Stalled & Freaking Out

Hi all. I am new to the forum and just looking for some support from people going through the transition or have made it to the other side. First let me start by saying my surgery experience was horrific. I'll give you the short version:
10/27- Outpatient Revision from lapband to sleeve
10/28- Admitted to hospital with total obstruction (literally vomiting even my saliva)
11/5- Still vomiting saliva (Just imagine vomiting all day and night) and still obstructed so Back to surgery I go; Surgeon unable to salvage sleeve due to extraordinary scarring so I get a Bypass instead

I've lost a total of 36 pounds but for the last week and a half.........the scale is stuck!
I know stalls happen and are expected but Good Lord! What do you do to get over the hump or am I expecting too much?


  • benagek
    benagek Posts: 46 Member
    WoW! I don't even know how to be a support to you with such a hard journey that you've had. So....I will offer all I can. Prayers going up in your behalf. I know stalls are a normal part of the process so be patient and wait it out...I know, I know, easier said than done. Here is hoping that things start looking up for you friend!
  • pcoppock
    pcoppock Posts: 140 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that the journey has been such a challenge. I can't even imagine how bad it was.

    As for the stall, are you hitting your fluid and protein goals? And are you walking as much as you can?

  • dwillis_fnp
    dwillis_fnp Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks guys. hopefully the worst is behind me and I have no further complications. I know this journey is gonna be hard enough as it is. No time for added issues. I'm walking. I returned to work and I started working out yesterday. As far as fluid and protein goes...... I can't lie absolutely not getting it all in. I just have no desire. I have to force myself to eat and drink. The protein shakes I loved before surgery now make me literally vomit in my mouth while trying to swallow them. At best I may get in 30 grams of protein a day and maybe 30 ounces of fluid. I think this stall is my fault for not doing everything I'm supposed to but it is so hard to force feed myself.
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    Don't worry about a stall. Focus on recovery, you poor thing, and follow your MD's diet. It will come. Good luck! :smile:
  • pcoppock
    pcoppock Posts: 140 Member
    Call your doc's office and let them know what is happening. Maybe they can help with alternate suggestions for intake, or anti-nausea medicine to get you past this phase.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    I totally get OP...I cant look at broth or jello the same way...even the thought gives me the shudders!
    To consume something once in awhile is something different than when youre digesting the same things day in and day out.
    Its no different than drinking the best milk shake out there....sure the 1st 1 would be awesome and maybe the 2nd 1 would be fine but by the 3rd....probably not so much!
    Initially the Protein shakes were good, then they became just tolerable, now I really try to get my protein(s) in w/ solids and not with shakes.
    The protein shakes literally give me the shakes and shudders when I think about having to resort back to them for missed protein.
    I don't want to go back there again!