My update today

Moppet76 Posts: 24 Member
Last night I came really close to blowing my calorie count - I don't know about you guys, but end of day when I'm still just a little hungry I always go "Oh, I'll just have that one more...(slice of cheese, spoon of peanut butter). I'm trying to be mindful at 9, 10pm so I don't do those extra 100 calories. I had a pear and a slice of pecorino and a big glass of water.

Today I told my physical therapist about the weight I lost and he high fived me. Now I'm eating a light, spicy tomato soup for a snack, and later on tonight I'll make vegetarian Pho. Exercise class is tomorrow night.

How are you all doing?


  • katiet44
    Night time eating - snacking is the hardest for me. I'll do well all day, then get home after a stressful day at work and blow it. This is day two for me and doing well. I'm a little under my calorie count right now. I may eat some baby carrots and ranch later this evening if I feel the urge for something crunchy.
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    edited October 2014
    I am on such a roller coaster with my weight, and I get so highest weight was 178 and I am about 168, I would like to be 160 by TG....I would normally work out every day and I have been struggling with that...but I am back on track and trying to get to the gym every other day and walk every other day....I have a busy schedule, but I am trying to make me a priority now...I am an empty nester, well except for my mini schnauzer and hubby, lol.

    Today I was under my calorie count...wooohooo!

    Have a great nite all :-)
  • Moppet76
    Moppet76 Posts: 24 Member
    Go Phillybilly! I certainly don't work out every other day! Just walk wherever/whenever and do a fitness video a couple times a week. I think you'll do great. I was under calorie count so I squeezed in a dark chocolate square.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    Hello Everyone..Well i am home all day so there never isn't a bad time for me. I try to find other ways to fill the time. I love to sit outside and read,play games or watch something crazy on Netflix or Amazon. If i really feel like i am about to go insane i will do 30 minutes of yoga or take Lilly for a walk.
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    I decided to weigh in today and its been awhile, well I am up 3lbs...yuk but I lost 1 inch off my fat knees, lol and 2 inches off my waist...ok now to focus more on those calories lol.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    That is great..Well done philly
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    Thanks Vanessa :-)
  • SkinEKristin
    SkinEKristin Posts: 28 Member
    I decided to weigh in today and its been awhile, well I am up 3lbs...yuk but I lost 1 inch off my fat knees, lol and 2 inches off my waist...ok now to focus more on those calories lol.

    Have a great day everyone!!!

    Awesome Job!!
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    Moppet76 wrote: »
    Go Phillybilly! I certainly don't work out every other day! Just walk wherever/whenever and do a fitness video a couple times a week. I think you'll do great. I was under calorie count so I squeezed in a dark chocolate square.

    I so wish they had a like button in here, lol

    I love that you called me my hubby is bill so it was

    Im tryin with the 10K steps a day...I get so bored Ive done boxing, running, name it and now I am down to my last 30 lbs and I keep I must remember to mix it

    Have a great nite :-)