Weekly Wednesday check in...November 26th

jeanmrob Posts: 634 Member
edited November 2014 in Social Groups
Here we go again friends...and I am thrilled to report I am down 2 pounds! Weight Watchers is really working for me. I am focused and determined and the fact that I have lost five pounds in four weeks is a real buzz.

On here I am one pound above Goal..at WW I am two and a half above......the difference between weighing first thing in the morning in minimal clothing and a WW weigh in the evening fully dressed.....either way I am thrilled! :#




  • Computershateme
    Computershateme Posts: 46 Member
    Way to go Jean! I had a slight gain last week wich I thought was fluid retention. It was, because the next day I was actually back down. Today despite trying to just maintain, I'm actually down a pound. I'm sure that won't continue with holidays approaching and all sorts of treats being so available everywhere you look.
  • learntolive
    learntolive Posts: 169 Member
    Way to go Jean!. I've been weighing in faithfully and not showing any loss. Today, I am down 4 lbs.! I am thrilled. It is beginning to show a little bit. I'm not sure if I was misreading the scale, or not seeing it clearly. I did get new glasses on Sunday--and I really can see with them. The last pair was not so good. I had gained 5 lbs while I was on my sabatical from MFP. When I came back and logged, it did not show me gaining. So no loss recorded until I lost 6 lbs. So I am actually down 12 lbs.
  • JoanLovell
    JoanLovell Posts: 127 Member
    After faithfully logging in for the past 10 days - as a preamble to making a fresh effort - I am officially getting started TODAY! I want to add that the Wednesday Weigh In post provided me with a start point, when I'd just been putting it off for a lo-o-o-o-ong time. Thanks!
  • ker95texas
    ker95texas Posts: 304 Member
    Well done y'all! I am actually (mostly) pleased that after being away from scale, ability to fix healthy food, unhealthy amounts of boredom and sitting in the car for days, I actually weighed the same today as last weigh-in two weeks ago. Going to hit it again strong this week, and hope to see a loss next Wednesday. Need to do that to hit my end-of-year goal :wink:
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    edited November 2014
    smiley-riding-turkey.gifHappy Day Before Thanksgivings!

    bouncy_smiley.gifGood job everyone!! I continue to maintain my current weight thanks to the increased biking. However, the below quote now hangs on the refrigerator door.

    In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eats twice as much as nature requires. ~Benjamin Franklin
    dragon_rising_smiley.gifSmart man that Mr. Franklin.

  • IndianaPapaw
    IndianaPapaw Posts: 31 Member
    Finally dropped another pound after a week of little movement. Must of been the 2+ miles I was able to walk yesterday. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. We're having our get together today and another one on Saturday. Hopefully I can maintain.
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hello all. I have been AWOL for a few weeks now. Somehow Wednesdays have just been sliding by on me. :stuck_out_tongue: When I last checked in, I had just returned from a week away and was over my maintenance range. I soon dropped back into my 3 pound range and have stayed there ever since. I have been giving myself more time off logging mostly on the weekends and seem to have no problem getting back to it again. :smiley: Maintenance no longer seems so complex.....some days I eat too much but less on other days. I trust the scale to provide the feedback I need and using a range keeps me from getting upset over the weight fluctuations.
    I had also started walking again when I last checked in. My physio tells me that my expectations are too high and that I will still get pain from walking for a few more weeks. I tried upping it to 30 minutes today and will see what my foot has to say about that tomorrow. On top of that the Chikungunya joint pain flares up regularly. (For those of you who do not know about Chikungunya, the joint pain continues for weeks/months after the initial acute phase. I suspect it feels like RA.)
    Jean...good for you. Goal is so close!
    Computers.....Yes maintenance is the art of putting on and losing the same few pounds over and over.
    learntolive.......plateaus get frustrating and then suddenly you are off them. All part of the process.
    Joan...Best of luck as you restart. A good plan to start logging first and getting into that.
    Ker....No weight gain in your travels.....well done. I hope you are feeling a lot better now!
    Wooen3.......it sound like you are doing well with your new bike.
    Papaw....Congratulations on this week's lose

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends. We are going to go out for dinner just because I can never pass up turkey.


  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi everyone - another good week here, down an additional 2 pounds. I hope by next week to have reached my second major goal (having lost 20% of my starting weight). I am very close!

    Jean, well done, almost there! I never could do WW ... so glad it is working for you.

    Computers, you're right about the crazy weight fluctuations. Get this - this morning, I got up early and weighed myself because it was check-in day. I went back to bed and got up an hour later and, just to check, weighed myself again. It was a pound LOWER than the hour before! I got on the scale three more times and it was not a fluke. So, does this prove we have additional Soul while we are sleeping?

    Excellent loss, learntolive! Always exciting to see the surprisingly low number after being stuck on a plateau.

    Joan, I agree that this weekly check-in is a great motivator. Glad you are with us!

    Marilyn, glad you are back home safe - and really well done that you maintained while out of your routine. I find travelling really challenging and actually carry some key foods with me to be sure I don't get into trouble.
    Wooken3 wrote: »

    In general, mankind, since the improvement of cookery, eats twice as much as nature requires. ~Benjamin Franklin

    Wooken, love that quote - and all your cute icons!

    Papaw, 2+ miles is impressive ... I am working my way up to 1.5 miles so far.

    bvi, I have not heard of Chikungunya before ... will have to look that up. I like your idea of using a range as a goal - I think I will copy it, in fact.

    Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating, and lucky those who will not face the temptation!

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    You all are doing so well. It's very heartening. Sounds like everyone is back in pocket. For those of us in the US, this is one of our favorite holidays, when we celebrate the year's harvest.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I was up two pounds from my trip. I don't even want to know what I weigh today after Thanksgiving. I'll let you know next week when I weigh. I'm waiting until Sunday at least for a hop on the scale. My waistband feels tight today though. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!