May 2015 baby mommas :)



  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    Hi, Ladies!
    I'm due (with our third) May 4th. With my first pregnancy, I gained too much weight and with my second I kept things under control using I started a LCHF diet in June & lost nearly 40 pounds before discovering that I was pregnant at the end of July (surprise! I looked so good that my husband couldn't keep his hands off of me!). Now I've added in some more carbs and am trying to maintain throughout the first trimester. Since I'm used to logging here, I plan to stick around for the duration. Nice to meet you all and hope to see you all around MFP.
    Sara :-)
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    Hi ladies! I am also expecting for around May 7th! :) It will be my first and I'm so excited!!
  • simply_sarah_
    simply_sarah_ Posts: 35 Member
    Hey hipsdontlie - it's my first too! Yay! And May 7th is a great due date (I'm a May 8th baby myself).

    Sparacka - I've also been doing LCHF, though I've also been eating a few more carbs lately...(I keep wanting to eat ALL the peaches!). How's the maintenance going for you? Over the last few weeks I've been eating a ton more but I still seem to be losing a bit of weight (1-2 pounds). I'm not worried about it though since I'm eating so much and not exercising more than usual.
  • thelowcarblady
    thelowcarblady Posts: 137 Member
    I'm due May 5th with my first child! I was hoping to have lost more weight before this happened but all that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things lol. I need to get more active now so that I may be able to tone up a bit while still preggers and also to prep myself for when delivery comes around. I just hope I'm not looking fat the entire time I'm pregnant lol -- I'm sure at some point it would be obvious but I have PCOS so my tummy is where most of my weight is kept and I hope it doesn't just make me look more fat lol. oh well, congrats to everyone!! This will be one wild ride I'm sure!
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    Hi everyone. I recently found out that I will be a May mom as well, due May 19th. Simply_Sarah_ - It sounds like we have the exact same story! I usually have horrific menstrual cramps and I am so nervous about the baby because I am 9 weeks and have had very few symptoms with the exception of being extremely tired. My husband used to yell at me to go to bed at night and now he has to wake me up on the couch to go to bed! Ha! This is our first and this little one surprised us all. We just got married on September 6th so apparently we had a wedding guest that we didn't know about! :smile: I didn't lose the weight I wanted before the wedding and was looking forward to less stress and more time to get back to the gym after the wedding, but the baby changed those plans. The only food I'm having a huge problem eating is protein. Nothing in the meat category sounds even remotely appealing to me. Thank god there is protein in yogurt and cheese! lol I've been working out 4 to 5 days a week, but I'm so tired that I don't feel like I am really accomplishing anything when I work out.
  • kelly_lake
    kelly_lake Posts: 25 Member
    I'm due in may too, coming up for 12 weeks. My nausea and exhaustion has eased up now, and I want to take advantage of that to try to improve my diet and get my activity up. I was very active and healthy my last pregnancy, but I lost that one, and have been much more cautious this time round, haven't been running or watching what I eat particularly. Once the exhaustion kicked in that put a kibosh on mist exercise too really! I have only gained 1-2 lbs so far, but I'm feeling very bloated and not feeling particularly healthy or confident and I want to improve on that.

    I have been trying to do some yoga daily the last couple of weeks since I'm feeling less rough, but would be interested in hearing what exercise others have been doing. As for food, just need to curb the snacking really as I've got into bad habits, so I'm going to start logging again in an effort to improve that.
  • XxMarciaxX
    XxMarciaxX Posts: 93 Member
    Hey ive just joined this group :) im 14 weeks pregnant with 3rd and due 2nd of may was a huge surprise ! , I havent done much in being active as nausea and exhaustion is still holding m imye back :( hoping it will pass soon. I am happy about not worrying about going over cals for a while so my brain can relax a bit x
  • mtoasty79
    Hi, I am new to the group and expecting on 30 May! I had lost about 30 pounds before becoming pregnant and had so much weight to lose due to my last pregnancy. I had gained around 55 pounds and this time around would love to just maintain my weight. At 11 weeks I have gained 8 pounds and I am terrified! Does anyone know how to keep the gain at a minimum through the next 29 weeks? I know I will keep gaining but would like to keep it at no more than 15 more pounds. Is this unrealistic? I am 35, 5'7" and now weigh 184. Can anyone help me?
  • jellybird
    jellybird Posts: 37 Member
    Due May 17th here.
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    mtoasty79, we are in the same boat! My pre-pregnancy weight was 185 and I'm 34. My doctor wants me to keep my weight gain to 15 pounds, but at 16 weeks I already hit a 14 pound gain! Yikes! I have no idea either how to keep the weight down for the rest of the pregnancy. I set my calories back to maintenance, I started to track my food again and I've been trying to work out more. Other than that I don't know how to keep the weight down and it's stressing me out!
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    I'm due with my second child the first week of June. :) anyone feel free to add me :)
  • wanttobeamoore
    wanttobeamoore Posts: 9 Member
    Hey, all! I am almost 18 weeks along and due May 23rd. Had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy in August 2012 and lost over 200 pounds. The ability to start a family was one of the major motivating factors for the surgery. I had a rough first trimester and have fallen off the bandwagon. I have gained back 25 pounds since my lowest weight, 10 of which I gained back during my first trimester. am here to get back on track ... so nice to meet all of you. We can do this! :)
  • ahilleary14
    Hi Everyone!!!!
    I'm excited to have found a group for pregnancy! I'm 26 years old, and due May 24th, 2015. We find out if we are having a boy or girl *hopefully* on January 7th. I am supposed to gain the normal range as I'm 5'4 and started at 128. I'm 18 weeks 2 days and have already gained 9 lbs so I feel like I'm gaining a little to quickly...just a little. I'm here to get motivation to start walking on the treadmill and do a prenatal yoga dvd I have yet to open. Feel free to add me I would love some new friends on here!
  • hmerickson
    hmerickson Posts: 4 Member
    Due May 12th! I've been staying active, but decided to enjoy the holidays with no regrets and I think it will show when I step on the scale at my 20-week appt on Friday. Trying to refocus and make sure I gain at a reasonable rate and in a healthy way.
  • JoanOfArch
    JoanOfArch Posts: 2 Member
    Due May 1 here'
  • anjewelz
    anjewelz Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all I am due around May as well! Seems to be alot of us lol. Official due date right now is May 16th but my cycles are long so I am expecting to be anywhere between that and a week later. I am very overweight and looking at trying to maintain rather than lose. It has been very difficult as cravings are ridiculous! Good to know there is a group here on MFP hope to really step up healthy living this year and eventually lose weight after the baby comes.
  • Exna
    Exna Posts: 96 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello everyone !
    I'm due with #2 on May 13 :). I have a 2 yo daughter .
    Tomorrow I'll be 24 weeks . Had my appointment today and so far I've gained 12 lbs . Everyone feel free to add me
  • alynn0823
    Hi everyone! I'm due May 25th with my first. It's a girl! I'm 26 years old and newly married (5/31/14) and looking for some help with keeping my weight gain under control! So far, that's not going well...21lb gain at 25 weeks :(
  • dangergirl87
    I am due with #2 on May 25th.
    It's a boy & I have a 2 year old toddler girl. We are thrilled about our newest baby on the way!
  • Elisabuffy19
    Elisabuffy19 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi! I am due May 18th with my second. I already have a 3 year old girl. Also trying to keep my weight under control this pregnancy. It has been difficult. It feels like my body just wants to hold on to everything I eat and drink, despite being pretty good about my calorie intake and exercise. So far, at 26 weeks I have gained about 20 lbs (some days more or less). I am hoping to stay around 35 total but now that goal seems hard.
    What has been working for you ladies? :-)