Help....I need alot of good strong support

torenees Posts: 20 Member
I am 44 yo female , I had a gastric bypass in 2002, I weighed 318 lbs and I lost down to 147 went thru a divorce then remarried , lots of stress this past year. my weight is back up 30 lbs. I am very uncomfortable . my energy level is down. my confidence is down. the only thing that's not going down is my weight . help me please. I don't want to continue on this road to self destruction. I need support , an accountability partner who understands and has no need to sabotage. Just support. thanks


  • slralbert2015
    slralbert2015 Posts: 15 Member
    hang in there, you've accomplished so much! I've just started back into healthy eating, and I know its overwhelming. Some days I made great choices, then, like yesterday not so much. Just take each day as it comes
  • tinapunch
    tinapunch Posts: 65 Member
    We're here to help each other......keep your chin up! Let's get through the holidays and get focused on US.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    That is a huge accomplishment losing 147 and the fact that you are recognizing that you need to get back on track is the first step.
  • stevew_68
    stevew_68 Posts: 126 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself. Last year was awful for me. It just topped off a bad few years for me on a personal level. You have to be patient with yourself and not punish yourself too much. As my mind is starting to clear up a bit now, I can see that thats what I did to myself. I now have flicked a mental switch and now feel so much more positive and want to lose the weight Ive gained. It will happen to you. I promise. The time will come when you think, "right, I now need to sort my life out" and you will know its right for you.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    When I fell off I gained back every pound I had lost before, so in my mind you're still waaaay ahead of the game.

    As others have mentioned, stress can really be a motivation killer. And then it becomes a vicious circle where you don't want to put the effort in because you feel crappy but you feel crappier for not putting the effort in. Lots of us have been through (or are still going through) tough times - you deserve all the support you can get!