Monday, November 17, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Hi all!

    april, those waffles sound good. I admire your meal planning. I have a friend who tried so hard to turn me on to meal planning and I've wanted to, but never been able to. My life is so irregular. Plus, DH's family sends food constantly (it's a Greek thing). How many times we've bought a bunch of groceries like a chicken and veggies, only to get a phonecall that his aunt has an entire week's worth of food packed up and waiting for him to pick up. I'm definitely not complaining (she's an outstanding cook), but it makes planning impossible. Sometimes she sends food and sometimes she doesn't. Since we don't want to be stuck with a fridge full of her food PLUS a chicken, or other ingredients, going bad from the grocery store, we usually just wing it.

    Marla, your trip to Seattle sounds nice!! (even if cold)

    Trying to start the week off right and keep up the momentum. Today is a national day, so I have both kids at home. It's not a good day to go out, as there are often demonstrations on this day (and they sometimes turn into riots & teargas, but that hasn't happened in awhile, but it's a very fluid, volatile thing, ya never know...police were already set-up around universities yesterday when I went to the gym). Got my abs & glutes done this morning. Legs (calves) are super sore, but muscle sore, not tendon sore, I presume from my first run back and from walking (barefoot around the apartment, to get my 10,000). May or may not hit gym. Still trying to decide what my new split will be. Can always just do shoulders at home.

    Have a good one!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning everyone,
    It was sort of a busy weekend, busy but good. Thursday night a friend had posted on FB that her dad wanted to get rid of his York 2001 gym, the first to go get it could have it. So, it now sits in my basement next to my treadmill. We almost bought one last winter, or something similar. Anyway, I haven't really used it yet, except to play and try it a bit. Today I am going to make up a workout plan and use it on days that I don't run. I've been wanting to do some heavier weights (my heaviest are just 10lb handweights) so now I can. Does anyone else use anything like this? I know that free weights are probably best, and I'm not sure what weight to start out with. I guess I'll just have to see what works.

    Had a good-food weekend, feeling good to start out a Monday with no food regrets. I am usually up a bit on the scale Monday morning, even if its just water weight. so this week I should have a good week....since I wasn't up.

    Went to see a movie on Saturday night, Interstellar, it was good.

    Rain here today, so will be a good day for a basemtent workout!

  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    I made some poor decisions for food yesterday. Again, it wasn't the entire day, but dinner was definitely not good. A bunch of crescent rolls. And then some McDonald's chicken nuggets and fries left over from. my kids dinners. But, when tempted to just eat some ice cream since I had already messed up...I resisted. So not a total loss!

    this week will be rough. I'll have to be careful. There are three to four days this week that I will be eating out. My plan is to enjoy myself, but to avoid pop and drink water instead. Also, to eat smaller portions and avoid all those extras (bread, chips, etc.). Hopefully I can survive without gaining all my weight back!

    Sherry - It sounds like your life makes developing healthy habits very difficult. Having no consistent routine is the most difficult thing to overcome! You should be proud of what you have accomplished, because it's not easy!

    Have a great week!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Well I had a rotten week as far as not feeling well, eating poorly, and not exercising, actually not leaving the house for a lot of it. I was miserable! But I did start turning it around on Saturday.

    Saturday I got a run in with Fells, got my car serviced (got out of the house!!), and got some shopping done.

    Sunday I got all the chores that I should have been doing all week at least started and the important chores done. Fells and I also got in a bit longer run.

    Today I'm back to work and, at least so far, not eating badly. Tonight I'm having my Tuesday trainer workout. I'm not sure if I will have the time to run to and from it, plus it will be raining and dark. It's noon right now and it looks like dusk outside, like the sun has already gone down dusk. I will at least get a walk in today though.

    Tuesday -- Fells and I will do a run
    Wednesday -- I have an advanced yoga class (first of the four session class)
    Thursday -- Body Conditioning Class
    Friday -- Fells and I will do a run OR I'll take the bike out depending on the weather; then we have freestyle class, then drive to Virginia
    Saturday/Sunday -- Flyball tournament

    All week -- back to the good habits as far as eating!!! I am not sick anymore!
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    ran partway to gym, legs workout (it was good), walked back
    so happy to be back at the gym
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    got up early & did a little cardio
    work, healthy eats... very hungry now though
    more tomorrow!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Very exhausted long day....