Monday, December 8, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Okay people, I've had some setbacks lately, but SETBACKS can STILL be turned into SUCCESS, BUT...QUITTING can ONLY result in FAILURE.

  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Basically today the young girl cat and my son each conspired separately to drive me crazy. The result was lots of laundry (don't ask), no trip to the tutor, and no gym. I really wanted to go do at least my weighted calf exercises and to rest everything else because I've overworked my muscles and haven't gotten enough restorative sleep. So maybe it's ultimately for the best, but I'm still cross with the cat! :p Maybe tonight I can use Dumbbells or something like that n the steps of our building for my weighted calf exercises. But generally a "rest" day as far as exercise (not as far as being a crazy scary mommy, for which I am still very much "on the clock").

    Meanwhile, eating was so bad last week, along with hunger, that I decided to change my goal to maintenance and maybe even eat above, to try to slowly build muscle. Ultimately forcing those extra calories into my piehole proved to be painful the past two days and idk if I could do it everyday. So, bulking would be ill-advised at my body fat, plus just being really hard to do because of all the food you have to eat DAILY! But, going above the deficit sorta "fixed" the undying hunger I had been having and I'm going to see what can happen for me at maintenance, with a committed gym program and 60,000 to 70,000 steps walking per week. Might as well give it a try til the holidays are over anyway. The weights workout at the gym WILL be key though.

    Sorry for the novella! Have a good one. Readya later!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Just realized I haven't posted in days. Sorry to drop off the radar like that!

    Friday was a crazy long day. Left the house at 6:00 am to head to the gym, got in my warm-up & workout with Jason, went to work, got in my swim after work, had a massage after my swim, stopped at the gas station to fill up my car on the way back into town, and finally got home again at 9:00 pm.

    Saturday I ran some errands in the morning then got to stay home the rest of the day. Got my laundry & some light housework done. In the evening I did 30 minutes on my bike trainer & 17 minutes of ab exercises.

    Sunday I had a migraine so I didn't do anything. I never even turned on my computer.

    Walking with a friend at lunch today, then I have Jason after work.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Sherry, sounds like you have a good plan. Focus on the strength and exercise and eat as best as you can. Try to heal, too.

    Marla, wish I could come to your book club! The food sounds great!

    April, I wish I had the answer. I was doing really well until my half marathon in September and I've been having backsliding days ever since then. I think with me, it's that I got complacent. I also know that once I start I have a hard time stopping, so the key is to do my best not to start. That might mean not putting myself into situations where there is high stress and lots of desserts. My only advice to you and me is to just not have it available; making it as difficult to get as possible for me in my situation. It could be as simple as putting it out of sight, to we just can't have it in the house.

    After a good Friday and Saturday, Sunday was a disaster. But it's Monday, so I'm back. New goal is to go until Christmas without any backsliding. I can do it!

    Laura, hope you're feeling better.

    I'm going to see if I can get a run in today during lunch. It might not be far, but the goal is to do some running.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Donna I've been struggling since my half too. Part of the problem was I intentionally bumped up my calories while training, because I had to. I was doing 2-3 hour runs every weekend and just needed to eat more. Jason wanted me to get good quality calories (not just eat donuts) so I found a way to work extra calories in through my day. And then I ran my half and had my foot issues and couldn't do the long runs but I had done such a great job of incorporating those extra calories into my diet, I didn't want to give them up. I discovered I love Clif white chocolate macadamia bars -- I could eat one every day, and was. Which is fine when I needed extra calories but those 260 calories aren't so easy to work in when I'm trying to eat at a deficit.