Wednesday, December 10, 2014

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Great work everyone!
    Laura, hope the Rx works and you lose that awful headache!
    Marla, you are definitely getting plenty of activity this time of year. Hang in there.

    Today was a rainy day and I was short on time, so bussed most of the way to and from the gym. Chest and back day. Gonna do arms here at home because I ran out of time before I had to pick son up. Good workout though. I'm jacking the weight up on every exercise. Feels good to be well-fed. :)
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Sounds like the maintenance plan is working well for you, Sherry.
    Fell better, Laura!
    Good getting up and exercising, April.
    Have a good rest day, Marla, you'll need it this month.

    I went to my trainer workout yesterday. Very happy that I managed to run to it, despite me running late and that fact that it was after dark and raining. I did get my feet wet on the way there. I love my Apollo's for running on rainy days. They might get wet. but they don't hold the water and don't feel uncomfortable when wet.

    I'm still on track for my eating plan. This will be three days in a row. Tomorrow is the work's holiday luncheon. It's both catered and people are supposed to bring in additional food. That is likely to be a challenge. Yesterday I ate under enough that I think that if I eat as I should today, then yesterday's calories will help me get through tomorrow. That's the plan anyway.

    Enjoy the day, everyone!