Thursday, December 4, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Did some jumping jacks (~10min) and abs this morning. Plann for gym got cut b/c of lil girl taking too long shopping for her brother bday gift today. I shoulda known that taking a four year old to a brand new four story toy store in the center of athens, stocked to the ceiling for Xmas, would take awhile. Lol. It's sons 10th birthday.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Sherry, hope your son has a happy birthday.

    Val, glad that you're feeling better!

    I've started my new (and old because it's last year's) exercise plan today and ran/walked the stairs at work a few times.

    I've been having a really difficult time feeling okay and getting my exercise in. So feeling bad (tired/stressed/headachy) and then eating poorly for comfort might help for a minute or two, but is not helping me feel better in the long run.

    Fells has not been helping at all. Since he's not getting as much exercise either, he's really been getting into trouble, including some serious swallowing the wrong stuff and emergency vet visits. This does not help the stress level. So since we're not running as much I need to exercise him in other ways.

    Hope that with the new plan, things will be calmer soon.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy birthday to your son Sherry!

    Donna it's a vicious cycle, isn't it? When you're not eating well or working out you feel exhausted all the time, which doesn't make you want to work out. And when I'm tired my good eating goes right out the window.

    I had a session with Jason tonight. I did 40 minutes on the AMT cross-trainer as a warm-up, then we did legs & core. It was one of those workouts where we did a lot of stuff I'm not a big fan of, but he threw in a few good things to keep me from complaining too much. He had me alternating deadlifts with straight leg deadlifts (holding a barbell but without any extra weight on it). I liked them so I was plugging along when I realized I had done what felt like a lot of them. I finally looked over at Jason and asked if I was doing them indefinitely, and he said yes. I did a couple more and he told me to stop, so I racked the bar. Then he told me his strategy was to have me keep going until I asked, then have me do 2 more. My eating might still be hit & miss, but at least I'm still enjoying my workouts.