Dec. 1st goals

DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
Happy December 1st! I hope that everyone of you had a nice holiday and that you're now back on track until December 24th. ;)

On my side, I'm feeling quite discouraged with the fact that I haven't lose anything but one pound in November, even if I'm doing my best to stay on track (logging accurately most of the time, exercising 4-5 times a week now with an HRM to have a better idea of my burned calories, avoiding unplanned cheat meals, etc.). I seriously don't know what to do to kick start the rest of my journey.

Here are my goals for today

1) Logging accurately and weight everything I can.
2) Exercising (40 min. aerobics and maybe 20 minutes yoga if my back can stop being butthurt about the fact that I am stretching it a lot)
3) Plan meals around my 5 pounds of leftover turkey.

And as a personal side note, I need to:
- Upload pictures of the office Children's christmas and put them online.
- Upload pictures for the Christmas office party roast and send them to the person who is doing the presentation.
- Make my official countdown to Christmas plan.
- Fold some clothes.

(Ok, this is gonna be a big day.)


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I saw your post on your wall, and tried to comment there, but for some reason MFP is only letting me comment on some posts, whereas others have the x. I'm sure that will go away, but my suggestion is to calculate your TDEE for the month by adding up the calories for all the days you have logged and dividing by the number of days (30 or whatever). You'd add in 3500 for the pound lost. That will give you what maintenance has been over the last month, at least based on how you are logging. Then you can look at the number and decide what to do with that--does it seem low so there might be logging things or something else going on, what makes sense to cut off of it, etc.

    Also, if you are fluctuating up and down a lot it could be water.

    I have a new plan for the rest of the year, since I can already tell it's going to be challenging. I set my goal for my maintenance while lightly active, but no extra exercise, and am going to try and eat that and use my exercise to create a deficit. I want that because I've been freaking out when over and exercising a bit less that I'll gain, and I want to try and be better aware of how my numbers relate to maintenance if I happen to skip workouts due to weather or go over due to some holiday party (but workout on the same day). This doesn't actually change my numbers much, but it psychologically seems better.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Today's goals:

    1) Get back to morning workouts (done)
    2) Log perfectly (or as close to it as possible) -- I've been over more than my logs indicate in the past week, I think, because I've been logging quite sloppily
    3) Try to stay a bit below calories--not a lot, but make up a tad for the weekend
    4) Prepare lunch for tomorrow (current plan for the week is to bring lunch on Tuesday through Thursday, since I knew I wouldn't today and Friday is work lunch)

    I love the countdown to Christmas plan!
  • knightaa1
    I got sick and gained a pound as well, in total since this challenge I've gained about 3. I am pretty sure it's because I'm overeating as well as not exercising. So I'm going to go back to fitting some goals in. I'll try a calorie range that's low but still higher than what I used to eat at. If I want to eat more I'll need to exercise. Since I know I won't be exercising I'll make sure not to overeat today.

    1. Eat withing calories and healthy
    2. Get sleep
  • classysassy4ever70
    classysassy4ever70 Posts: 765 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My Goals:
    1) Plan out my meals for the day
    2) Stay within my calories
    3) Exercise (would like to take a walk)
    4) Drink 8 – 10 glasses of water
    5) Go to sleep at a reasonable time

    I am hoping to stick to this today.
  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    Oh Jeez! My weight has been steadily creeping up and I need to put an end to it! Back to zero processed carbs. I biked to work today and I'm planning on doing this 3 times a week. Went for a 3 mile run over the weekend - I WILL do this 3 times a week. I WILL be 145 by the New Years.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I miss biking to work!
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    I miss biking to work too. :(