1 Month No Soda Challenge

charliwarli Posts: 33 Member
Okay, I know, super over done, and seems pretty lame. But holy cow, this is a hard one. Post if you want to do this challenge, it will be a constant, so that anyone can join in on it at any time. I only ask that everyone log honestly, and provide a link to their food journal!!! I know I will!!


  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    Good luck! You can do it! I used to drink soda all the time in high school but after finding out about my gallstones, I quit. It wasn't easy but it's amazing how long it's been and how I can hardly tolerate having soda nowadays.
  • charliwarli
    charliwarli Posts: 33 Member
    I have been failing at this miserably, but at least I'm keeping myself accountable!!! It's a real weakness of mine.
  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member
    I think what helped for me was finding another favorite beverage to replace soda. Water is ideal but when I started to quit soda, that was the last thing I wanted. My beverage of choice was obviously chocolate milk. :) You'll be amazed that I have since replaced that with water. I haven't had chocolate milk in almost a month (in my house, but I've bought chocolate shakes)!
  • charliwarli
    charliwarli Posts: 33 Member
    No soda today! Day 1 down people!
  • kaserz
    kaserz Posts: 35 Member