Warriors - Challenge (10/23/-10/29)

writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
In honor of the name of this week's show "The Drop", find something you are going to drop for the week. Are you going to drop soda for the week? Are you going to drop your late night tv for some sleep, so you have energy & eat better during the day. Are you going to drop your afternoon chocolate? Are you going to drop hitting snooze when you are supposed to get up & work out & put your alarm in the bathroom, so you have to walk all the way in there to turn it off, forcing you to get out of bed? (I did that one time when I was younger to get out of the habit of hitting snooze :)

Name what you are going to drop for the week and then come back & let us know how it went...and how it affected the pounds you dropped :) Did you drop more than usual?

Note from Cycletrak1: Remember to receive the point, you must post back, by Wednesday at Midnight, how your "drop" went.


  • StevieB13
    StevieB13 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm going to go for "banning the snooze" as I have been going to bed way past midnight lately and sleeping late. Told hubby yesterday (strangely) that I need to start getting up earlier, so he phoned me from work this morning (he was up at 5.15) to make sure I was up, & I was - Day 1 completed, purely by fluke !!
  • We are twins, Stevie! I just thought "oh wow...no snooze!!" I am going to sit the phone in the bathroom. Then, when I have to turn the alarm off, I'll be at the shower so might as well get in it and get ready for my day!

    I need to work on dropping other things too....I'm going to drop McDonalds coffee and buying breakfast on the way to work in the morning. Given that I won't be snoozing, I'll have at least 9 minutes to make and eat a healthy breakfast at home.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I am going to drop the cheat day on Wednesdays! Sleep is nothing for me I been working on a routine for a few weeks now and I go to bed by 10 and up at 8:30; works great and now I don't even need my alarm clock cause I just wake up
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    Mine will be dropping procrastination for doing workouts.

    I WILL do INSANITY when I get up in the morning, instead of waiting until later in the day.
  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    edited October 2014
    I'm dropping eating my calories back. Really going to try to hit that 1800 mark, its really about smarter choices.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    These all sound awesome!!! We got this team warriors!!!
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    I dropped drinking pop, so far so good, even with yesterday's road trip
  • watersm04
    watersm04 Posts: 190 Member
    I'm going to drop buying my lunch at work, I always make bad choices. I'll bring my lunch to work.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    I'm going to drop bread for a week.
  • cycletrak1
    cycletrak1 Posts: 607 Member
    [b]Checking back in:[/b]
    I've been doing INSANITY in the mornings, just as planned. Doing the INSANITY workout in the morning gives me more energy the rest of the day! Also by doing INSANITY first thing in the morning, I don't have a chance to try to talk myself out of doing it! I don't know if it contributed to more weight loss because I also adjusted my calories.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Eating is going great!!! No cheating and I don't want to!! I been craving healthy food these past couple days!!
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    I dropped coffee for the week. I am going INSANE. lol
  • StevieB13
    StevieB13 Posts: 16 Member
    Despite not going to bed until well past midnight on Saturday I have been getting up early as promised !!! Certainly gives me the opportunity to get more done in a day.
  • DonnaDTW
    DonnaDTW Posts: 75 Member
    Checking in so I'm a little better than half on not eating back calories for the challenge.
  • ThisCanadian
    ThisCanadian Posts: 1,086 Member
    Going without coffee isn't too bad. I didn't start my challenge until Saturday (I thought I posted then but I can't see the original post here) so I'm going to keep it up until the weekend.
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Checking in, I've managed to not drink any pop for a week
  • watersm04
    watersm04 Posts: 190 Member
    Just checking in, not buying my lunch:
    made my lunch so far all week. Even made tomorrow's lunch.
  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    Awesome everyone!!! I didn't cheat today; woohiooo!!!
  • StephanieL14
    StephanieL14 Posts: 124 Member
    I've dropped cereal for breakfast and swapped it for a fruit and veggie smoothie. I was in the habit for a while but then the Apple Cinnamon Cheerios called me... The smoothie gets a lot of nutrients in, even if I don't get a lot in later in the day!
  • Hello everyone. I've had a yucky week. I did NOT manage to eat a healthy breakfast ANY day. I have been pretty ghastly with my food intake. Determined to get back to basics today ... so far so good.

    I HAVE been successful in setting the phone in the bathroom and I must admit I've grumbled on the way every morning to turn it off but NO SNOOZE! yay! Success...albeit a small one.

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