How's everyone doing/ No to free frappuccino

Moppet76 Posts: 24 Member
edited October 2014 in Social Groups
How's everyone doing today? I'm gearing up for my favorite exercise class. It's called Barre a Terre and it's stretching and strengthening exercises on the floor. I have a problem in my foot, so a lot of physical exercise that stresses it is off-limits. I log the hour as 30 mins stretching/30 mins pilates.

I also noticed I tend to eat food when offered or when it's, like, a freebie. I got a free frappucino on Halloween offer for tomorrow, but you know what? That's 200 empty calories I don't need. I'll pay for my iced black coffee (7 cals) instead, thankyouverymuch.

How are you all doing?



  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I love Barre classes too. I do them online at home. I am with you to saying to to the free calories.. I have been good today and all the Halloween candy we bought to give out is still wrapped up....
  • SkinEKristin
    SkinEKristin Posts: 28 Member
    I did awesome yesterday! I was so proud of myself! I was at the low end of my calorie range and worked out for 45 minutes! I ended the day with eating about 1400 calories and burned about 2700! And I felt great about it! Hoping I can avoid all the candy in my kids' bags tonight they bring home from trick or treating!
  • katiet44
    Yesterday wasn't great. I didn't log my food intake. We had a b-day celebration at work, with tons of food. While I didn't gorge, it wasn't the healthiest food to eat. But today is off to a better start. I'm on my lunch break at work and getting ready to take advantage of the onsite gym for a quick 20 min cardio.
  • Moppet76
    Moppet76 Posts: 24 Member
    Vanessa - what barre video do you do? I'm looking for one.

    And guess what? After writing "no to freebies" while I was online at Trader Joes I took a chocolate caramel from the sample tray - and when I was falling asleep, after *just* hitting my calorie count I went "Oh $%*&%" Reminder to be mindful and pay attention!
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    I love this free site Grokker. It has every kind of workout and great food video's too. It's hard to believe it's free.
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    I did awesome yesterday! I was so proud of myself! I was at the low end of my calorie range and worked out for 45 minutes! I ended the day with eating about 1400 calories and burned about 2700! And I felt great about it! Hoping I can avoid all the candy in my kids' bags tonight they bring home from trick or treating!

    Great Job :-)