I Hate Water, Any Other Suggestions?



  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    So this last work week, I tried with good results:

    Walmart had a gallon of unsweetened tea for $2.48.
    Unsweetened tea with lemon juice
    Unsweetened tea with lemon juice & Stevia (one packet per cup)
    Unsweetened tea with lemon juice & Stevia, diluted with equal amount of water

    I used a straw.

    I didn't necessarily drink more water, but the water I drank was more bearable/palatable.

    I will also try the tea you brew next.

    :D Thanks for all the suggestions, I love this group! :)

    Dan the Man from Tea Land

  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    Good job on trying what you can to get more water in your body! I've heard and maybe someone has a reference for us here, that drinking the water helps flush the fat out of our bodies. I know I like cold water as well, so I alternate two bottle that are 33 oz each and there is always one cold for me.
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    i reuse containers i like the Tall Gatorade containers with the lid you can drink from - i have 3- 24 oz containers that i fill ea morning with water & Mio fit so i know i only have 3 to drink to get all my water- i also like water with ice- but hard in the winter time to drink cold fluids- so i end up leaning towards hot tea ....

    everyone is different- find what works for you : )
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    My trainer is always on us to drink half our body weight in water. I tend to drink more water on the days I work out. Like you, I don't like drinking water either. If coffee IVs existed, I'd have one. For me, it's easier to try and drink one cup an hour. I try to drink at least a cup or two before I leave home and that makes it a bit easier. I will put lemon juice in my water when I tire of the plain taste and like many others, I drink it at room temperature. It helps me to have a big bottle. I will drink until it feels like my stomach is too full and that's usually 2 cups there.

    Good luck with learning to love water. It is a struggle!
  • LoraKay131
    LoraKay131 Posts: 58 Member
    i dont drink cold water...i drink it room temp. and...im not a huge water fan, either, i just muscle it down, because its good for me. thats my advice, just drink the dang stuff. ;)
  • wonderfullymadebyhim
    I just discovered "MioSport", a small bottle of liquid sold by the drink mixes. It has electrolytes!
  • Mufflana
    Mufflana Posts: 18 Member
    I struggle too but drink better from a bottle!!! Have found green mint tea goes down a treat and also a tea called stomach ease by Yogi teas which is lovely, count them in my water and it's job done. Good luck
  • ashleighdawnw
    ashleighdawnw Posts: 3 Member
    I just discovered "MioSport", a small bottle of liquid sold by the drink mixes. It has electrolytes!

    Was just going to suggest this! It is a lifesaver for me :)
  • volfan22
    volfan22 Posts: 149 Member
    I just discovered "MioSport", a small bottle of liquid sold by the drink mixes. It has electrolytes!

    And it's great with vodka too....If we go out with friends I carry the mio in my purse - ask for vodka and water and squirt a little mio in for some flavor. (Moderation, of course!) ;)
  • TheTrophyWife
    TheTrophyWife Posts: 86 Member
    Volfan, you're going to be our official bartender! I'm a tequila girl and it is hard to make good margaritas with that nasty "lite" mixer. I wish someone would make something that didn't have such a chemical after taste. I usually end up buying the pre-mixed ones and drinking a lot of water with it.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    I just learned a new way to make my body want water. :) The other day I bought some pickled Jalapeño slices... :o>:) I like to put a slice on a bite of meat. It spices the flavor up. Then in 10 seconds, BAM! I need water and lots of it!!! LOL! About a cup to bring the heat down to manageable levels... repeat... in no time I will meet my daily requirements of water... :DB)

    Dan the Man from Jalapeño Land

  • tq33702
    tq33702 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm not a fan of plain water, either,
    tho I keep a bottle at hand, anyway.

    I am a fan of hot fat/meat/fish/veggie
    homemade broth becuz it's so
    satisfying to appetite and especially

    It gives my innately intuitive body
    what it wants...
    fluid to avoid hypovolemic dehydration,
    fat to easily satisfy appetite,
    electrolytes of potassium, magnesium,
    calcium and natural sodium to supply
    the enzymes needed to convert body fat
    to energy, warmth and the feel-good

    Adding a bit of a fav mustard for
    proper flavor and bite, fill a cup,
    a mug, a bowl or thermos jug...
    it's day bright.

    All that in 20 minutes. :smile:
  • sbom1
    sbom1 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm not a fan of water either. I fill a 16 oz glass with water (room temp) and chug it before b'fast. Refill it and chug every 1-2 hours until I've gotten at least 5 glasses down; on top of 2 cups coffee, perhaps a cup of broth, and maybe a cup of tea. I read somewhere, and it makes sense to me given the feedback loops our bodies have, that high water intake helps flush the ketones out of the kidneys which then tells the body to burn more.
  • traveljjo
    traveljjo Posts: 35 Member
    Hi Dan,

    I have the same issue. I have a few things that helps me... A bi-product of doing any sort of exercise for me is the need to stop and drink water. Especially interval training like a body pump class. You can always stop and drink from your bottle sitting next to you and you are grateful! This is the time in my life I noticed I drank the most water without thought.

    In the am, I cut a lemon in half and juice it it out, add it to a blender bottle with ice, and carry it with me to work. I have those true-lemon packets at work to add if I want more later. I try to drink the other lemon half when I get home. Otherwise- I am a huge coffee/tea drinker. It's a struggle to switch from my love of hot drinks.

    Ultimately, I know for sure dehydration is one of my major issues health wise. I am working on it too!
  • melissa968
    melissa968 Posts: 57 Member
    aireseneca wrote: »
    I found Twinings Cold Brewed Tea Bags. I put the tea bag in my screw top water thingie and let it make fresh ice tea for me. There are several flavors.

    I do this too. Put a green tea bag in my 24 oz lidded cup with a straw every morning and put in the fridge. I usually drink it around lunch time then refill with water after that. I shoot for to 8-12 cups a day. I probably drink 4-8 cups of coffee a day but I don't count that. I do count the tea, however. Go figure...