Binge eating and keto diets



  • Just the idea of not counting kind of scares me. I've been doing it for years so not counting might feel different at first.

    I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks so much!
  • When I am hungry I make me a buttered coffee. It works for me. 35 g of butter and a mug of coffee in the blender.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    maemaymei wrote: »
    Hi! I've been on and off on keto because I often binge. Sad, i know.

    So if i stop counting calories at least for the 1st 2 weeks and eat strictly keto, i'll lose the urge to binge?

    I did. My cravings dropped away so drastically, instead of stopping myself from eating, occasionally I have to force myself to eat. Food has no ridiculous power over me anymore.

    OP, and others who also are starting and have binging trouble, I used to joke around that I had a little food-demon always on my shoulder. I called him Loki, picture Tom Hiddleston in his Loki costume, and he was always whispering insidiously, urging cravings on, "You're ravenous. Eat it all." After the first week of keto, he started getting really quiet. My life is so much happier without all that noise. He's gone on now and left me to bother someone else I guess. I haven't carb-cheated once. I've been ketoing since June 1st.

    I second the advice you have received. Induction yourself exclusively. Resolve that it will be so! Once you are in ketosis, you can add other things, but you will find if you follow this advice, the binge cravings will start to drop off. Then, when that is over, you can worry about calories. As long as Loki is bugging you, binges are going to derail you. Eat until you are full on the foods you should in induction. Your appetite will start to calm down after a couple weeks, and you will be satisfied with less food. You can worry about tracking calories then. Until then, hungry? Eat.

    Tell Loki he is a pathetic little turd, and he isn't going to screw you over any longer. Best wishes, and let us know how it turns out for you.

    You CAN do this.

    This is so well put.

    My tips:
    1. Drink lots of water
    2. Eat salt/sodium if no contraindications to health by doctor's orders.
    3. Take a potassium/magnesium supplement if you get cramps.
    4. Limit exercise to gentle exercise (yoga, pilates, walking, etc.) until you are more adapted to using fats for energy. You will most likely feel pretty weak at first (2-3 weeks).
    5. If you feel your binge eating is more mentally/emotionally driven than a physical desire to eat, seek out a mental health professional that is experienced with EDs of all kinds.
    6. Take care to do this properly. Eat the fats! Moderate your protein intake, and count carbs. You shouldn't have to count calories at first, but you may find you do after induction to keep losing. It's okay. Besides, it's really hard to know if you're eating enough fats, keeping your protein moderate, and keeping your carbs very low without counting everything.
    7. If you slip, do not beat yourself up. Learn and move on.
  • Thanks guys! My first few days back on keto are okay. I'm hitting my macros and i feel alright for someone in ketosis. I only had some minor muscle pains yesterday and my burning eyes won't go away since 2nd day. I still count, though. I can't help it! The last 4 days i averaged 700-950 calories but only because i don't feel like i still want to eat more.

    So far, so good. But it's the weekends I'm worried about. When i relax on weekends it's like I'm letting myself go from all the dieting during the previous days.