Friday, December 5, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Hello, hello, hello!

    Been a VERY busy week at work and I’ve been trying to keep my fitness goals front and center. Even though it’s been loco, I’ve gotten in two workouts plus a couple of lunchtime walks. I don’t really have the time for lunchtime walks but I don’t have the steps not to ;)

    Hubs forgot to crock the chicken yesterday so we had our emergency backup dinner—chilaquiles, which are sort of like Mexican breakfast nachos. Not exactly a healthy meal but it’s a MUCH better choice than anything we would have bought and it can be made in less than 10 mins.

    I got up at 4:30 this am for a session with my trainer at 6. Did elliptical before and abs and treadmill after. It feels like afternoon and it’s not even 10am!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    In my busy working month. Woke up with bad back pain yesterday, freaked out because of work, took extra hot long bath, luckily bottle delivery was cancelled because of weather so I had easy work day.

    I am off today and resting up for the weekend, I work Saturday, Sunday, and Monday and we have festivals that bring in many thousands. It will be insane but fun.

    Going to finish doing my tree and cleaning up mess of stuff everywhere...not exactly restful but I can't stand looking at the mess.
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Nice morning workout April!
    Hang in there Marla, working retail in December is a nonstop workout for sure!

    Got my steps today, and did leg workout at gym. Have added Chest press to leg day, and leg extension+lying leg curl to every workout day. I've decided that if I can't help but to eat like a teenage boy, then I'm going to have to also train like one! Haha! Focused on calves a lot today due to a slight increase in calf/ankle pain the past couple days. Added weight to almost every exercise today.

    TGIF folks!!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Nice getting up and into the workout, April!
    Enjoy your rest day, Marla, and hope the weekend goes well.
    Looks like you're using the gym, Sherry. Seems like it's good that you joined it again. I'm glad!
    Great workout yesterday, Laura! You are doing so well!

    Just did the stair workout yesterday, but ate sensibly, got to sleep at a reasonable time and had a good night. This is much better than where I've been lately. Now I need to do it again today!