Saturday, December 6, 2014



  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    ^aint that the truth! Hahaha!

    Today, chest and back and triceps at gym, plus leg extension and lying leg curl.
    Will do bicep at home later.
    Having a "hip needs to pop" problem the last few days and I hope it resolves soon.

    Went to kids great grandmother house for more birthday cake for son. Oh, and lunch too. ;)
    I've changed my calorie goal to maintain and might even try to build some muscle. Unfortunately I'm still waaaaay overfat, but lately the level of misery of the deficit outweighs the near zero results, so I just don't know what else to do. I truly just could not keep in deficit and was miserable....and all for nothing (miniscule to nil results), so here I am eating and hoping my weight training will help transform some of those calories. It's upsetting because of all the fat on my muffintop and back and thighs and belly, but it just won't leave! :-(

    Have good one
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I think that I'm in the same boat, Sherry. Tried so hard to eat well today. Ate no junk, yet went over my calories. I think, at least at the moment, it's do as best as I can. I *think* that I burned more than I ate today, but either way, it's very close.

    Nosework test today. I worked the score room rather than competing. I am so proud of myself for eating what I brought and walking by the donuts and cookies, and even the sandwiches they provided, without taking any.

    I'm now at 2 good days in a row. If I manage a week, I'm going to be really thrilled and feel like I've finally got myself on course. Maybe not as well as I should be doing, but on course.
  • Aprilfoolbride
    Aprilfoolbride Posts: 552 Member
    Sherry, do you ever foam roll your hip?

    And gold star Donna for being prepared with healthy choices!

    I posted this on my wall because I really need help... I've basically been the same weight for 6 months. It's true that you can't out-exercise a bad diet. While my body fat percentage has dropped a tad, I need to lose lbs. I'm 11lbs from my next mini-goal and 30 from my final goal. Advice for kicking healthy eating into high gear, please. (I'm kind of a bottomless pit...)

    I still emotionally eat sometimes :( but have seen improvement this year. how to leap from what I know is right to actually doing it?