Membrane sweeps - has anyone had them and do they work???

janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
Title says it all really - I've got the opportunity to have one at my next midwife appointment on Tuesday and am currently deciding whether to do it. I'll be two days overdue by then. What experiences have you had with them? I know it's going to be uncomfortable (although nothing compared to the birth I guess :smiley: ) and would be good to know what others think having had them before.


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi, I had one, it was fine, didnt hurt or anything. I found it a bit like a smear but a bit more poking about. My midwife said it would only move things along if baby was ready to come anyways.
    I was already in early labour stage so cant comment if it would 'set you off'.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I didn't have one the first go around, but this time they've been talking induction at 39 weeks and I may be able to talk them into this first (which is more "natural" than medical inductions) because they don't want the baby coming late (increases the risk of certain complications because of what's going on right now). However, my best advice would be to read up on it, the pros, cons, etc., reasons for why it's done, how effective it is, to make the best decision for you since every pregnancy is different and what may work for one mom here with it, may not work for you. Just a thought, and here's a link to get you started with the reading; it's one I read last go around when they offered it to me:
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I had my membranes swept with my first, and went into labor within the week. Had them swept with my second - and ended up having to be induced anyways. I don't know if it really makes a difference or not.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I had a sweep with all three of mine, but not until a week overdue, as they won't do it any earlier where I live. I was told with my first 'this baby is nowhere near ready to be born' and then my waters broke the evening of 9 days overdue. Similar story with my second, and I was induced with her the evening of 11 days overdue. My sweep was 8 days over with my 3rd, and I was 1-2cm. She was born in the very early morning of 11 days over. So for me I don't think the sweeps did anything. There's no harm in having one though, they don't hurt.
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    The information I've read is that the hormone release that could trigger labour only happens the first time it is done. So if you do it at 38 weeks and aren't ready, you've wasted that hormone release. If you do it again at 39 weeks, it won't make a difference. If 39 weeks is your first time, it might be enough.

    I never had one. My first was 10 days late but they couldn't reach my cervix (too high) and my second one was 7 weeks early so they weren't trying.

    I'm willing to give it a shot past my due date this time but wouldn't bother before.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    thanks all - some useful stuff to think about - particularly the bit about the hormone release only happening the first time it is done (thanks danifo0811!). I've read quite a bit about it and whilst it does seem to depend a lot on the circumstances as to whether it works, I will probably have one tomorrow and see what happens. The way I see it, it probably can't hinder anything - so let's give it a go - week! Given that I am now officially overdue as of today :smile: My midwife will also book me in for inducement when I go in to see her tomorrow - now that it really not a route that I want to go down! I've been told that curry, long walks and sex are all good for naturally inducing labour so that's the plan for this week - my husband is gutted by the whole idea :wink:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've had 3 overdue babies (10, 12 and 11 days) and I hate to tell you that none of those things work. But that's fine, curry, walks and sex are all enjoyable lol.

    I'm surprised they'll do a sweep already. They won't do it until a week overdue here.

    I was induced with my second (evening of 11 days overdue) and it was fine, so don't worry if it comes to that. 4 hour labour, just gas and air, no stitches and home 5 hours after giving birth :)
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    dawnieb - I also carry a fair amount of cynicism about how well all these things work - but as you say, all fun so what the heck. I'm trying not to fret about inducement on the basis that I suspect the more you worry the more likely it is to happen - good to hear about a quick and straightforward inducement though :)
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I will probably not be in the majority opinion today, but I've had one baby who decided it was time to come, and one that I decided needed out (false back labor for 3 weeks). The induction was GREAT. I actually told my husband that if my doctor will allow it, I'm all for elective induction this time around because it was a wonderful, calm experience that I felt in control of. Obviously each labor and delivery is different, but it was far better than I expected.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    By the time I was induced I was so fed up with being pregnant that I just wanted it over with and wasn't even nervous about induction!

    Induction is more likely to go badly if you're induced before you're ready. I was so overdue I just needed that little help! Although, to be fair, all my births have gone the same way, I've been lucky. My third was back to back and I managed on just gas and air and didn't need stitches.

    We don't have the option of elective induction in England. You're induced for being overdue, or for a medical reason such as gestational diabetes. In the area I live they won't induce until 12 days overdue.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I was offered a sweep with my first baby at 39+3 and I declined figuring baby would come when she was ready (plus I didn't want anybody's hands up there if it wasn't necessary. I didn't have any cervical checks during my pregnancy, either). At 40+3 I went to my regularly scheduled OB appt and was in the early stages of labour, so I let her do the sweep that time. I was 3cm, it hurt like crazy, and my contractions picked up a little bit on the way home. Baby arrived about 12 hours later. With baby number 2 I went into labour on my own again (2 days late), and my midwife did a cervical check and sweep when I arrived at the birthing centre. This one was not at all painful (different technique/better skilled?), and it was my first and only check during my pregnancy and labour. Went from 5-6cm dilated to delivering a baby in two hours. It may or may not have sped things up, but there's no real way of knowing.

    *Personally*, I'm of the school of thought that the baby will arrive when it's ready, whether your membranes are stripped or not, or you try any of the other tricks that claim to trigger labour. I think it's best to do your research and decide what works best for you. Good luck! :)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    We don't have the option of elective induction in England. You're induced for being overdue, or for a medical reason such as gestational diabetes. In the area I live they won't induce until 12 days overdue.

    ^^ Similar here in Canada. No talk about inducing from OBs or midwives unless there's a medical reason, or you're overdue (10 days for OB, 14 for midwives).

  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    I was offered a sweep at 40 weeks, but went into labour at 39 weeks and they did one then to get it moving. My midwife said they offer all first times mums one at 40 weeks now. My sister is law was pregnant too but she wasnt offered one but it was her forth baby. Hope all goes ok for you.
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,299 Member
    well, had one today - although my midwife was (rightly) concerned that things weren't far enough along for it to work - and it didn't. Worth a try I guess. She has also booked me in for induction next Wednesday which is term + 10 days. It would normally be term + 12 days but my blood pressure continues to be a little high so she's brought it forward a couple of days. So baby has a week to get his act together and come out naturally! The inducement date is two days before my husband's birthday (his 40th as well :) so if it goes that far, we stand a very real chance of husband and son sharing a birthday - eeek!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Good luck :). Not long until you meet your baby now!

    That would be nice to share a birthday. My two girls were both due near my dad's birthday, and I hoped one of them would share a birthday with grandad, but they went too overdue!

    My husband and I share a birthday, in Oct, so if we ever decide to have another baby then I'd like to try for an Oct baby because it would be cool to have 3 of us with the same birthday.