to stay under your carb limit no matter what" - YES

    "You want to hit your protein goal...." Yes, BUT only if the "goal" is correctly set (if set too high it can "undo" all the good that lowering carbs and increasing fat did)

    "And you want to eat fat to help you fill up" SORT OF
    Fat's PRIMARY purpose is to provide the energy your body requires to replace that which had been provided by carbs before. You are correct in saying that it ALSO provides satiety but that's a distant second in the grand scheme of things.

    All are based on the assumption that daily macro goals have been properly established and shown to "work" for that particular individual.

    Just because some online calculator says they are "right" doesn't mean they are (I would argue that in "most" cases they are NOT - but it is as good a "starting point" as any).

  • RockLobster4
    RockLobster4 Posts: 18 Member
    I've only been doing keto for three weeks, but I'm already down 19 lbs from the beginning of the month, so it seems to be really working for me. My priorities in order are:
    1) Stay under 20g net carbs (carbs minus fiber)
    2) Meet my fat goal
    3) Stay under my calorie goal
    4) Meet my protein goal

    I often have a hard time meeting my fat goal, so at the end of the day I'm trying to make it up. Like crisb2, I have just eaten tablespoons of coconut oil (I actually like the taste, but it's obviously not my first choice for dessert). Search for "fat bombs" on Pinterest or Google and you will find tons of recipes for yummy little pieces of fatty deliciousness. I also like to brew some Chai tea and add cream and coconut oil or unsalted butter to it. If you meet your fat goal, you'll find that you'll usually also meet your calorie goal.

    Good luck, and welcome to keto!
  • Oils, butter, and heavy cream are your best friends if you're keto is your nutrition plan. I haven't tried the fat bombs, I haven't made the time yet, but they sound lovely. Nuts are a good source of fat too. My fav are Macadamia Nuts.

    A little recipe if you drink tea or coffee.
    BULLET PROOF coffee
    1 C or preferred amount of coffee (or tea)
    1TBL of butter
    1TBL of cream
    1TBL of coconut oil
    wisk or blend

    It's a scrumptous drink that packs 300 calories and almost half your fat intake for the day.

    If I get sucked into Starbucks I'll order a short misto w/heavy cream. 300-400 calories depending if I add a shot of expresso.

    Welcome to the Keto club!
  • crisb2
    crisb2 Posts: 329 Member
    edited October 2014

    "You want to hit your protein goal...." Yes, BUT only if the "goal" is correctly set (if set too high it can "undo" all the good that lowering carbs and increasing fat did)

    THIS is why I now focus on hitting my fat goals. I realized that the lower I was on fat, the higher I tended to be on protein, defeating the purpose of lowering the carbs. Lowering the carbs was never really a problem for me. Getting the right balance of protein and fat, however, was something I needed to concentrate on to be able to do.